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here again the devil pulls me under the arm: «Draw a „brick“! Everything is at hand: both „paint“ and „canvas“! You leave a mark, but not inherit! Help me understand dull!»

      The temptation is great – and not only by the grandeur of the seducer. But, thinking for a moment – the limit! – I tactfully, but decisively, «withdraw my hand» for the same reasons as the first time. I already «left footprints»: the second case in a month, ten meters from the first one and on the same topic! Then the brainless will come to the idea, because she will come to him: «Is it a coincidence?»

      This is too much to match. Therefore, while still working out my comrades, I am already making plans for the evening. On the very evening that had already come – through me – on these comrades. «I already have no time to bend over the map of hostilities» in the form of «the chief of my staff»: it’s time to work! Alas, I will have to work under the conditions of a time limit, in an unfavorable operational-strategic situation, «turning already on the march» and «engaging in battle right from the wheel»! Yes, and I have to work out not one client and not one site, because I have already «lit up» my house twice. I assume that «sapienti – sat!», even if among the cops of this «sapienti» cannot be found during the day with fire! But this is the case when you cannot spoil the porridge with butter! Better to be safe than underinsurance!

      Therefore, I have only such a mode of operation: «one leg is here, the other is there!» This means that I must cover at least a couple of areas of the city. And I have to keep within the hour or two, not more: I must minimize the time gap with the «action number two». Incompetent comrades from the competent authorities need to think only what I need. And I need to think, that they should not do. And they do not need to do anything except treading asphalt and expressing regrets about the lack of even minimal clues. This is in their own interest, because «in much wisdom there is much sadness; and who multiplies knowledge, multiplies sorrow». Unnecessary knowledge is a problem not only for the head, but for the ass, and not for someone else’s – for your own.

      So, let the gentlemen of the «Pinkertons» think, that a gang is operating in the city that is not tied to my local territory. For me, it will be an alibi and a false trace: the classic «two in one». And for them that’s an extra reason to tell the authorities: «Oh, a very tricky mystery you invented to us!»

      Eh, we should take a taxi, but it is not necessary! It is impossible: the damned taxi drivers have a memory – even if it turns off! Even today’s defective, with a personal car. Therefore, diligently imitating the unhurried pace, I run to the bus stop. After all, I am not in a neighboring district that starts on the other side of the street. It is not for nothing that they say: «you will put it far away – closer take it!» And I’m going to two non-prestigious areas on the outskirts: I bring cops, but at the same time divert suspicion.

      I admit: I am going unprepared to the task. The terrain is not explored, no reconnaissance, no plan, because with this trinity of pure impromptu came out. It was necessary to postpone the event, include it in the plan, «prepare design estimates, prepare a justification» and so on! But «the soul of the poet did not endure» – and it brought and carried the poet! Unfortunately, not for the first time! So now I’m not only taking away, taking away, but glossing over. Smear the sins that are blemishes. I slander me in an original way: by accepting new ones. Not per capita: on balance. But the fact that it is not my sins excuses me. I correct others.

      Sorry, Lord, but it’s about You! These are Your sins. It is You, the All-Good and the Most Gracious, who allowed and allowed! Indeed, without you and Dad, as you yourself admitted, not a single hair from the head will fall. That’s why I am do not burden the soul, but on the contrary: I unload! And you do not reprimand me to declare «with entering», but bring me on the tablets! «I agree to a medal» – «in the face» of gratitude in the trade union line: «for active participation in the clean-up work on cleaning the territory»… from scoundrels!

      Half an hour I’m on the spot. Fortunately – not only me: potential clientele is on-site also. In its place, albeit not in its own way: in private cars on footpaths. I look at my watch: there is no time for courtesy. Since it is necessary to act decisively and quickly, I do just that: I quickly and decisively ask for trouble. Customers think that – for trouble for themselves. For the time being, I do not dissuade them from this. Comprehension of the truth happens to them at the very last moment, when the blade is already flying towards its destiny – «in the face of the client».

      I am satisfied with the parameters of the object. I didn’t even have to arrange a contest: all the «masters of life» are the same as twins. And this one corresponds to «one hundred percent»: arrogant, fat, with an arrogant smirk and sunglasses on the forehead, which even in the deep darkness will not take for Socratic. He even earns extra points: accelerates pedestrians with wheels, horn and obscene language. He is not embarrassed by the fact, that de jure he is not master here, but pedestrians. After all, he is the «master of life». And that means, he is «the master of everything in it».

      I come to the chosen one and do not even try to diversify the repertoire. Well, the one: about the «brick». The chosen one also corresponds: for a start, «sends me on a business trip to a known address», and then begins to get out of the car to continue «work among me» already in place. And not one begins – but with self-made brass knuckles, which even from «amateur status» do not look less weighty. Looking at the «sweet couple», I make an unmistakable conclusion about the path traveled by a friend: over heads and ribs. In this case, the intellect is clearly not attached to the birth certificate. This facilitates the achievement of mutual understanding. I also «love» those, who personify a new thinking: «I bought it for one dollar in one place, I sold it for three in another, I live for these two percent».

      A comrade does not have time to «turn around in battle formations»: my tool does it before. But the friend manages to grin contemptuously. But this is the last thing that he manages: it is up to us and the «battle friend» to keep up the pace. In the end, everyone gets his: customer – reward, I – satisfaction. The deed is done – and I must go. No rest: on another object. I perform the latest reconnaissance – and I get an additional portion of satisfaction: our fleeting tete-a-tete did not attract the slightest attention of rare passersby.

      Again I look at my watch: only forty minutes have passed since the previous promotion. Taking into account the fact, that those, who want to «pay their respects» are not visible on the horizon, but our forensic examination, in contrast from the cinema, only shows the day of death, I can safely go to the bus stop. My path lies in the area adjacent with this: the same remote place, but with its «masters of life». On the way, I am filled with pride for both of us: for myself and my work. The «Pinkerton» riddle is made on time, in the right quantity and quality.

      To the neighboring area by bus – about ten minutes to go. To the place where the «cool ones are found» is another ten minutes. Twice I have time to praise the bus fleet: the cars go right on schedule and even more. «At the line of attack», I go out with a margin of five minutes. And that means I have time to look around, to make a choice and not to be mistaken with him. All three things I put in a limit. And, most importantly: the goal is the one you need. With the exception of one nuance: it is «three-headed». So, I will have to «slightly exceed the limit» – and my launcher will have to work out in the mode of «separable warheads of individual guidance».

      There is no time to pick and choose: time has gone. Yes, and «ammunition» is nothing special to regret: I use not the «gift» clip, but the one that «for everyday wear». It is also more useful for the alibi: after all, while «I remain faithful». Therefore, I have a legal basis to doubt, that the local Sherlock will succeed in reaching the manufacturer. But if they also do not establish the composition of the alloy, I will be fatally disappointed. I ask pardon, but to deal with absolutely fools, although profitable, but not interesting!

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