Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle
Chalgrove Field (Civil War) .
Châlons (Revolt of the Legions of Aquitaine) .
Châlons (Invasion of the Alemanni) .
Châlons (Invasion of the Huns) .
Champ-Aubert (Allied Invasion of France) .
Chancellorsville (American Civil War) .
Chandernagore (Seven Years' War) .
Charasiab (Second Afghan War) .
Charenton (War of the Fronde) .
Charleston (American Civil War) .
Châteauguay (Second American War) .
Châteauneuf-Raudon (Hundred Years' War) .
Chattanooga (American Civil War) .
Che-mul-pho (Russo-Japanese War) .
Chevilly (Franco-German War) .
Chiari (War of the Spanish Succession) .
Chickahominy (American Civil War) .
Chickamauga (American Civil War) .
Chillianwallah (Second Sikh War) .
Chiloe (South American War of Independence) .
Chingleput (Seven Years' War) .
Chippewa (Second American War) .
Chong-ju (Russo-Japanese War) .
Chorillos (Peruvio-Chilian War) .
Chotusitz (War of the Austrian Succession) .
Christianople (Dano-Swedish Wars) .
Chrysopolis (War of the Two Empires) .
Chrystlers Farm (Second American War) .
Cibalis (War of the Two Empires) .
Ciudad Rodrigo (Peninsular War) .
Civitella (Norman Invasion of Italy) . Italy) .
Clontarf (Norse Invasion of Ireland) .
Clusium (Conquest of Cisalpine Gaul) .
Colline Gate (Civil War of Marius and Sulla) .
Colombey (Franco-German War) .
Colombo (Wars of the French Revolution) .