Confusing Words: Методические рекомендаций для учащихся. Методическое пособие. Анна Сергеевна Цыбина
Please check your baggage at the counter.
Luggage (существительное): «багаж», используется в британском английском.
Пример: He lost his luggage at the airport.
Упражнение: Заполните пропуски правильным словом (baggageили luggage)
1. At the airport, you can check your ________ at the counter before security.
2. The hotel porter helped me carry my ________ to the room.
3. In American English, they call it ________, while in British English, they use the word ________.
4. Make sure your ________ is properly tagged with your contact information.
5. She spent hours packing her ________ for the long trip.
6. The airline lost his ________, and he had to file a claim.
Bank (существительное): «банк», финансовая организация, предоставляющая услуги по хранению денег и кредитованию. Пример: I went to the bank to withdraw some money. Bank (существительное): «берег реки», природная полоса земли у края водоема. Пример: The boat was docked on the bank of the river.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate meaning of «»:
Упражнение: Заполните пропуски правильным словом (bank)
1. She visited the ________ to deposit her paycheck.
2. We had a picnic on the ________ of the lake.
3. The ________ offers various services, including loans and savings accounts.
4. A group of trees grew along the ________ of the river.
5. He decided to open a new account at the local ________.
6. The children enjoyed skipping stones on the ________ of the stream.
Bark (существительное): «кора», твердая внешняя оболочка ствола дерева, защищающая древесину.
Пример: The tree’s bark was rough and covered in moss.
Bark (глагол): «лай», громкий звук, издаваемый собаками для выражения агрессии или предупреждения.
Пример: The dog barked loudly to alert its owner of the stranger.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate meaning of «»:
Упражнение: Заполните пропуски правильным словом (bark)
1.The ________ on this tree is very smooth, unlike most others in the forest.
2.When the mailman approached, the dog started to ________ fiercely.
3.Collecting different types of tree ________ can be an interesting hobby for nature enthusiasts.
4.As soon as the stranger entered the yard, the dog began to ________ loudly.
5.The scientist studied the texture of the oak tree’s ________ to determine its age.
6.During thunderstorms, our dog tends to ________ more than usual.
Bat (существительное): «летучая мышь», млекопитающее, способное летать. Пример: A bat flew across the sky at night. Bat (существительное): «бейсбольная бита», спортивный инвентарь для игры в бейсбол. Пример: He swung the bat and hit the ball.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate meaning of «»:
Упражнение: Заполните пропуски правильным словом (bat)
1.During the summer nights, you can often see ________ flying around streetlights.
2.The player picked up his ________ and prepared to hit the ball.
3.A group of ________ roosted in the old barn, making it quite eerie.
4.She practiced her swing with the ________ every evening before the game.
5.The small creature looked like a ________, but it was actually a bird.
.6.He chose a sturdy ________ to ensure he could hit the ball far.
Bear (существительное): «медведь», крупное хищное или всеядное животное. Пример: A bear was spotted in the forest. Bear (глагол): «нести», выдерживать или принимать на себя тяжесть, физическую или эмоциональную. Пример: She could barely bear the weight of the heavy box.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate meaning of «»:
Упражнение: Заполните пропуски правильным словом (bear)
1. While hiking, we saw a ________ in the distance and quickly retreated.
2. He couldn’t ________ the thought of losing his job after working there for so many years.
3. The cub stayed close to its mother ________, which was foraging for food.
4. Can you ________ this heavy bag for me until we reach the car?
5. Polar ________ are well adapted to living in extremely cold environments.
6. She found it hard to ________ the criticism from her colleagues.
Begin / Start
Begin (глагол): «начинать», начинать действие или процесс, часто используется в формальных контекстах. Пример: The concert begins at 8 PM.
Start (глагол): «начинать, стартовать», начинать действие или процесс, чаще используется в неформальных контекстах. Пример: Let’s start the meeting.
Упражнение: Заполните пропуски правильным словом (beginили start)