Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle
Stratton (Civil War) .
Suero, The (Civil War of Sertorius) .
Sudley Springs (American Civil War) .
Sugar-loaf Rock (Seven Years' War) .
Sursuti, The (Mohammed Ghori's Invasion) .
Sursuti, The (Mohammed Ghori's Invasion) .
Syracuse (Athenian Expedition to Sicily) .
Syracuse (Second Carthaginian Invasion) .
Tacubaya (Mexican Liberal Rising) .
Tagliacozzo (Guelfs and Ghibellines) .
Taiken Gate (Hogen Insurrection) .
Takashima (Chinese Invasion of Japan) .
Taku Forts (Second China War) .
Talana Hill (Second Boer War) .
Talkhan (Tartar Invasion of Khorassan) .
Talneer (Third Mahratta War) .
Tansara Saka (Satsuma Rebellion) .
Tarapaca (Peruvio-Chilian War) .
Tashkessen (Russo-Turkish War) .
Tauris (Civil War of Cæsar and Pompey) .
Tayeizan (Japanese Revolution) .
Telamon (Conquest of Cisalpine Gaul) .
Tel-el-Kebir (Arabi's Rebellion) .
Tel-el-Mahuta (Arabi's Rebellion) .
Te-li-ssu (Russo-Japanese War) .
Tellicherry (First Mysore War) .
Tergoes (Netherlands War of Independence) .