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visual information is not enough in this case, of course. Well, after all, I myself is to blame: there was nothing to turn into «a little bit in a social activist». Therefore, I «expand the circle of informers». I collect additional characteristics from open sources: newspapers, Internet, rumors, opinions of colleagues. Colleagues are usually the most principled: they do not spare not so much themselves as each other. And not at work: outside it. Therefore, their information can be trusted, if not «for one hundred», then for ninety «with a tail». Envy for succeeding the other is the most reliable key for opening mouths and souls. All I have to do is «move a stone» – and an avalanche of revelations will sweep away the «untainted image of the selfless worker of the sofa and chair».

      Where do I get these opportunities from? So, after all I am «a little bit from there» myself. «We were once trotters». I was in the System myself – it was the System that rejected me, because a little earlier, I turned away the System. This is not forgiven – and I was not forgiven. I left – yes, a little bit remained a few roots in the face of individual «friends». As I left, I didn’t have any planes on them, but they «saved themselves» as a source of information. At first, I consumed it along with a snack under the next «one hundred grams» of vodka. But when I «embarked on the warpath», the maintenance of the conversation on my part was already focused. In the end, I became the owner of such a number of «palace secrets», that even after sifting through a frequent sieve, they would be enough for several sentences.

      But judges can rest assured of their missing conscience: «I do not want to disturb you with anything». The solution to the problem of my clients is my problem. And I solve it in my own style: operatively and exclusively in a surgical way.

      So, what about worry, I cannot worry: my work front is wide. But I start by saying, that… I continue in the same vein and in the same spirit: I go according to the souls of violators of traffic rules. This time they are from among those, who are ex officio resolutely suppressed. But since they are unable to stop, for the violators are the essence, I come to their aid as a volunteer, as no one is an authorized social activist.

      «Not long the music played». But at the same time, «a holy place is never empty». In the literal sense: recently cleaned of «tough» violators, the place under my window is even more vigorously settled by gentlemen from the local police department. Unfortunately, I have no luck with my place of residence: I coexist with local law enforcement officers. But they only care for my place of residence – only to the parking lot. Alas: they consider themselves to be «masters of life» to an even greater degree, than the owners of «cool cars». Yes, they themselves are the owners of «cool cars»… with a salary, which will be enough to buy a piece of bread and a pair of pants.

      Why none of the «boss speaker» does not even look out the window? Why no one slides an eye on this defile of foreign cars? Why nobody does not ask the question: «Tell me, comrade, is it not for nothing…"? I haven’t been interested in this «why-bother» for a long time After all, all the questions have one answer: the one, who should ask, is «from the same basket»! And for demand, you can also get a counter argument: «Tell me who I am – I will say who you are!» And get it exclusively on the neck, as well as more tangible places.

      Therefore, I’m replacing these questions with another, more relevant: «So, we have a road there?» I didn’t come right away – and not to my comrades: to the thought. I’m not a «fighter for an idea». My principle is: «You do not touch me – I do not touch you». In order for what happened to happen, quantity must turn into quality, to be more precise, the amount of mental anguish – in the quality of determination. And one day it happens, as it should be, by chance. On the basis of the car and the traffic rules again, when the «guardians» dispersed the pedestrians peacefully walking along the allotted street on their foreign cars. Accident is a special case of regularity. And, if movie character, under the impression of what he saw, said: «And then I decided: „To sell!“, I decided, though also in one word, but even sharper: " To delete!»

      My personal moment is not a detonator to the public. One just layered on the other. But there is no one to anyone no appendage. So sometimes it happens, that the personal and the «other» go not only by parallel courses, but also by the same path. They go both in my brain and outside of them. Once again: I am not the avenger usually. Basically: it does not always work for me. Sometimes «I leave the image» and hardly return to it. With hard work over clients «not from the list». But, if I am at times and avenger «not for myself», I am only «for the company», because I am «in the name and on behalf of myself». Although I will not hide: the feeling of universal injustice, fleshed out by personal impressions and «case materials», is also involved in the progress: moves me to the point. More precisely: on business. Therefore, sometimes I can say about myself: this particular set of «inspired us to work and to feats».

      Another lyrical digression is to ensure that my «movers», «historical roots» and that «guiding and directing» were clear. No, it – «the same one» – does not push me in the back and does not drag me by the collar. It only helps me not to make a mistake in choosing a goal. The goal must be worthy part of my client. My «inner pilot» only guides me to the path of truth. And I can no longer take another route:

      «Where is the truth? Above the truth is fog.

      She lives between snakes and ashes in a crypt,

      But I go after it and light

      Its way with my trembling lantern» (Edith Södergran).

      No wonder another comrade said: «The point is not in the roads we choose. The point is that inside us it makes us choose the road». And no matter how «high» it is, it «forced» me – and now, I light the way to the truth, partly, of course, and not always literally. Because I «light up», «thinning, weeding and removing». Whom? Weed element, naturally: nouveau riches of all stripes and their advocates from the people – those same law enforcement officers, who are protected exclusively by the rights of the haves. And those «servants of the people» who changed their roles with him, having overlooked the principle of one wise man: «consent is a product with complete non-resistance of the parties» – for there was no such agreement.

      That’s why I go back to work. Do not go myself: they lead me – no sense of duty: the unjust deeds of the unrighteous. It does not give me not stay aside! Hence there is the setting: «And the eternal battle! Rest is only in our dreams!» Well, and my clients, I hope, if they dream of peace, it is only in terrible dreams. Although one of them should be reached, «you will be judged for your deeds»! That «from anyone who has been given much, much will be required, and to whom much has been entrusted, from that more will be demanded»! Here I go – on the soul and on the heads. Alas, there is no other road to justice, least, in our life.

      I’m afraid to be annoying, but I did not choose the path: he chose me. And the «comrades» helped him not to make a mistake with the choice. Although, they know, with what and with whom it will end, they would not spare the forces for a mistake. After all, they helped this path choose not only me, but themselves also: me – as a judge and executioner, themselves – as defendants and convicts. And not as victims: as objects of deserved retribution. Therefore: «let justice be done!» For it can happen only outside the walls of the «palaces of justice»: there it is, even if by right, but unrighteous…

      So, I’m going to kill – on the situation again. Here it is – another proof of my personal approach to the issue! «Citizen» in me «has a rest», although I «plow» for him and at him like a nigger! This work is unplanned, but urgent: boiling so that the cover breaks! Most of all «gets» the fact. that they violate those who should stop. I can still understand «Quod licet Jovi, non licet Bovi»: «What is allowed to Jupiter, is not allowed by the bull!» But where is at least one «Jupiter»?! There are solid «bulls» around! «You take bribes not according to rank!», as rightly

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