Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle
(Chilian Civil War) .
Constantine (Conquest of Algeria) .
Constantinople (Moslem Invasion of Europe) .
Constantinople (Fourth Crusade) .
Constantinople (Ottoman Invasion of Europe) .
Copenhagen (Napoleonic Wars) .
Copenhagen (Napoleonic Wars) .
Copratus, The (Wars of Alexander's Successors) .
Cordova (Moorish Empire in Spain) .
Corinth (American Civil War) .
Corrichie (Huntly's Rebellion) .
Corte Nuova (Guelfs and Ghibellines) .
Compedion (Wars of Alexander's Successors) .
Coulmiers (Franco-German War) .
Coverypank (Seven Years' War) . War) .
Craonne (Allied Invasion of France) .
Cravant (Hundred Years' War) .
Cremona (Second Gallic Invasion) .
Cremona (Revolt of Vitellius) .
Cremona (War of the Spanish Succession) .
Crimisus (Third Carthaginian Invasion of Sicily) .
Cronion (Second Carthaginian Invasion of Sicily) .
Crosskeys (American Civil War) .
Crotoye (Hundred Years' War) .
Culloden (Rebellion of the Forty-five) .
Cunaxa (Expedition of Cyrus the Younger) .
Curicta (Civil War of Cæsar and Pompey) .
Cynoscephalæ (Second Macedonian War) .
Cynossema (Peloponnesian War) .
Cyssus (War with Antiochus the Great) .