Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle

Dictionary of Battles - Thomas Benfield Harbottle

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(Netherlands War of Independence) .

       Morat (Burgundian Wars) .

       Morawa (Ottoman Wars) .

       Morazzone (Italian Rising) .

       Morella (First Carlist War) .

       Morgarten (First Swiss-Austrian War) .


       Mortara (Italian Rising) .

       Mortimer's Cross (Wars of the Roses) .

       Mortlack (Danish Invasion of Scotland) .

       Mortmant (Allied Invasion of France) .

       Möskirch (Wars of the French Revolution) .



       Mount Gaurus (First Samnite War) .

       Mount Lactarius (Second Gothic War) .

       Mount Panium.

       Mount Seleucus (Revolt of Magnentius) .

       Mount Tabor (French Invasion of Egypt) .

       Mount Taurus (Moslem Invasion of Asia Minor) .

       Mount Tifata (Civil War of Marius and Sulla) .

       Mouscron (Wars of the French Revolution) .

       Mühlberg (Wars of Charles V) .


       Mühlhausen (Gallic War) .

       Mukwanpur (Gurkha War) .

       Multan (Second Sikh War) .

       Münchengrätz (Seven Weeks' War) .

       Munda (Civil War of Cæsar and Pompey) .

       Muret (Albigensian Crusade) .

       Murfreesboro (American Civil War) .

       Mursa (Revolt of Magnentius) .

       Musa Bagh (Indian Mutiny) .

       Muta (Moslem Invasion of Syria) .

       Muthal, The (Jugurthine War) .

       Mutina (Mark Antony's First Rebellion) .

       Mycale (Third Persian Invasion) .

       Mylæ (First Punic War) .

       Mylex (Civil War of Cæsar and Pompey) .

       Myonnesus (War with Antiochus the Great) .

       Mytilene (Peloponnesian War) .

       Mytilene (Peloponnesian War) .


       Nachod (Seven Weeks' War) .

       Næfels (War of Kiburg) .

       Nagy-Sarló (Hungarian Rising) .

       Naissus (Gothic Invasion of the East) .


       Nanshan (Russo-Japanese War) .

       Narva (Russo-Swedish War) .

       Naseby (Civil War) .

       Nashville (American Civil War) .

       Naulachus (Civil War of Cæsar and Pompey) .

       Naupactus (Peloponnesian War) .

       Navarino (Greek War of Independence) .

       Navarrete (Hundred Years' War) .

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