Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle

Dictionary of Battles - Thomas Benfield Harbottle

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       Ramnugger (Second Sikh War) .


       Rastadt (Wars of the French Revolution) .

       Raszyn (Campaign of Wagram) .

       Rathenow (Swedish Invasion of Brandenburg) .

       Rathmines (Civil War) .


       Ravenna (War of the Holy League) .

       Reading (Danish Invasion) .

       Rebec (Wars of Charles V) .

       Redan (Crimean War) .

       Reddersberg (Second Boer War) .

       Reims (Allied Invasion of France) .

       Revel (Russo-Swedish Wars) .

       Revolax (Finland War) .


       Rheinfeldt (Thirty Years' War) .

       Rhodes (Ottoman Wars) .

       Riachuelo (Paraguayan War) .

       Richmond (American Civil War) .

       Richmond (American Civil War) .

       Rich Mountain (American Civil War) .

       Rietfontein (Second Boer War) .

       Rieti (Neapolitan Rising) .

       Riga (Thirty Years' War) .

       Rimnitz (Ottoman Wars) .

       Rinya (Ottoman Wars) .

       Rio Seco (Peninsular War) .

       Rivoli (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns) .

       Roanoke Island (American Civil War) .

       Rocoux (War of the Austrian Succession) .

       Rocroi (Thirty Years' War) .

       Roliça (Peninsular War) .

       Rome (First Invasion of the Gauls) .

       Rome (Second Gothic Invasion of Italy) .

       Rome (Ricimer's Rebellion) .

       Rome (First Gothic War) .

       Rome (Second Gothic War) .


       Rome (Wars of Charles V) .

       Rome (Italian Rising) .

       Romerswael (Netherlands War of Independence) .


       Roncesvalles (Peninsular War) .

       Rorke's Drift (Zulu War) .

       Rosbach (Seven Years' War) .


       Rostock (Dano-Swedish Wars) .

       Rotto Freddo (War of the Austrian Succession) .

       Rouen (Hundred Years' War) .

       Roundway Down (Civil War) .


       Roveredo (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns) .

       Rowton Heath (Civil War) .

       Roseburgh (Scottish Wars) .

       Rullion Green (Covenanters' Rising) .

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