Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle
(Danish Invasion) .
Malegnano (Franco-Austrian War) .
Malo-Jaroslawetz (Moscow Campaign) .
Malplaquet (War of the Spanish Succession) .
Malta (Wars of the French Revolution) .
Mangalore (First Mysore War) .
Manilla (American-Spanish War) .
Mansfield (American Civil War) .
Mantineia (Peloponnesian War) .
Mantineia (Wars of the Achæan League) .
Mantua (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns) .
Marathon (Second Persian Invasion) .
Marcianopolis (Gothic Invasion of Thrace) .
Mardis (War of the Two Empires) .
Marengo (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns) .
Maria Zell (Campaign of the Danube) .
Mariendahl (Thirty Years' War) .
Marosch, The (Conquest of Dacia) .
Marseglia (Wars of Louis XIV) .
Mars-la-Tour (Franco-German War) .
Martinique (Wars of the French Revolution) .
Martinique (Napoleonic Wars) .
Masulipatam (Seven Years' War) .
Matchevitz (First Polish Insurrection) .
Maypo (South American War of Independence) .
Medina (Mohammed's War with the Koreish) .
Medola (Napoleon's Italian Campaigns) .
Meerut (First Mongol Invasion of India) .
Megaletaphrus (First Messenian War) .
Megalopolis (Wars of the Achæan League) .
Melanthias (Sclavonian Invasion) .
Memphis (Athenian Expedition to Egypt) .
Memphis (Moslem Conquest of Egypt) .
Memphis (American Civil War) .
Mentana (Garibaldian Rising) .