Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle
Neerwinde (War of the Revolution) .
Neerwinde (Wars of the French Revolution) .
Nehavend (Moslem Invasion of Persia) .
Neuwied (Wars of the French Revolution) .
Neville's Cross (Scottish Wars) .
Newmarket (American Civil War) .
New Orleans (Second American War) .
New Orleans (American Civil War) .
Newtown Butler (War of the Revolution) .
Nicopolis (Third Mithridatic War) .
Nicopolis (Russo-Turkish War) .
Nieuport (Netherlands War of Independence) .
Nile (French Invasion of Egypt) .
Niquitas (South American War of Independence) .
Nisib (Mehemet Ali's Second Rebellion) .
Nordlingen (Thirty Years' War) .
Nordlingen (Wars of Louis XIV) .
Noisseville (Franco-German War) .
Northampton (Wars of the Roses) .
Nova Carthago (Second Punic War) .
Novi (Wars of the French Revolution) .
Obligado (Uruguayan War of Independence) .