Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó

Turning 40 at 60 - Raimon Samsó

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many other causes) have led the immune system to complete chaos.

      Autoimmune diseases can affect many parts of the body. Do you hear the following ones? Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, diabetes 1 and 2, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, celiac disease, Graves' disease, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, osteoporosis, Addison's disease, vitiligo, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, dementia, multiple sclerosis, Guillain Barré's disease , ELA, fibromyalgia, etc.

      Not to mention other global epidemics such as: obesity, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, depression, asthma, autism, allergies, etc. I found scary statistics: by the year 2050, 50% of the human population will suffer from cancer at some point in their lives, 95% will be overweight and 66% will have diabetes ... Who knows what the future will look like now, but it is clear to me that we are going worse exponentially, it is a reality, not an estimate.

      Does anyone find it normal for the average adult to gain weight between 0.2 kg to 1 kg per year? By year!

      If it is true that there was a time when humanity was struggling not to die of hunger, I am afraid that we are facing a new era in which the risk is to die due precisely to overfeeding.

      Who knows if the generation that follows will live less time than the previous one simply because of our bad head when it comes to eating. See that what kills your hunger does not kill you.

      Memorize this information: the digestive system receives 80% of the immune system. Here is the key to solving an infinity of diseases, if not all but even knowing that food does not seem to receive too much attention.

      Today it is known that if the digestive system is damaged, the immune system can not do its job effectively, but can even create absolute chaos (autoimmunity). And it is easy to understand that when the immune system does not do its job, diseases conquer the body.

       Big problem: chronic inflammation.

       Suspects: grains, sugars, dairy products, legumes ... There are also many accomplices.

       Modus operandi: chronic inflammation; that is, an inflammatory diet. To which are added the toxins to which we are exposed, stress, the indiscriminate use of drugs, excesses with antibiotics ... A chemical war that creates a picture of intestinal dysfunctions that end up affecting the immune system.

       Causes: leaky gut, the digestive anomaly that allows partially digested food to pass into the bloodstream. And it is a condition to the development of an autoimmune disorder.

       Consequences: once the immune system enters pure chaos, an endless list of symptomatology and alterations in health is produced. The autoimmune epidemic is served.

      When I refer to inflammation, I mean a fire. We are on fire. Our health burns.

      Inflammation is a natural mechanism of the body to fight an infection or to manage substances that irritate you. An inflammation is a defense strategy: fire, burning, flames, and with it try to finish what harms the body. Healthy inflammation is like fever, it is an excess to heal the body. Until then, a necessary and normal reaction.

      The bad thing is when it becomes chronic, inflammation day in and day out, permanently. That fire ends up burning everything. This is the problem that creates most diseases, from the mildest to the deadly.


      In the intestine you play health

      If the digestive system is healthy, the immune system can do its job well. But chronic inflammation, due to an incorrect diet, ends up affecting the structure and health of the intestine; and therefore, destabilizing the immune system. It is not that he makes a strike in the Western style, but on the contrary: he makes a "Japanese strike", that is, he works more. This overactivity of the defenses leads to an autoimmune disease (the body attacks its own body and not the aggressor).

      For years we have punished the intestine with an excess of medicines (including antibiotics), junk food, food additives, and a list of very frequent and undesirable foods that I will reveal to you ... all of which produces "leaky gut syndrome" » It is the beginning of an infinity of health problems and symptoms such as migraine and headache.

      The leaky gut syndrome is the modern epidemic that creates digestive and autoimmune problems. Conventional doctors do not pay much attention to intestinal health, which is the key to the proper functioning of the immune system.

      For example, a single cycle of taking broad spectrum antibiotics can lead to a massive destruction of the intestinal flora or microbiota. The recovery may take years, and even then some of the microorganisms will never recover. A single antibiotic treatment can affect the microbiota for the rest of your life.

      Goodbye microbiota, goodbye health.

      But that's not all, the list of damages is greater: permeability of the intestine, overgrowth of bacteria, yeast, decay of the immune system ... I know that taking antibiotics is often imperative (they saved my life, one of the three times I was on the verge of death), but they have a price.

      As a metaphor, it's like cutting down a whole forest to put out a fire. Undoubtedly, antibiotics have saved many lives, like mine, but they have also ruined the intestinal health of many people. As a rule, they should be taken only when they are essential and never by self-prescription.

      The indiscriminate use of antibiotics, uncontrolled medicines, environmental toxins, food additives, some cosmetic ingredients, stress and improper nutrition ... are responsible for sabotaging intestinal health. From there, you can expect anything.

      Before using antibiotics, it is better to ask yourself the question: are they really necessary? To use them systematically and indiscriminately is to attack the microbiota, which is getting bread for today but hunger for tomorrow. As you now know, the affectation of the intestinal flora causes various health problems also the migraine.

      The Great Problem is aggravated with a gut, and a blood-brain barrier, permeable. Imagine that toxins that are not naturally eliminated reach your brain. You can not expect anything good. The consequences are many and none will please you. I've been one of the lucky ones: just a migraine! (originating in a leaky gut, intolerance to gluten and intolerance to histamine).

      Other people, less fortunate, have developed: allergies, arthritis, lupus, eczema and dangerous degenerative diseases of the mind and joints. Do I still ?: autism, diabetes, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, nervous tics, ADD, ADHD, ALS ... and an endless list. Is it normal that diabetes has multiplied tenfold in the world in the last ten years? In a decade more, 500 million diabetics diagnosed in the world and others are expected both in the anteroom.

       bad nutrition -> leaky gut -> toxins in blood -> liver stress -> accumulation of toxins -> chronic inflammation -> disease

      This chain is summarized as follows:


      Bad nutrition -> disease

      When the digestive tract presents cracks, partially digested foods and substances that had to be eliminated and excreted enter the organism, through the walls of the intestine, into the bloodstream. Imagine the danger that this may entail. Undoubtedly, the leaky gut syndrome is the origin of immune disorders.

      The toxins in the blood alert the liver, which will now have an extra job to eliminate all those intrusive toxins; and as it will not be able to with all, the toxins will accumulate creating inflammation. This is how all kinds of intolerances are unleashed, the breeding ground for an infinity of diseases.

      Once activated, autoimmunity can be fought in different ways. But to reverse it, it is necessary to reduce inflammation and increase immune function.

      The optimal strategy includes:

       reduce inflammation

       reduce accumulated toxicity

       heal the digestive tube

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