Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle
Merta (Mogul Invasion of the Deccan) .
Metaurus Metaurus (Second Punic War) .
Michelberg (Campaign of the Danube) .
Middelburg (Netherlands War of Independence) .
Milazzo (Unification of Italy) .
Miletopolis (First Mithridatic War) .
Millesimo (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns) .
Mill Springs (American Civil War) .
Miraflores (Peruvio-Chilian War) .
Missionary Ridge. See Chattanooga.
Missolonghi (Greek War of Independence) .
Modder River (Second Boer War) .
Mohrungen (Campaign of Friedland) .
Molino del Rey (Peninsular War) .
Molwitz (War of the Austrian Succession) .
Monarda (Moorish Insurrection) .
Monongahela (Seven Years' War) .
Mons-en-Puelle (Flemish War) .
Montcontour (Third Civil War) .
Monte Aperto (Guelfs and Ghibellines) .
Montebello (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns) .
Montebello (Franco-Austrian War) .
Monte Caseros (Urquiza's Rising) .
Montenotte (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns Campaigns) .
Montereau (Allied Campaign in France) .
Monterey (Americo-Mexican War) .
Montevideo (Napoleonic Wars) .
Montevideo (Uruguayan War of Independence) .
Montevideo (Uruguayan War of Independence) .
Montfaucon (Norman Invasion of France) .
Montlhéry (War of the Public Good) .