work – at least, write down the Guinness Book of Records!
Today there is the real defile of «cool» cars here – of the «cool» cops. So they serve the people selflessly, that they have reached the «Lexus», or even two «per nose»! This is not counting the elite apartments, cottages, furnishings and «elite» accounts of the «closed type»! «To whom a great deal is entrusted, much is given to that!» And, if not given, then taken! Our «righteous tenants» are the real specialists on the interpretation in their favor not only human laws, but also divine! That’s another «point» in their «debit».
But today I will have to sweat. And much more than those pedestrians, some of which combines cross-country running with running with obstacles, and the other should be set «away from sin». That is, retreats to the starting line for a circumvention maneuver in the hope of avoiding a meeting with the «defenders». And, here, «we will go another way». For them, the shortest distance is a curve. But I remain loyal to the «golden classics»: «I attach a ruler».
The fact, that people dematerialized, that’s even good: I do not need and sympathetic views. The best help from the side is her absence. Because «in many wisdom there is a lot of sadness…". Or, as the same Mayor said: «Sometimes a lot of mind is worse, than if it hadn’t been at all!» Comrades passersby relieve themselves from the sin of meeting with me, and me from the sin of meeting them. Let not themselves deliver, but thanks to the «masters of life», who did not allow them to become even random passersby. And this already helps them not to become «victims of an accident»: true to the classics, I leave no witnesses. And this is not my fault, but them: always have to be in that time, and in that place.
But I deduct this merit to the «valiant» guardians as not active, and in passive. After all, they did a good deed on the way to evil. Not even that: the good turned out to be only a by-product of evil. «Waste production».
I proceed to reconnaissance. Not all cars are habitable. Part of the car owners managed to disperse in the corridors of the magnificent building of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, which was once the temple of science. At the time of «totalitarianism», the Research Institute of some exact sciences flourished here. But with the «triumph of democracy» the sciences did not disappear – and the need for churches to worship them disappeared. And the amenities of «defenders of the people» also had to think! After all, science will not protect the new owners of life from the people – and this is the primary concern of the «servants of the people»! Well, how can you not please the native man?!
On the one hand, the «lack of personnel» is distressing. I came not then to walk twice. It turns out the shortfall of the plan. But on the other hand… As a finished materialist, I cannot fail to recognize the law of the unity and struggle of opposites. Therefore, the other party must have a place to be – and has. And on the other hand, my task is made easier: «it is impossible to grasp the immensity». It was only the hero of the song, who could smugly say: «I am the holder of the sky with strong hands!». For all their fortresses, my hands will not suffice not only to heaven, but also to the piece of the earth! We, realists, must be… realists! After all, optimizing two dozen violators – namely, so many violates the rules of the road today – and remaining incognito at the same time is akin to a feat in the square!
And I «go to the goal» with peace of mind. For additional calm for the time of work, I «turn off» the soul. Even «iron Felix» the Chekist’s parameters: «hot heart» and «cold head». And am I not a security officer?! At least, along the line of work in the deep underground, even under his window?! That and it: the security officer!
First of all – the second after reconnaissance – I produce inventory. There are in stock five goals for twenty-four units. I must manage, because it is necessary. There is a word: «We must!» And we, fools, have such a right, which is a duty: first to jerk a stripped vest on the chest, and then – from the trench! Nothing obliges us, but we still do it! But if you took a tug – take away life and the jackpot! I do not need a jackpot – I need lives! And therefore, not even called, I answer: «Yes!» I answer myself – not to someone else’s man, who sometimes says, it seems, the right words, but it turns out, as in the saying: «Not the mistress who says – but the one who cooks soup!»
All car owners are of the titular nation. «Aliens do not go here», especially, they do not drive. This simplifies my task even more: our «love» is mutual. Because I used to perceive Kipling as abstract literature – about the fact that «there,» they have it.»
Take up the White Man’s burden —
Send forth the best ye breed —
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives’ need;
To wait in heavy harness
On fluttered folk and wild —
Your new-caught sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.»
Now I read these verses as an autobiography. And so the bill to «those who are», I have a little bit personal. But it is a seasoning to the dish: the objectivity of the consumer does not interfere. On the contrary: promotes learning – in this case, of the souls of men. Conditionally human: after all, «the owners of life» are «beings of a higher order». That is how they themselves and «position», in vain, that they themselves – only in the first generation are not «from the plow». But conditionally human they are for me. True, «from the other side»: nothing human, with the exception of external resemblance, I do not observe in them. Therefore, I agree with the classification: «creatures». And, if they are beings, then I have no sin either. Sin is our human construction «for internal use» only. Therefore, I do not even need an indulgence: there is no crime object.
Is it conceptual confusion? «Mixing genres»? It may be, although, hardly. But if this is so, it is not from a lack of thoughts and arguments. And those and others – an excess, even though the competition arrange! Now I am satisfied: I have not one line of defense, but as many as you like! And every argument is like a bayonet! And all together they stand like a mountain for me! But I’m not hiding behind them. I just declare their presence to all interested parties, and, above all – to me, because we, intellectuals, love to delve into the soul. We love to tear it up and turn it inside out. But when she is under the reinforced concrete foundation of authority, when she is in a bullet-proof vest of arguments and arguments – try, dig it up! And I have such a defense – «blood from the nose»! I have to go to work! What are we security officers, if not with a cool head?!
Of the five objects of work, four are officers in uniform, and only one is a sergeant. But he has such an impudent, such fat face that I begin to moan with grief: the comrade obviously brought a big boss. And, judging by only the details of the driver, the boss deserves at least an extraordinary optimization. I know these and not according to rumors: «We were once trotters once…».
But to «no» there is no trial. That is, it is, but postponed. And this is not a big word: I’m memorizing the number of the car. In absentia I sentence the absent client. But the «presence of absence» does not detract from the presence of de facto: after all, but four souls. Four waiting for my close attention soul! I use this noble word only in an arithmetic sense: as a unit of account, because I do not even doubt the absence of «souls» of the soul. That is normal, human. There is a bulletproof vest, but, unlike me – not to protect the soul, but instead of it. And body armor is of a police officer. And that says it all. No comments.
Reconnaissance leads me to a disappointing conclusion: I am at a strategic disadvantage. The cars are lined up, but of the two, the number one closest to me with the client, is well visible. I do not have time to work them all in turn. No matter how lazy and stupid they are – and I have only one of them all. I simply will not reach the last in the list. Even if he is not armed