Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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wayah n ‘old a,’ the name of the vowel sign a.

      awighnam astu ‘may-it-be without-harm’ (S); a phrase usually written at the head of a book or a letter; it may be followed by swasti, or by nama sidem (S namo siddham).

      awiwahara n the religious duty of promoting peace and avoiding conflict (S).


      ba 1 n the thirteenth letter of the alphabet; ba kembang n the name of the letter bha; ba n the second letter of the pancaksara (sa, ba, ta, a, i,) standing for Siwa.

      ba 2 L adv abbr of suba ‘past, already’; pron abbr of hiba ‘you.’

      ba- a prefix which makes adjectives from adverbs (prepositions) indicating compass-points, e.g. badangin adj lying east of.

      bab (Raf) n chapter, section (of a book) (Arab).

      babad 1 (=babat) n history, a historical account, a particular episode in an epic poem (Jav).

      babad 2 n the stomach or diaphragm of an animal; the retina of the eye.

      babad 3 intrans (mabad trans) clear forest.

      babadan n a clearing, a cleared space; adj having been cleared.

      ba-badé-han L n a guess, an estimate.

      ba-badong n breastplate.

      babadur n a kind of sea fish.

      ba-bagi-yan n part, division, share.

      babah 1 n Chinese man.

      babah 2 interj of amazement or fright (=bah).

      babah 3 intrans (mabah trans) make an opening, open something.

      ba-bahan n a thing brought; a thing obtained.

      babahi n an evil spirit.

      ba-bahi-nan n suffering caused by an evil spirit.

      ba-bahi-yan n weakness, affliction (bahya K misfortune) ba-bahos H n (=bahos) conversation, talk, discussion (pahomongan L).

      ba-bahos-an n (=bahos) conversation, talk, discussion (pahomongan L).

      ba-bahud-an n jokes, jesting, pranks; joker, fool.

      babak intrans (mabak trans) scrape, graze (the skin), blister (from walking or working), peel off (skin); babak belur graze, scrape, scratch in a fall.

      babakan n the ground of a newly formed sawah; L n the bark of a tree (kulit taru H). babakbabakan kinds of bark.

      babakang, babakin pass be peeled, grazed.

      babakkan n a new rice field; a locality, the small area around a little village.

      ba-bakal-an n the material to be used for something.

      ba-bakar-an H n a roast (tatunuhan L).

      ba-bakat-an n inborn ability, talent, gift.

      ba-bakta-han H n burden, something carried (habahhabahan L).

      babakan contraction of babaktahan.

      babakuh-an n ceremonial installation, inauguration.

      ba-balé-n n little platforms constructed for offerings at some festivals.

      ba-bali n custom, customary law, offering, sacrifice; the festival clothes of those having their front teeth filed.

      ba-balih-an n spectacle, show.

      ba-balung-an n cattle, stock.

      ba-banda-han) n a prisoner, one arrested and bound.

      ba-banda-n n sentence, punishment.

      ba-bander-an H n things, materials (brana L).

      ba-banding-an L n likeness, counterpart, an exact copy (himbangan H).

      ba-bandung-an n forgery, counterfeit, an exact copy (intended to deceive).

      ba-banten coll n offerings (religious), all that is needed to make the things offered to gods and evil spirits.

      babang intrans start up out of sleep; run and fall head over heels.

      ba-bangga-n n conceit, boastfulness.

      ba-bangkit n a kind of offering.

      ba-bangun-an n rising up, especially rising from the dead; a cut-out or painted figure representing the corpse at a cremation; a form, a model, a shape; intrans have the form or shape of something.

      ba-banyak-an n the sight of a gun, made in the form of a goose’s beak.

      ba-banyol-an n jokes, amusing things.

      babar 1 intrans (mabar trans) go over, leap over, trespass, transgress, break (the law).

      bababarbabaran intrans play leapfrog, jump over each other.

      babarang pass be caused to go over, be dragged over (fences, etc.).

      babar 2 intrans visit.

      babar 3 interj (emphatic assertion).

      ba-baret n a strong west wind.

      ba-barong-an n a performance with masks.

      babas 1 intrans appear unexpectedly or suddenly, be standing in front of someone else.

      babas 2 n obstacle, hinderance.

      ba-basa-n 1 n proverb, saying; manner of explaining something (mababasan intrans).

      babasan 2 n a dictionary of Kawi into Low Balinese.

      babat intrans roast, toast (mabat trans).

      ba-babatar-an n (=babaturan) floor of stone or earth; the soil, ground; sendi babataran a stone floor.

      ba-batél-an n a drum (beaten quickly) for dances.

      ba-batur-an n a floor of stone or earth (see babataran); n a sacred, flat-roofed building of stone.

      ba-bawos H n (=babahos) speech, discussion, problem.

      ba-baya-n n means of warding off misfortune; prescriptions for these.

      ba-bayon n (=bayu-an) the inner source of strength; the balyan’s ability to babayun (transfer his own life force (bayu) to a patient).

      ba-bayun see ba-bayon.

      ba-becing n tadpole; a brave man.

      ba-béda-n n conceit, arrogance; an arrogant person.

      ba-bedil-an intrans play with toy guns, shoot with popguns, shoot corks.

      ba-bedog-an n a kind of basket for offerings.

      ba-bedug n a kind of big drum.

      ba-bégal-an n robbery with violence, highway robbery.

      ba-béhé n a ghost, a kind of apparition.

      ba-bekal-an n a political district, the region subject to a prabekel.

      ba-belah-an coll n split or broken things.

      ba-beluk-an n rice stunted by disease.

      ba-benat adj naughty, mischievous, wanton.

      ba-bendé n a small bowl, an instrument in the gagambelan.

      ba-bendung-an n dam, dike, obstacle.

      ba-bendu-wan n anger, wrath, fury.

      ba-bentur-an n play-hitting each other.

      ba-bengong-an n anything that causes amazement.

      ba-bencah-an n breaking, breach, fragment, piece.

      ba-bénjul-an n joke, jest.

      ba-beras-an coll n grain, food grains, rice.

      ba-berek-an n rottenness; decaying matter used as manure; depravity.

      ba-besah-an n being washed; things to be washed.

      ba-besen n order, command, instruction.


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