Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó
the problem that causes it before those headaches give way to something really serious. I have been very fortunate for my sensitivity to gluten, I believe that it has saved me from much greater problems in the future than I have suffered in the past.
No matter the size of the dose (do not fool yourself with "I will take a little food with gluten nothing else"). The least amount of gluten triggers all the effects, regardless of the dose, think that what you eat is information, and that information is what activates the reaction.
It is not about negotiating the quantity but the quality of what is eaten.
And if it is not for direct consumption, it is due to cross-contamination, or even for "cross-reactivity": the immune system confuses gluten-free cereals with cereals with gluten simply by a phenomenon of "molecular mimicry". For example, why do thyroid patients get better with the elimination of gluten? Because gluten mimics the structure of the thyroid cell. The immune system confuses them and, instead of attacking gluten, attacks the thyroid. And although the causal element is different, the effects end up being the same.
O.M.G. (Oh my God) If I had known before!
Maybe you're wondering: And our ancestors? Did not they suffer all those pernicious effects of gluten? Of course they suffered, although they did not relate it to wheat and its derivatives.
But above all it is because this matter has worsened. The current wheat has nothing to do with the original. And if we go further back, about 10,000 years before today, the problem did not exist because modern foods that cause inflammation simply were not consumed.
In the Paleolithic, humans were hunters and gatherers, not farmers or ranchers. The non-agricultural humanity lived millions of years without eating wheat and it was only in the last thousands of years when it began to do so. Do you see the reason why our body considers it strange?
Formerly, having a "wheat belly", which is known as "love handles", was a sign of social status (overfed people were rich). But above all, it was a reservoir of energy, in the form of fat, to which to go when the inevitable famines arrived.
Today it is not necessary to accumulate fuel in our body. Nowadays, food is practically guaranteed in most of the world and available at any time and in any place. There is food everywhere, even in excess in most of the planet (reader, remember that there are still countries with famines, please collaborate with the NGOs that help in this).
The reserve of accumulated fat in the body is no longer necessary; In addition, excess fat causes various health problems.
With this reading, you will discover that the wheat that we consume today has been genetically modified. And it does not even look like what our grandparents used to eat, that's why they call it "frankenstrigo." It contains 40 times more gluten than the one our ancestors ate. Yes, you are being bombarded daily by a weapon of mass destruction: gluten. You are in the middle of a food war in which you play your health, and I think that to date nobody has informed you of it.
Thank God you bought this book, it will open your eyes.
Let's continue with the cereal threat. You should know that gluten consumption can occur involuntarily since it is not only present in the grains and their products, but it is added in cosmetic creams, toothpaste, moisturizers, shampoos and bath gels ..., with what is absorbed through the skin without being aware of it. That is why it is very important to read the list of ingredients of everything we use well. The enemy lurks everywhere.
To make it worse, they hide it on purpose. They use deceptive synonyms, numbered codes that only the experts know, play with the proportions to not even have to declare it in the table of ingredients ... The industry knows all of them to make you believe that you eat healthy when your products get sick. You have to be very alert to the covert names that are used in the ingredient lists.
The following ingredients are often used as synonyms for gluten (Dr. David Perlmutter, from his book Bread Brain):
•Modified starch
Avena sativa
•Caramel color
Amino-peptide complex
phytofingosine extract
Extract of fermented grains
•Yeast extract
Hydrolyzed malt extract
Distichon hordeum
Hordeum vulgare
Brown rice syrup
•Soy protein
•Vegetal protein
•Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
Natural flavors
Secale cereale
Tocopherol / Vitamin E
Triticum aestivum
Triticum vulgare
All that is gluten. Buff.
If you pay attention you will realize that gluten is at home in an infinite number of processed foods. It is also found in some additives. The additives from the E-1404 to the E-1450 contain it. About additives, in general, it is advisable not to consume them and, in any case, discard foods that include more than three additives ("E"). Come on, better eat real food, and no processed chemicals.
And I take the opportunity to introduce a sister cousin of gluten: transglutaminase, which is included in gluten-free products to sponge, but which has equally disastrous effects on the intestinal wall. So much so that whoever believes to react to gluten is actually doing it to transglutaminase for its similar effects. He has already warned you that you are in the midst of gusts of crossfire and that you may be a victim of "friendly fire."
Food bioengineering has created a monster that sneaks into every house, every day. We simply can not assimilate their inventions and occurrences. The human body evolves very slowly, the opposite of food technology, which goes at full speed ... to take us to the abyss.
What follows is as scary as the previous ...
When you hybridize two different species of cereal, you get a third species with a new form of gluten that the body can not recognize because you never had to digest it before, so the immune system will fight against it with all its inflammatory arsenal. Yes, 100% inflammation, total, life or death. Do you remember that you are in a state of war? Just pay attention to the casualties.
This terrifies more than any novel by Stephen King: the wheat that is consumed today did not exist only a few years ago.
Now imagine the immense problem that the organism poses. Unmistakably, modern wheat is not a natural food, it is a laboratory monster, a Frankenstein (frankenstrigo), an invention that has gotten out of hand with agricultural engineers and whose devastating effects are yet to be discovered in the years to come .
The problem is that we face the new proteins (hybrids) of gluten with an increased overexposure, and continuously (it is everywhere). The film could well be called: «The Cereal Threat» or «Gluten Nightmare in the kitchen». And if you wait to know the outcome and I anticipate that it has a very bad end. Bad, bad, bad.
You, me, and we are all an experiment, in which we play health and life.
Keep reading because this has just begun.
If you wonder about the side effects of filling the cereal belly every day (it's the only thing they serve: satiate hunger, and little else), there are some: destroy the walls of the intestine, are toxic to the brain, They decalcify the bones, acidify the organism, alter the metabolism, cause malnutrition, invite to eat more, are addictive, inflammatory... All of which leads the body to countless diseases; from mild, through chronic, to deadly.
I do not understand how an inferior