Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle

Dictionary of Battles - Thomas Benfield Harbottle

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The (Third Persian Invasion) .

       Evesham (Barons' War) .

       Eylau (Campaign of Friedland) .


       Faenza (First Gothic War) .

       Fair Oaks (American Civil War) .

       Falkirk (Scottish Wars) .

       Falkirk (Rebellion of the Forty-five) .

       Famagosta (Cyprus War) .

       Farquhar's Farm (Second Boer War) .

       Farrington Bridge (Arundel's Rebellion) .

       Faventia (Civil War of Marius and Sulla) .

       Fehrbellin (Swedish Invasion of Brandenburg) .

       Ferkeh (Soudan Campaigns) .

       Ferozeshah (First Sikh War) .

       Ferrara (Hundred Days) .

       Ferrybridge (Wars of the Roses) .


       Fish Creek (Riel's Second Rebellion) .

       Fisher's Hill (American Civil War) .

       Fleurus (Thirty Years' War) .


       Fleurus (Wars of the French Revolution) .

       Flodden (Scottish Wars) .

       Florence (German Invasion of Italy) .

       Flushing (Walcheren Expedition) .

       Foksani (Ottoman Wars) .

       Fontenoy (War of the Austrian Succession) .

       Formigny (Hundred Years' War) .

       Fornham St. Genevieve (Rebellion of the Princes) .

       Fornovo (Italian Wars) .

       Fort Frontenac (Seven Years' War) .

       Fort St. David (Seven Years' War) .

       Fort St. David (Seven Years' War) .

       Fort William Henry (Seven Years' War) .

       Forum Terebronii (First Gothic Invasion of the Empire) .

       Frankenhausen (Peasants' War) .

       Frankfort-on-Oder (Thirty Years' War) .

       Franklin (American Civil War) .

       Frastenz (Suabian War) .

       Fraubrunnen (Invasion of the "Guglers") .

       Frauenstadt (Russo-Swedish Wars) .

       Fredericksburg (American Civil War) .

       Fredericshall (Dano-Swedish Wars) .


       Fribourg (Thirty Years' War) .

       Friedland (Campaign of Friedland) .

       Fuentes d’Oñoro d’Oñoro (Peninsular War) .

       Fulford (Norse Invasion) .

       Furruckabad (Second Mahratta War) .

       Fushimi (Japanese Revolution) .

       Futteypur (Indian Mutiny) .


       Gadebesk (Dano-Swedish Wars) .

       Gaines' Mill.

       Gangud (Russo-Swedish Wars) .


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