Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle

Dictionary of Battles - Thomas Benfield Harbottle

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(Seven Years' War) .

       Campo Santo (War of the Austrian Succession) .

       Campus Castorum (Revolt of Vitellius) .

       Camperdown (Wars of the French Revolution) .

       Candia (Candian War) .

       Canea (Candian War) .

       Cannæ (Second Punic War) .

       Cape Bona (Invasion of the Vandals) .

       Cape Finisterre (War of the Austrian Succession) .

       Cape Finisterre (War of the Austrian Succession) .

       Cape Finisterre (Napoleonic Wars) .

       Cape Henry (American War of Independence) .

       Cape Passaro (War of the Quadruple Alliance) .

       Cape St. Vincent (Wars of the French Revolution) .

       Caprysema (First Messenian War) .

       Capua (Second Punic War) .

       Carabobo (South American War of Independence) .

       Caracha (South American War of Independence) .

       Caraguatay (Paraguayan War) .

       Carbisdale (Civil War) .

       Carénage Bay (American War of Independence) .


       Carlisle (Rebellion of the Forty-five) .

       Carnoul (Persian Invasion of India) .

       Carpi (War of the Spanish Succession) .

       Carrhæ (Parthian War) .

       Carrical (Seven Years' War) .

       Carthage (Third Punic War) .

       Carthage (Invasion of the Vandals) .

       Carthagena (War of the Austrian Succession) .

       Casal (Wars of Louis XIV) .

       Casilinum (Second Frank Invasion of Italy) .

       Cassano (War of the Spanish Succession) .

       Castalla (Peninsular War) .

       Castelfidardo (Unification of Italy) .


       Castiglione (War of the Spanish Succession) .

       Castiglione (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns) .

       Castillejos (Moroccan War) .

       Castillon (Hundred Years' War) .

       Catana (Second Carthaginian Invasion of Sicily) .

       Caudine Forks (Second Samnite War) .

       Cawnpur (Indian Mutiny) .

       Cawnpur (Indian Mutiny) .

       Cecryphalea (Third Messenian War) .

       Cedar Creek (American Civil War) .

       Cedar Mountain (American Civil War) .



       Cerignola (Neapolitan War) .

       Cerisolles (Wars of Charles V) .

       Chacabuco (South American War of Independence) .

       Chæronea (Amphictyonic War) .

       Chæronea (First Mithridatic War) .

       Chalcedon (Third Mithridatic War) .


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