Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle

Dictionary of Battles - Thomas Benfield Harbottle

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(Moscow Campaign) .

       Ponani (First Mysore War) .


       Pondicherry (Seven Years' War) .




       Pontevert (Gallic War) .

       Pont Valain (Hundred Years' War) .

       Poonah (Second Mahratta War) .

       Port Arthur (Chino-Japanese War) .

       Port Arthur (Russo-Japanese War) .

       Porte St. Antoine (Wars of the Fronde) .

       Port Hudson (American Civil War) .

       Portland (Dutch Wars) .

       Porto Bello (Raids of the Buccaneers) .

       Porto Bello (War of the Austrian Succession) .

       Porto Novo (First Mysore War) .

       Porto Praya Bay.

       Port Republic (American Civil War) .


       Potosi. (South-American War of Independence) .

       Prague (Thirty Years' War) .

       Prague (Seven Years' War) .

       Prairie Grove (American Civil War) .

       Preston (Civil War) .

       Preston (Rebellion of the Fifteen) .

       Prestonpans (Rebellion of the Forty-five) .

       Primolano (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns) .

       Princeton (American War of Independence) .

       Pruth, The (Ottoman Wars) .

       Puente (South American War of Independence) .

       Puente de la Reyna (Second Carlist War) .

       Pultowa (Russo-Swedish Wars) .

       Pultusk (Russo-Swedish Wars) .

       Pultusk (Campaign (Campaign of Friedland) .

       Puna (Raids of the Buccaneers) .

       Punniar (Gwalior Campaign) .

       Pydna (Third Macedonian War) .

       Pyramids (French Invasion of Egypt) .

       Pyrenees (Peninsular War) .

       Pylos and Sphacteria (Peloponnesian War) .


       Quatre Bras (Hundred Days) .

       Quebec (Seven Years' War) .

       Queenston Heights (Second American War) .

       Quiberon Bay (Seven Years' War) .

       Quipuaypan (Conquest of Peru) .

       Quistello (War of the Polish Succession) .


       Raab (Campaign of Wagram) .

       Radcot Bridge.

       Ragatz (Armagnac War) .

       Rajahmundry (Seven Years' War) .

       Rakersberg (Ottoman Wars) .

       Ramillies (Seven Years' War) .


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