Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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n the lowest note in the Bali gamut (dang, ding, dung, déng, dong).

      dangal intrans (nangal trans) hold between the teeth.

      dangala pass was-held-by-him-between-the-teeth.

      ḑangal (=d,engal) intrans appear unexpectedly.

      dangan H adj easy, light (not heavy); adv easily (haluh L); intrans be without obstacle, without difficulty; have an easy, carefree life.

      danganan n the hilt of a kris; the handle of a parasol, etc.

      madanganan togog be hilted with a carved figure (on a kris).

      dangangdangang intrans be uneasy and doubtful.

      dangapdangap n a flying lizard.

      dangdang n a copper pot, kettle (=hadang).

      dangdang gula name of a melody.

      ḑangņḑang K n crow (gowak L).

      dangdeng 1 intrans fool about with someone.

      dangdeng 2 n (Gyanyar) a person dwelt in by an evil spirit.

      danggela adj tepid, tasteless, between sick and well.

      danggul (=dangul) n stalk of palm fruits; stem of a bunch of bananas.

      ḑangguru n teachers, learned men.

      dangin 1 n pleasure.

      dangin 2 adv east (=di-hangin).

      dangka n a place of beautiful creatures.

      dangkal adj naughty, mischievous, loose-living.

      dangkangan n wart, boil, ulcer (=dakangan).

      dangklang-déngkléng intrans play at standing on one leg (déngkléng).

      dangkrakdingkrik intrans dance the war-dance (dingkrik).

      dangla adj brackish, slightly salty (water).

      dangsah L adj flat, even, plain, shallow (nangsah trans).

      dangsahang pass be flattened, be made even.

      dangsek intrans be near, be in a crowd (nangsek trans).

      dangsekang pass be brought nearer, be pushed nearer.

      dangsil n an offering built in the form of a temple gate, with a frame of bamboo, ornamented with sweets.

      dangu (Jav) adv formerly, first (=dumun H, malu L); n the first day of the nine-day week (sangäwara).

      dangur n the second day of the nine-day week.

      dangul (=danggul) n the stalk of palm fruits or a bunch of bananas.

      danyuh n dried palm leaf (used as thatch).

      danyuhé limang papah five palm leaves.

      mrakpak danyuh talk to someone in a way that seems to be furious but is not seriously intended.

      buka danyuh nyuryakin hawak ‘like a dried palm-leaf (one) shouts at himself’ =be talked to by one who likes to speak evil of his family or clan.

      dapak n adze.

      ḑapḑap (=dabdab) n a species of tree.

      dapes intrans (napes trans) stretch sth between stakes (as a fence), fasten, tie together, clamp.

      dapesin pass be tied together, clamped.

      dapet intrans (napet trans) come across, find, meet with (tepuk L, panggih R).

      dapetang pass be come across, discovered (panggihin R).

      dapetan n a sort of offering.

      ḑapur (Jav) adj fierce (galak L); singan dapur a raging lion.

      dar intrans make the sound of an explosion.

      dara 1 (Jav) n virgin (the true Bali form is dähä).

      dara 2 n dove, pigeon; kedis dara L, paksi dara H pigeon.

      dara 3 n fig (daha L).

      boh dara (said of a woman) apparently friendly but hard to become well-acquainted with.

      dara kepek a way of tying a headcloth.

      darang C n meat dishes in general; meat, fish (hebé L, hulam R).

      ḑarat (Jav) n dry land, continent (=daet L).

      ḑaratan n a person in trance, whose babblings are interpreted by padandas as prophecies of the future (=wawalén).

      dardar intrans (nardar trans) pierce, penetrate, operate surgically.

      dardara pass be operated on by someone.

      darésdés n a ghost in the form of a civet cat with a long tail.

      ḑarisḑis (=ḑrisḑis) intrans (nḑarisḑis trans) grow fast, sail fast, race.

      darisdis adj proceeding quickly, premature (growth).

      darma 1 adj patient, pious, holy, gentle, virtuous, kind, honest, upright; C n duty, religious law, patience (polos L) (S dharma-).

      darma pawayangan n the rule book for the wayang (including prayers).

      darma 2 n the name of a dance.

      darśana 1 K n model, prescription; messenger (S darśana-).

      darśana 2 intrans (narsana trans) be seemly, be modest.

      darsanahang humble oneself, behave modestly, with seemly humility.

      darsanahin imp behave yourself modestly!

      ḑarta, ḑarţa C intrans (narta trans) make clear, understand (pedas L).

      ḑartayang pass be explained, be mentioned (hucapang L).

      kaḑartayang pass be caused to be explained.

      darumpuk intrans (narumpuk trans) run quickly to.

      darwa (=drawa) adj long; intrans flow like honey.

      das (=des) adv on the point of, almost, about, close to; das mati at the point of dying.

      dasan adv almost, on the point of; just about to.

      dasdasan adv very nearly.

      ḑas (=hedas) n head, top, point; ḑas lemah early morning (sirah kangin C).

      dasa intrans (nasahin trans) be in tens.

      dasa héndriya, daséndriya n the ten senses or desires.

      dasahin be grouped in tens.

      dasa-n n decade, group of ten.

      dasa sila (=sila krama) the ten prescriptions of Hindu morality (ahimsa non-violence, brahmacari reduction of passionate desire, satya truth, awiwahara not being quarrelsome, asténiya honesty in dealings, akroda not angry, guru suśrusa respect for teachers, abhara logawa moderation in food and drink, apramada carefulness in religion and behavior).

      dasa tali L num 10,000.

      dwang dasa L, kalih dasa num twenty.

      hadasa one decade, ten.

      hi dasa tiban sané sampun lintang H the past ten years.

      daśa num ten.

      daśa nama the title of a book.

      duang daśa L, kalih daśa num twenty.

      daśākşara 1 n the ten letters which result from the combination of the wijaksara panca śiwa and the pañcākşara śiwa: sa, ba, ta, a, i, na, ma, śi, wa, ya.

      daśākşara 2 n the eight points of the compass + zenith and nadir.

      dasar intrans (nasar trans) lay a foundation, found; be rich, wealthy; be learned, scientific; n foundation, floor; basis, ground.

      dasar-an n founding, foundation; n a dukun (śudra hermit, ascetic) when possessed by a spirit.


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