Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle

Dictionary of Battles - Thomas Benfield Harbottle

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(Percy's Rebellion) .

       Sidassir (Third Mysore War) .



       Sikajoki (Finland War) .

       Silistria (Crimean War) .


       Simnitza (Russo-Turkish War) .

       Singara (Persian Wars) .

       Singara (Persian Wars) .

       Sinnaca (Parthian War) .

       Sinope (Crimean War) .

       Sinzheim (Wars of Louis XIV) .

       Sitabaldi (Third Mahratta War) .

       Skalitz (Seven Weeks' War) .

       Slivnitza (Servo-Bulgarian War) .

       Sluys (Hundred Years' War) .

       Smolensko (Russo-Swedish Wars) .

       Smolensko (Campaign of Moscow) .

       Sobraon (First Sikh War) .

       Soczawa (Ottoman Wars) .

       Sohr (War of the Austrian Succession) .


       Solebay (Dutch Wars) .

       Solferino (Franco-Austrian War) .

       Solway Moss (Scottish Wars) .

       Somnauth (Mahmud's Twelfth Invasion of India) .

       Son-Tai (Tongking War) .

       Sorata (Inca Rising) .

       South Mountain (American Civil War) .

       Southwark (Cade's Rebellion) .

       Southwold Bay (Dutch Wars) .

       Spanish Galleons.


       Spicheren (Franco-German War) .

       Spion Kop (Second Boer War) .

       Spira (War of the Spanish Succession) .

       Splitter (Swedish Invasion of Brandenburg) .

       Spottsylvania (American Civil War) .



       Stadtlohn (Thirty Years' War) .

       Staffarda (War of the Revolution) .

       Stamford Bridge.

       Stamford Bridge (Wars of the Roses) .

       Standard, The (Scottish Wars) .

       Stavrichani (Ottoman Wars) .

       Steinkirk (War of the Revolution) .

       Stillwater (American War of Independence) .

       Stirling (Scottish Wars) .

       Stockack (Wars of the French Revolution) .

       Stoke (Lambert Simnel's Rebellion) .

       Stolhoffen (War of the Spanish Succession) .

       Stone Creek.

       Stormberg (Second Boer War) .

       Stralsund (Thirty Years' War) .

       Stralsund (Dano-Swedish Wars) .


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