Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle

Dictionary of Battles - Thomas Benfield Harbottle

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href="#ulink_fba512a2-1617-532a-b589-4b53ffaed5b8">Rumersheim (War of the Spanish Succession) .

       Ruspina (Civil War of Cæsar and Pompey) .

       Rynemants (Netherlands War of Independence) .


       Saalfeld (Campaign of Jena) .

       Sabugal (Peninsular War) .

       Sacile (Napoleon's Wars) .

       Sacripontus (Civil War of Marius and Sulla) .


       Sadulapur (Second Sikh War) .

       Sagunto (Peninsular War) .

       St. Alban's (Wars of the Roses) .

       St. Aubin du Cormier.

       St. Charles (French-Canadian Rising) .

       St. Denis (Second Civil War) .

       St. Denis (French-Canadian Rising) .

       Ste. Croix (Napoleonic Wars) .

       St. Eustache (French-Canadian Rising) .

       Ste. Foy (Seven Years' War) .

       St. George (Ottoman Wars) .

       St. Gothard (Ottoman Wars) .

       St. Jacob an der Mirs (Armagnac War) .

       St. Kitts (Dutch Wars) .

       St. Lucia (Wars of the French Revolution) .

       St. Mary's Clyst (Arundel's Rebellion) .

       St. Privat.

       St. Quentin.

       St. Quentin (Franco-German War) .

       St. Thomas (Napoleonic Wars) .

       Saints, The.

       Salado. (Moorish Empire in Spain) .

       Salamanca (Peninsular War) .

       Salamanca (Mexican Liberal Rising) .

       Salamis (Third Persian Invasion) .

       Salamis (Wars of Alexander's Successors) .

       Salankemen (Ottoman Wars) .

       Salano (Moorish Empire in Spain) .

       Saldanha Bay (Wars of the French Revolution) .


       Samarcand (Tartar Invasion of Kharismia) .

       Samaghar (Rebellion of Aurungzebe) .

       Sampford Courtney (Arundel's Rebellion) .

       San Giovanni (Wars of the French Revolution) .

       San Isidoro (Paraguay War) .

       San Jacinto (Texan Rising) .

       San Jacinto.

       San Juan.

       San Lazaro (War of the Austrian Succession) .

       Sanna's Post (Second Boer War) .

       San Sebastian (Peninsular War) .

       San Sebastian (First Carlist War) .

       Santa Lucia (Rio Grande Rising) .

       Santarem (Dom Miguel's Rebellion) .

       Santa Vittoria (War of the Spanish Succession) .

       Santiago (Spanish-American War) .

       Sapienza (Ottoman Wars) .


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