And, here they may be lucky – for the road.
It turns out, that we are going out with the «comrades» at the same time «from point A and point B». Our meeting is inevitable, because I correctly solved the problem in terms of speed calculations. Therefore, our meeting will take place in a relatively secluded place: each park has its own appendix. Ours is no exception. I do not try to attract the attention of the guards, but for some reason I have no doubt that I will surely attract him. This is evidenced by my experience – both in life and in meetings with the «supervisors». Therefore, I have no doubt that the «comrades» will try to complicate my task – and at the same time life. This is not included in my plans, but does not interfere with them. On the contrary: «one more brick in the wall», as Pink Floyd aptly defined at one time: another stone in the foundation of my righteousness and legitimacy.
We «discover» each other. True, I do it a little earlier, because I need this meeting a little more. We are entering the opposite course – and the meeting is already inevitable. I see how «comrades» «for some reason» look at each other meaningfully and even joyfully. Well, that: I look forward to you, friends!
«Your documents!»
Sergeant is full of official significance and civil greatness. Start, not so hot, what, but that’s good to start.
«Has the curfew already arrived?»
I am not joking: I’m asking for trouble. And it seems, that I succeed in this: the smirk that settled on my vis-a-vis’s face slowly leaves it. The «guardian» is not yet aware of the enormity of my crime, but already understands, that I am on the right track, and he and his colleague even more so.
I do not have time to group – and get a baton on the ribs. That’s oddly enough, but I am satisfied: it was not I, who «opened fire on the headquarters». Now the optimization will go for a sweet soul, even if not for a sweet soul. «The servants of the law», meanwhile, had already «armed themselves with their feet» with the clear intention of knocking me out «for one more portion of butter». In general, the calculation is correct, if you count on the average citizen, intimidated by power, wife and life. But this time, the «comrades» are mistaken in the calculations, because I first calculated. And this is for me to knock out… sticking.
I «groan from pain» artistically – and reach into my pocket. «Comrades» joyfully «rub their hands» – through the eyes. But they will not shine for long: this is already my concern and my little iron friend, the one, that I extract instead of the notes. The sergeant even manages to resent his face: his disappointment is so strong, that I did not live up to the expectations placed on me. He is clearly already going to impose responsibility on me – through hands and, maybe, legs, because I am incorrectly «guided by the place». Because I «disturb public order». More than that: I try on social foundations! After all, this society is only on such foundations! He has no others! And that means that I am the enemy of society! The enemy of all that is dear to these people, even if it is expensive – from the pockets of other people!
I work on the lead: the sword – in the form of a fist – is already brought over my head. That is, already moving in the direction of my nose. And I put a «retaliatory strike». Bah! Bah! «Comrades» are optimized. At least, one of them – a sergeant – deserves to say goodbye to him. Individually: spitting in the face. But I appreciate too much the possibility of forensic biological expertise. I don’t want to give detectives an extra clue. And therefore I am limited to a friendly kick in the ass goodbye. Do not worry: if the dust will be identified, then only as a generic concept. Like dust, that is.
In the autumn evening comes quickly. The sun has just shone – and now it is increasingly replacing the pale sickle of the moon. But its activity is only in the work with his elbows: in matters of energy supply comrade is not a competitor to the star. And this circumstance more than suits me. I calmly look around at the place, calmly fix the «presence of absence» and calmly «retreat to the rear». For today I executed the program, although I did not program anything…
Chapter six
The city is full of rumors, potential clientele – of fears. The effect of just starting my career exceeds all expectations and expectations of all. Naturally, everyone expected their own fate, but not everyone waited. This is me – about customers: their expectations are of a completely different kind. The «people», who define themselves over the people, react as they should… to me: full pants of «good». In the calculations for their address, I was not mistaken.
It seems, I was not mistaken in the calculations and at the address of those, who are at my address: our valiant detectives, valorous only the fact, that once again they demonstrate a complete innocence to the prowess. Comrades have no chance to be awarded with medal «For Valiant Labor»: there is neither work nor valor. Usually it is enough only for the heroic deprivation of property and the health of the «defendants», always at the place of service and when working in the numerical majority. And this is not like in hockey, but as in the military: for the success of an offensive operation, you need to create a threefold superiority in forces. Through our daily practice, our «guards» argue that «in war as in war» is not only in war, even if they are fighting only with their own people.
«Firemen are looking for, police are looking for…» Fortunately, they are not looking for me, but without a nameless villain who will take «about three heads» or even more. Comrades went where I sent them. And not sent as they «send» us. I did without the mediation of the language. But that didn’t stop me from instructing them «on the road» – and it does not matter, that far from true. At a minimum, I provided the comrades with a front of work, mainly in the line of collecting waste paper.
I gave the authorities of the rank-and-file Pinkertons the opportunity to prove themselves in all their glory: to show off in front of the cameras at the moment of giving instructions and assurances. Instructions and assurances, although offered to different consumers, are no different from each other with the exception of verb forms. In the first case, the verb is used in the imperative mood: «take» (measures), «establish identity», «neutralize». In the second this is the same, but in the first person in the plural: «we will accept», «we will establish identity», «we will neutralize».
So far, the instructions and assurances «correspond» to only one third – on the part of «take.» Municipal Department of Internal Affairs widely notified the general population, that it: a) accepted the plan; b) took action; c) made commitments. This «three-headed» acceptance of the case was limited. Then it goes didn’t want, no matter how pushed his superiors. The case got up because it was «stuck».
I do not dismiss the blame for this disastrous result, of course: I did not give a tip, did not «light up». But the Pinkertons are «good» too: they are very bad. Operatively resting on the wall, the investigators immediately moved the «beaten path»: instead of working on the case, they took up work with the case. After a week from my «second coming», the valiant MDIA was able to present public first results of their arduous activities: the first and very plump volume. Of course, it could also show other results of its activities and also puffy: swollen faces of «developed persons», but did not do that. And not out of humanity, but for technical reasons: swollen faces did not fit into the screen. And the result was only on the face, and not obvious: the faces of the «faces» have undergone without good for the cause, as for the cause of truth, and for a particular criminal. They have endured, as elements of the next insolvent version.
But it’s not for nothing that Lomonosov used to say: «How much in one place it will decrease, so much in another will increase». The failure of «law enforcement» is a clear proof of my viability, at least, the viability of the measures I have taken to ensure that no action is taken in regards to me. Failure to take effective measures – through the adoption of inactive – those, that are not for the cause, but for the «cause».
But «resting