Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle

Dictionary of Battles - Thomas Benfield Harbottle

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Saragossa (War of the Spanish Succession) .

       Saragossa (Peninsular War) .


       Sardis (Wars of Alexander's Successors) .

       Sárkány (Hungarian Rising) .

       Sauchie Barn (Rebellion of the Barons) .

       Saucourt (Norse Invasion of France) .

       Sauroren (Peninsular War) .

       Savage's Station.

       Savandroog (Second Mysore War) .

       Saxa Rubra (Revolt of Maxentius) .

       Scarpheia (War of the Achæan League) .

       Scio (Ottoman Wars) .

       Schipka Pass (Russo-Turkish War) .

       Schwechat (Hungarian Rising) .

       Scutari (Ottoman Wars) .

       Sebastopol (Crimean War) .

       Secchia, The (War of the Polish Succession) .

       Secessionville (American Civil War) .

       Secunderbagh (Indian Mutiny) .

       Sedan (Franco-German War) .

       Sedgemoor (Monmouth's Rebellion) .

       Segeswár (Hungarian Rising) .

       Segikahara (Rebellion of Hideyori) .

       Seine Mouth (Hundred Years' War) .

       Selby (Civil War) .

       Selinus (Second Carthaginian Invasion of Sicily) .

       Seminara (Italian Wars) .

       Sempach (War of Sempach) .

       Seneff (Wars of Louis XIV) .

       Senegal (Napoleonic Wars) .

       Senekal (Second Boer War) .


       Sentinum (Third Samnite War) .

       Sepeia (Argive War) .

       Seringapatam (Second Mysore War) .

       Seringapatam (Third Mysore War) .

       Seringham (Seven Years' War) .

       Seskar (Russo-Swedish Wars) .

       Seta (Yoshinaka's Rebellion) .

       Seven Days' Battles (American Civil War) .

       Sevenoaks (Cade's Rebellion) .

       Seven Pines.

       Shahjehan (Tartar Invasion of Kharismia.)

       Shaldiran (Ottoman Wars) .

       Shannon and Chesapeake (Second American War) .

       Sheerness (Dutch Wars) .

       Sheriffmuir (Rebellion of the Fifteen) .

       Sherstone (Danish Invasion) .

       Shijo Nawate (War of the Northern and Southern Empires) .

       Shiloh (American Civil War) .

       Shinowara (Yoshinaka's Rebellion) .

       Shirogawa (Satsuma Rebellion) .

       Sholapur (Third Mahratta War) .

       Sholingur (First Mysore War) .


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