Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle

Dictionary of Battles - Thomas Benfield Harbottle

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(Tartar Invasion of Persia) .

       Pavia (Invasion of the Alemanni) .

       Pavia (Lombard Conquest of Italy) .

       Pavia (Italian Wars) .

       Pavia (Wars of Charles V) .

       Peach Tree Creek (American Civil War) .

       Pea Ridge (American Civil War) .

       Peiwar Kotal (Second Afghan War) .

       Peking (Tartar Invasion of China) .

       Pelekanon (Ottoman Conquest of Asia Minor) .

       Pelischat (Russo-Turkish War) .

       Pelusium (Persian Conquest of Egypt) .

       Pelusium (War of Alexander's Successors) .

       Peña Cerrada (First Carlist War) .

       Penobscot Bay (American War of Independence) .

       Pen Selwood (Danish Invasion) .

       Pered (Hungarian Rising) .

       Perembacum (First Mysore War) .

       Perisabor (Persian Wars) .


       Perryville (American Civil War) .

       Persepolis (Wars of Alexander's Successors) .

       Peshawar (Second Mohammedan Invasion of India) .

       Petersburg (American Civil War) .

       Petersburg (American Civil War) .

       Peterwaradin (Ottoman Wars) .

       Petra (Persian Wars) .

       Pharsalus (Civil War of Cæsar and Pompey) .

       Pharsalus (Greco-Turkish War) .

       Philiphaugh (Civil War) .

       Philippi (Rebellion of Brutus) .

       Philippopolis (First Gothic Invasion of the Empire) .

       Philippopolis (Russo-Turkish War) .

       Philipsburg (War of the Polish Succession) .

       Pieter's Hill (Second Boer War) .

       Pingyang (Chino-Japanese War) .

       Pinkie Cleugh (Scottish Wars) .

       Pirot (Servo-Bulgarian War) .

       Pittsburg Landing.

       Placentia (Invasion of the Alemanni) .

       Plains of Abraham (Seven Years' War) .

       Plassy (Seven Years' War) .

       Platæa (Third Persian Invasion) .

       Platæa (Peloponnesian War) .

       Plescow (Russo-Swedish Wars) .

       Plevna (Russo-Turkish War) .


       Podol (Seven Weeks' War) .

       Poitiers (Gothic Invasion of France) .

       Poitiers (Hundred Years' War) .

       Pola (War of Chiozza) .

       Pollentia (First Gothic Invasion of Italy) .

       Pollicore (First Mysore War) .

       Polonka (Russo-Polish Wars) .

       Polotsk (Moscow Campaign) .


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