Dictionary of Battles. Thomas Benfield Harbottle
Lake Vadimon (Gallic Invasion of Italy) .
Landau (War of the Spanish Succession) .
Landskrone (Dane-Swedish Wars) .
Langensalza (Seven Weeks' War) .
Lannoy (Netherlands War of Independence) .
Laon (Allied Invasion of France) .
La Placilla (Chilian Civil War) .
La Puebla (Franco-Mexican War) .
La Puebla (Franco-Mexican War) .
Largs (Norse Invasion of Scotland) .
Larissa (Third Macedonia War) .
Larissus, The (Wars of the Achæan League) .
La Rochelle (Hundred Years' War) .
La Rochelle (Huguenot Rebellion) .
La Rothière (Allied Campaign in France) .
Las Navas de Tolosa (Moorish Empire in Spain) .
Las Salinas (Conquest of Peru) .
Laswari (Second Mahratta War) .
Lautulæ (Second Samnite War) .
Lawfeldt (War of the Austrian Succession) .
Le Bourget (Franco-German War) .
Leck, The (Thirty Years' War) .
L'Ecluse (Hundred Years' War) .
Legnano (Wars of the Lombard League) .
Leipsic (Campaign of Leipsic) .
Leitskau (Campaign of Leipsic) .
Leucopetra (Wars of the Achæan League) .
Lexington (American War of Independence) .
Lexington (American Civil War) .
Leyden (Netherlands War of Independence) .
Lille (War of the Spanish Succession) .