Institution Building in Weak States. Andrew Radin

Institution Building in Weak States - Andrew Radin

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the quality of an institution ranging from 0 to 9.

      The case studies repeatedly apply this scoring system over the course of the reform effort to evaluate the quality of an institution over time and thereby judge the success of reform following a rubric shown in table 1.1. The case studies seek to be as transparent as possible in making this assessment, although the result is inevitably subjective and some improvement or decline in quality may not alter the score. This scoring system offers a useful, if not always precise, metric for evaluating competing theories and for comparing the relative improvement of state institutions across different countries and regions.

Change in 0–9 score Judgment of success Description
0 or negative Counterproductive Violence or major nonviolent protest occurred, or the state institution was worse off than when the stage of reform began.
0 None/Minimal There may be identifiable improvements in rules, practices, or organization, but an outside observer would likely not notice the difference between the quality of the state institution before and after.
0–1 Limited There were some changes in the rules or functioning of the state institution, which might have lasting effect, but the general quality of the state institution remained similar.
2–3 Moderate There were clear improvements to the state institution.
4–9 High The state institution experienced rapid and dramatic improvement.


      The book proceeds with six chapters and a methodological appendix. In chapter 2 I provide the background and hypotheses of my domestic opposition theory, the international resource theory, and the path dependence theory.



      Note: CPA = Coalition Provisional Authority; NG = nationalist goal; PCN = patron-client network.

      These sources offer a range of ways to gauge the motivation of domestic elites and foreign officials, which is an essential tool for evaluating the theories. Public statements or interview responses are a useful starting point and are most telling when actors have little reason to dissemble. Private discussions and correspondence can be the most compelling evidence but is rarely available. Comparing actors’ responses to different or similar events can also be informative. Where possible, especially for key judgments, the case studies triangulate across multiple sources.

      Following the theory chapter, chapter 3 considers the creation of central government institutions in Kosovo and Iraq. The UN Mission in Kosovo quickly established a constitution and parliament to govern Kosovo from 1999 to 2001 but faced riots in 2004 after it changed its policy to indefinitely delay negotiations about Kosovo’s independence, the main Kosovo Albanian nationalist goals. After 2004 the UN began negotiations that would lead to independence, achieving a greater improvement in Kosovo’s institutions. In Iraq in 2003 the CPA sought an extended occupation to build democratic institutions. However, the CPA had to compromise when it faced an elite boycott, spearheaded

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