Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle
Garigliano (Italian Wars) .
Gaza (Alexander's Asiatic Campaigns) .
Gaza (Wars of Alexander's Successors) .
Gemblours (Netherlands War of Independence) .
Genoa (Wars of the French Revolution) .
Genoa (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns) .
Geok Tepe (Russian Conquest of Central Asia) .
Germantown (American War of Independence) .
Gettysburg (American Civil War) .
Gibbel Rutts (Irish Rebellion) .
Gibraltar (War of the Spanish Succession) .
Gingi (Mogul Invasion of the Deccan) .
Gislikon (War of the Sonderbund) .
Glenlivet (Huntly's Rebellion) .
Golden Rock (Seven Years' War) .
Gorni-Dubnik (Russo-Turkish War) .
Gorodeczno (Campaign of Moscow) .
Grampians, The (Roman Invasion of Scotland) .
Granada (Moorish Empire in Spain) .
Granicus, The (Alexander's Asiatic Campaigns) .
Grant's Hill (Seven Years' War) .
Gravelotte (Franco-German War) .
Great Meadows (Seven Years' War) .
Grenada (American War of Independence) .
Grangam (Russo-Swedish Wars) .