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I am convinced: the work was done qualitatively – through holes in skulls. I have no time for lyrics again – not to mention about desire – and I look at the clock: one hour and five minutes from the first «stripping». It seems to fit the standard: three stocks – within an hour. For Russia it’s almost simultaneously. And then the informants will help the «native militia»: they will give a minute disagreement. And the exact time will be approximate, as required. The discrepancy will be within tolerance: «plus or minus».

      I breathe out with a full breast and with the step of a Stakhanovist, coming from the shift, I head for the bus. I must go home. On the way, I meet no one: it was already dark, and in this, by God forgotten, the land, the people half an hour, as dispersed to their homes. By the way, the ill fame of both regions is by the way. Where else to work detectives, if not in problem areas, especially since I threw them fresh problems.

      So, I did today, as many as three good deeds «about the seven heads». I foresee the question: «Well, why are you attached to these car owners?» He will be asked by a person who is not burdened with brains. The one to which the lacking truth does not reach: it is necessary to bring. I bring: the case – not in the car, but in the types. Because they are not just types: types. They are the personification of unrighteousness, its quintessence and the focus of all the evils of the «exclusively inhuman» regime. For this regime excludes man from being, for it is for some men at the expense of others – and those others is the vast majority. And let me not on their behalf, but from among them. Therefore, in returning to the violators of traffic rules, I pay the whole regime. I reward, without even setting myself the goal of reward.

      But my critic is also wrong for another reason. In my work, I do not limit myself to artificial frames. I am a «multi-stationer» – not from nature, but from such a life. Life does not allow for selectivity. Indeed, in this case, no less worthy of the number of potential customers will be overlooked. Alas, but a textbook of «there are many called here, but few chosen ones» needs substantially edited. In this: «as many as are called, there are as many elect».

      It means that «I go out alone on the road» not to not see the forest behind the trees. And let me not enough for this work, this work is enough for me. After all, even in the Year of the Dog, or, there, the monkeys, our age is the Age of the Rogue! And our century is enough for our age!

      Therefore, the «comrade» can be calm: «there will be a pipe for you, there will be a whistle». Have a condescension: I’m just getting up to speed. And then: it is impossible to grasp the immensity. And I am always ready to add: «but the possible need to embrace!» As one man said: «So let us cut these heads until the sword is dull!» And I am much closer to the literal interpretation of the covenant, than its author himself! So, if I need criticism, I myself am at my disposal. And not idle criticism for the sake of, but for the «correction line».

      Chapter five

      «Firefighters are looking for, police are looking for…", as one comrade wrote. People of my age remember how these searches and these lines ended: «Search everywhere, but they cannot find…". This poetic report on the search touched an unknown hero. I can rightfully take it to myself. And not with one reason: with many. First of all, they are looking for me too. Secondly, it is the police. Thirdly, they are looking for committing the heroic act in the amount of three to seven units. No matter what is heroic, only in my understanding. Fourthly, they are looking for me – and they cannot find me. And not because they are looking bad: because I help me not to find. After all, if they were looking for the hero of the poem, albeit for scanty, but still signs: a typical appearance, typical pants, then in my case the detectives don’t have that either. Well, I did not give anything at their disposal.

      Therefore, it gives me an unconditional aesthetic pleasure to hear on TV the plaintive requests of the police to assist it in the search for an unknown attacker. Due to this «crying» it is not difficult to conclude, that I have already been made more than once: «the unknown tried to remain unnoticed – and he succeeded in this». The lamentations of the militiamen are another argument for.

      It strengthens and raises, but, at the same time, and does not allow. In order of succession: faith in yourself, mood, loss of vigilance. Yes, there are shifts: nothing moves. As far as I understand, my opponents understood what they should have understood: nothing. They decided what they, today’s, and must decide: this is the work of unknown hooligans. To accept hooligans for robbers and robbers they are not allowed by the fact that «the victims of the attack of the unknown» remained «in their own interests». With the exception of one: life.

      With a feeling of deep satisfaction, I learn, that I managed to remove suspicions from my place of residence. Opponents are clearly beginning to «spread the idea of the tree». And, «spreading out», they cannot «flow» in one direction. No, of course, they have a lot of versions. But all of them are from despair and for paper. True, one day a very unhealthy one flashes – because a healthy one – the thought: «What if avenger put his hands to this case?»

      I am already beginning to worry – and not only for the fate of thought, but also for my own – but I immediately get the opportunity to calm down. The thought of a comrade is quickly knitted hand and foot with one single counter-question: «This avenger is something like Figaro: here and there?!» And the fellow «floats». At first he tries to raise the noun «avenger» into the dignity of the plural, and then, without waiting for the «third cock» on his ass, courageously capitulates. The proposal, as going out of step with the general opinion, is consigned to oblivion.

      For this reason, unity of mind reigns supreme: this is the aggregate unrelated disparate actions of hooligans, their own for each district. There turns the eyes of «stars» of the regional police department – where I look at them.

      I am calm: everything goes according to plan. I do not observe any pedestrian walkway auto-privatizer out of the window. Familiar businessmen – real scoundrels! – covered, if not horror, then thoughts about life and about yourself. The air smells of autumn and pacifying peace. I do not claim copyright for the smell of autumn, but appeasement is my production. Pleases and the attitude of «people». He reacts adequately: «by stormy applause, turning into a standing ovation», even if only in eyes. That’s because «our love with the owners» is mutual – «to the coffin», in which one side is trying to drive the other. Well, as it should be in democracy in the Russian way.

      The tacit approval of people does not oblige me to anything – and at the same time it does. And may I not be «a conscious fighter for the cause… and so on», but because «I cannot do otherwise». Therefore, for the «rear» I am calm… after I organize it myself: «people» – it is «people». There is only one hope for people: that it will not betray you. But it can: «people» it is «people»! Therefore, I am not for it: I am for myself, and not «in the name and on behalf of», but because «who, if not me?!»

      Then: why «obliges»? Honestly, I do not know. I have only one clever explanation: because I am a fool. If I was not fool, nothing would oblige me. I did not subscribe to obligations. I do it at the behest of the soul, and not according to the order. And in the matter of optimizing such an object, this consideration is paramount. One should not go to this business like unloading wagons, but fluttering along with the soul! Because all the soul must invest in this case – and not only your own! In such a case, no one can call you: only you yourself! Here, I called myself. And under such a call, it is quite possible that the feeling that trust imposes responsibility can slip through. Meaning: inspires! Not as a line from a contract of employment, as a moral incentive! I do not find another explanation. And I have no time to look for him: the work is worth it. And, okay, just worth it: waiting! You can say: I have already waited!

      As a result, «I’m alone on the road… dragging a weary ax». Here it is time to say: «a lot of plans». This is the question to which I have already answered: on the priority of interests. So,

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