Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle

Dictionary of Battles - Thomas Benfield Harbottle

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       Vittoria (Peninsular War) .

       Vögelinseck (Appenzel Rebellion) .


       Volturno (Unification of Italy) .



       Wagram (Campaign of Wagram) .

       Waizan (Hungarian Rising) .

       Wakamatsu (Japanese Revolution Revolution) .

       Wakefield (Wars of the Roses) .

       Waltersdorf (Campaign of Friedland) .

       Wandewash (Seven Years' War) .

       Wandewash (First Mysore War) .

       Warburg (Seven Years' War) .

       Warsaw (Second Polish Rising) .

       Wartemberg (Campaign of Leipsic) .

       Wartzburg (Wars of the French Revolution) .

       Waterloo (Hundred Days) .

       Watigaon (First Burmah War) .

       Watrelots (Netherlands War of Independence) .

       Wattignies (Wars of the French Revolution) .

       Wavre (Hundred Days) .

       Wednesfield (Danish Invasion) .

       Wei-hai-Wei (Chino-Japanese War) .

       Weissenburg (Franco-German War) .

       Wepener (Second Boer War) .

       Werben (Thirty Years' War) .

       Wertingen (Campaign of Austerlitz) .

       White Oak Swamp.

       Wiazma (Moscow Campaign) .

       Wilderness, The (American Civil War) .

       Williamsburg (American Civil War) .

       Wilson's Creek (American Civil War) .

       Wimpfen (Thirty Years' War) .

       Winchester (American Civil War) .

       Winkovo (Moscow Campaign) .

       Wisby (Dano-Swedish Wars) .

       Wisloch (Thirty Years' War) .

       Worcester (Civil War) .

       Worth (Franco-German War) .

       Wrotham Heath (Wyatt's Insurrection) .

       Wargaom (First Mahratta War) .

       Wynandael (Napoleonic Wars) .

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       Xeres (Moslem Empire in Spain) .


       Yalu (Chino-Japanese War) .



       Yashima (Taira War) .

       Yawata (War of the Northern and Southern Empires) .

       Yenikale, Gulf of (Ottoman Wars) .

       Yermuk (Moslem Invasion of Syria) .

       Yorktown (American War of Independence) .

       Yorktown (American Civil War) .

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