but the day does not allow – the one, which «takes care of it». This is because it cares only for me in terms of writing cares and laying goods. I owe nothing to anyone… except myself. Well, the day that «cares». Therefore: «an order is given…". And, true to myself, I myself answer: «Yes!»
«Everybody from the list» help the day to «take care of» – on my head and on my ass. Despite the beneficial effects of fear and rare thoughts not about the pocket, the potential clientele soon begins to confront itself, that all this is not about them. These slogans are well known to me. «Anyone, but not me!» «This cannot be, because there can never be!»
But comrades are wrong, because they lull themselves, and do not refute me. They are lulling, not proving. Do not prove their innocence and invulnerability. And I’m already going. And not only by their tracks, but also by their souls! For their lost souls that I need to bring… no, not to the light: on the road leading straight to hell! They deserve no other way! I did not coordinate this issue with the Prince of the World, but I think, that he will approve of my line: both the line of conduct and the one I conducted for clients – and among them. On the basis of merit, my clientele is His clientele. I don’t want to say, that I was contracted, but I think that the Lord doesn’t complain to me either. After all, I save Him from both worries and from ballast.
Alas: clients not only lull themselves, but also return to the paths the unrighteous: on footpaths and to the unrighteous being. They again begin to place on their heads the crown of the «masters of life» and under the «crown» —the collar on our necks. This is not just a relapse. It’s a challenge. Challenge us all. But most importantly: it is a challenge to me personally! «Everything is back to normal»? Well, well, if this is so, then I «walk in a circle» and at the same for their souls! If you do not want the bad – in the good will be even worse! Maybe, at least this time the setting «repetition is the mother of learning» will prove itself on practice!
Unfortunately – and maybe, on the contrary – work plans have to be adjusted. I do not always have the opportunity to work out a client right away at the place of his becoming a client. That is, as soon as I discover the fact of traffic violations. The reasons are many: over-limit liveliness in the street, a disproportionate amount of work, unequal forces, excess light, and so on. I’m not a wizard, after all: «I’m just learning». And it is only in a fairy tale, that something there helps to create real miracles. In life I am a soloist on the issue of creating miracles. And since I don’t have a magic wand, with which the fool will pass the exam for the wizard, I have to take into account every component of the «miracle», first of all, the realities. In this context: «am I capable? Will I be able to?»
That is why very often it is not immediately «I go alone on the road». There are times when «going out» it’s the same, that to look for adventure. Therefore, having found the intruder, I no longer cling to the instrument of production. Instead of it, I «switch to accounting»: I remember the numbers of cars, and – if it’s possible – the details of the driver and the number of stars on epaulets. This is not just memorization – this is crediting to the conduit. This is, moreover, the production of a «friend» to customers, only deferred by execution.
And then the routine begins. This is familiar to me not from books and films. After all, I once did not just «fall out of the cage»: from this one. Therefore, I know all the tracks «leading to Rome»: former colleagues, newspapers, the Internet, television, and more my own legs and eyes. In our case, laziness is the most expensive. And so I’m not lazy. But I do not «shine» unnecessarily. And, if it’s necessary, I do not «shine»: «we all learned a little something and somehow».
«Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten». And I prove the validity of this postulate every day. And not only I prove, that is, I am in the process, but I also prove (as a result)! In the end, no one has yet been forgotten for what should not be forgotten. I can only follow the installation: «remember all by name», already in the context: «remember so that no longer forgotten!» And I remember the «comrades»…
The main thing in our business is information. This is already later will be calculations, plans, reconnaissance, binding to the place, because neither the first, nor the second, nor the third without information. Therefore, my first task is not to make a mistake. No, not in choosing a goal: there are no problems with this. All my elects are elected by right and duty. By law, for they have earned this right. By duty – because I am obliged to respect him (right). A visual embodiment of another installation: there are no obligations without rights, as there are no obligations without rights. We with the «comrades» must meet the conditions of the task – and I do everything for this that only depends on me. And not only for himself, but also «for that guy»: vis-à-vis takes the time to comply with great eagerness…
Therefore, I take all our respect for the collection of information: no neglect, no superficiality, no «plus or minus tolerances». In the end, my client is really my client. I know everything about him. All that I need to optimize it: the time of arrival, time of departure, contacts, mode, accompanying, character escorts, technical obstacles. And, since I know all the obstacles, «we have no barriers either at sea or on land».
But the absence of obstacles does not prevent the occurrence of problems. The main problem is not «how?», but «where?», because the answer to the question «where?» either complicates or simplifies the answer to the question «how?» After all, I cannot arrange a «collective raid alone». And I cannot work as a «shahid» either: I must save myself for other comrades, who, in that case, will turn out to be undeservedly overlooked deserved attention. Conceivable is necessary!
Therefore, in each case I work individually. It is necessary to take into account all the «incoming», «outgoing» and even «attendant»: the presence of «in the yard of an evil dog», the presence of tracking equipment, the presence of bourgeois children in the house. Though they are bourgeois, but they are little ones. Natural intelligence will not allow me to work daddy-scoundrel in front of my son, even if it is already hopelessly spoiled, but still small! So, it is necessary to comply with the «newly discovered circumstances»!
And I correspond. So, if there is a dog or son in the house, I try to optimize the homeowner outside his tenure. Of course, I try to work hard and even individually, but «it’s impossible to live in society and be free from it», as the founder of Marxism said. Sometimes this society tactlessly imposes «its society» on me. And I cannot ask my comrades to leave us alone: after all, not to be left alone is their only duty. They are paid money for this: they are the «Praetorian Guard» of every «master of life».
As a materialist and advocate of the law of unity and the struggle of opposites, I will not say, that this only complicates the task: and simplifies too. Optimizing the right dog owner for me is unthinkable. And, behold, the optimization of his «faithful dogs» is sacred! For man the spirit is no greater pleasure than clearing the road to progress, clearing it along with all the obstacles, both standing and lying in the way! These people stand in my way. On the way to a noble goal: an ignoble scum. And, isn’t it a noble cause: to remove this obstacle?! In my opinion, even the question is superfluous. Because this construction is possible only in the affirmative version – and without any «not»!
I will say at once: «Oh, what hard work is this one!» I am convinced: «to drag a hippopotamus out of the swamp» is much easier, than to render in conditions as close as possible to the fighting ones. In conditions when all strategic advantages are on the client side. All but one: my determination to bring this noble cause to the end of my client.
«Through thorns» – it’s not only to the stars, but also to the corpses. And to create thorns this public is able and loves. «The masters of life» are so «confident» in their safety, that even in the toilet they go in the caret of bodyguards. And even though «we have no barriers», and even «there are no such fortresses, that the Bolsheviks could not take» –