on option «number two». At first, I wanted to «introduce myself» to local state security. I have a travel card – the appropriate one: a red crust with gold embossing. Until you figure out what is written there – and I am already a «special service»! Yes, and I will not let you understand!
But this thought is good only for the first time, because the idea is rough and it does not always have a chance to pass. Much depends not only on you, but also on the client and the case also. With this option, a lot is needed for success: speed, onslaught, impudence. But the main thing is reliability: artistic data is always needed. And now I am «not in the image»: no suitable state of mind. No creative mood.
But there is a duplicate option. And I use it. Principality – it is arrogance in relation to the «servants of the law» – is the trouble-free method. «Servant» will not always lead to imposture, but always provocation bite! But how else: he is the «master of life»! And therefore he must teach me life – and at the same time «give life» by giving on vital organs.
The «guardians» are taken aback: they have obviously lost the habit of «compliments» in their address. But their confusion does not last long: a couple of seconds, not more. And already at the third second, they are amicably, as if on cue, get out of their cars.
«Yes, yes, all – here!» I continue «to cause a fire on myself». In their interpretation: «seek adventure on your ass». My call stimulates the movement activity of the «watchmen». Almost by jumping, they overcome the distance that divides us. Two of them on the move unbutton holster. The average citizen with these gestures should already «ship in his pants». My pants are working in the provision of the regime «hands – in the pants.» And not figuratively: my hands are where my instrument of production.
«Hands behind head! Face – to the car!» commanded me dashing major. Apparently, for excitement, he forgets about the team about the legs. We must also order: «Legs – shoulder-width apart!» As in the morning gymnastics: «Lean forward!» But this scenario is not the same. According to this scenario, now they should put me on the ground, carry out explanatory work among me – by means of my legs, and then escort me to the «office»: it’s not just one of them – such a pleasure. The guys honestly share me with colleagues. After that, I will be installed, attracted and transfered through the court. Load me up so that little does not seem. «My back» will be offered the entire «gentleman’s set»: from the provision of resistance, accompanied by violence – to the storage and distribution of drugs. No, of course, the valiant guards will not declare that I tried to distribute drugs among them. For this business, they always have a «public rations».
«Comrades» are waiting for the execution of the team. They are waiting with impatience: they are no longer eager to expose me… with their feet. I take my hand out of my pocket. I don’t have time to show clients the image of death: the object is in the line of fire, even at a distance of aimed shooting. And laughter about my «argument» I had already heard enough. This is not the repetition that is the mother of learning. The simpler is the better in this particular case.
The major does not have time to duplicate his order, because Christ’s logic comes into play: «And what do you look at the bough in your brother’s eye, but do you not feel the log in your eye?» I don’t know if the major had time to feel it, but the «beam» of my blade sticks out in his eye. Very small the tail sticks out: the rest is already «permeating the space», taking the next client into the past.
Beyond the time limit, I cannot allow his companions to even be taken aback properly. Therefore, the «shots» follow, one after the other. And one after another my clients in ironed uniforms are falling to the ground. I am not Hercules in part of the musculature and not Bruce Lee in the field of martial arts. But on the part of «call in the eye» – I am a little bit of Robin Hood. I will not say that, like him, I will split the blade with a blade, but at five paces I will not give the slip, as they used to say in Pushkin’s times! Well, here is a talent I have one! I would have to fight for gold at the Olympics – and, I understand, I am fighting for the truth at my place of residence! But I take my job professionally – not worse than the Olympians. I respect clients «for the whole ten», otherwise I would be guaranteed a completely different one from their side!
So it’s done. To admire the still life – here, really, that’s strictly: «dead nature»! – I am busy. And so the saved moments I spend, or rather, invest in a circular review, as I was once taught both in the soldiers and in the students. The review pleases with the desired «presence of absence»: no one in sight. I hope, and me too. I return the knife to my pocket and mentally I spit with clients. It’s time to tackle the issue of an alibi: after all, for the third time I am «giving a tip to myself».
I giving a farewell glance at foreign cars. A hot wave of desire rises within me, because I want them all to burn to the ground! I have a specific desire. Because I «greet»… more precisely, «welcome» not only «motorists», but also cars. Optimization of the car would have caused me no more regrets than the optimization of their owners. And regrets about optimizing the owners I have no more, than regrets about crushed cockroaches. It is more appropriate to say, that it is desirable to consider the optimization of a car «in one package» with the optimization of their owners. And I would have done it if it were not for a whole bunch of «but».
On the one hand, cars, like, and nothing to do. But the whole thing is what a car! A normal citizen can see such a car… only on the pedestrian path in the place of residence. This car is an exclusive for the «owners of life»! And he will pass by inheritance to the next «owner». Hence: the absence of exceptions for the owner excludes them for his «iron horse», the one, that is, albeit unwittingly, but a means of violating traffic rules. The one that is of noble origin is intended solely for violations.
So what: sorry nothing. In the sense of: not about anyone, except myself: I don’t have time for «extra services». And there is no it because there is no magic wand! This is one thing: to wave the wand – and «here it was – and no!» And quite another thing is the world without wizards, especially in conditions of hard time trouble. And the distraction to unscheduled volume is what is, and a departure from the principles. For my claims to the «gland» are mediated through the «living organism». But I am not only not the avenger, but not luddit. Therefore, my glance is filled with bitterness, but the thought is sober: to leave without fireworks! Especially since «representatives of the alibi» were waiting for me – those, who are destined to give it to me.
I do not suffer from searches. This time I don’t have to go far lands. I after all changed the parameters of the clientele. Therefore, I only need to «fix the past». Fix in the brains of those, who follow in my footsteps. Or rather, according to the one that I will provide.
I know where I should go for the alibi: to the places of the greatest concentration of «watchmen». And where are these places? That’s right: where it is quiet and light, where law-abiding people skip themselves, offspring and dogs. Our «watchman» is not a fool, even being an idiot. He will not go where the «element» has already gone, because there is the lack of light with an excess of trouble there. And the «servant of the law» must also return home in order to spread «extrabudgetary» butter on his budget piece of bread, «voluntarily donated by a grateful population».
And I’m going to the park. Rather, in what was left of him through the efforts of the chief architect and chief of staff of the city magistracy. The sun is already beginning to fall beyond the horizon: the meeting in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate on the subject of «even more devoted service to the people» was clearly drawn out. But the «survivors» lanterns have not yet lit, because for «time «x»… it’s not time yet. The latest light resources and the presence of a wide avenue, «theoretically illuminated,» allows watchful guards to leave the workplace relatively quietly. Today, they have already