Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó
Anti-inflammatory food comes to the rescue
To heal the digestive tract we have L-glutamine, an essential amino acid that regenerates cells quickly and helps seal the openings of the lining of the small intestine, thereby eliminating the symptoms and associated permeability hazards available as a supplement.
An anti-inflammatory diet, a change of sugar-free diet and supplementation of L-glutamine (powder) revert that condition in two or three months. In me it made a huge difference, and it is a supplement to which I return every year, taking it for a few months.
And the genes? Do not they have anything to do with all this? I think that the genetic factor is overvalued, and as I read somewhere, in the matter at hand, it is estimated that 25% does have a genetic origin, but 75% does admit correction. As a rule, I shy away from diagnostics that focus on genes and DNA and focus on epigenetics.
In addition, today we know that we can influence the genes and modify them. It's a new science and it's called "epigenetics." And to what we are going in this book, some environmental factors, such as nutrition, can initiate processes that lead to changes in the epigenome. That said, I do believe that genes influence one part, and on the other hand the blood group to which each person belongs, as well as the lineage of the ancestors.
But what I believe most is in the aphorism: «Change the diet to build a new me».
In my process of activating vibrant health, I have studied books and more books (in the bibliography I indicate which are the ones that have made a big difference in my state of health and well-being), and I soon came to the conclusion that the problem of my headaches was not in my head, or in my genes, or in bad luck ..., I concluded that I was in what is called "the second brain": the digestive system.
Putting pieces of the puzzle together, I remembered that the subject of the diet did not seem to be very important in the conversations with the dozens and dozens of doctors and alternative therapists I had used in the past.
In fact, the most general recommendation I received was that "I ate everything, in a balanced way and without excesses". It's not bad advice, but it does not seem like a great guide either. To recommend that you do not need to study for so many years, right? Imagine that a financial advisor advises his client: «Invest in a little of everything, in a balanced way and without excesses ... ..., I suppose the client will not pay for such advice again.
As I said, I think an important factor had been omitted: food; and not so much in case it was good, regular or bad, but because of the effect it could create on the digestive system. When food is eliminated as a factor in the equation of health and well-being, an error is made that will make that equation never fit. Health is not possible without a wise diet.
I turned to functional medicine and discovered that I had "leaky gut syndrome". And linked to it: «gluten intolerance» and also «intolerance to histamine». What a panorama
Intolerance or hypersensitivity to gluten, which is very, very frequent, is different from celiac disease (which is an autoimmune condition). Celiac disease, fortunately, is rarer (although it increases at the rate of an epidemic). In my country, Spain, there are about one million celiacs, 1-2% of the population. About 1% of the United States and Spain, and up to 3.5% in Mexico. Help!
But that's not all, there are other intolerances linked to inflammation, such as intolerance to histamine. In this I have experience. And if you wonder how many foods carry a load of histamine (they add it) or make the body release it, I'll tell you how many, more than you can imagine. The life of a person intolerant to gluten and histamine is very difficult because their options at the time of feeding are drastically reduced. I know because I belong to that club.
But I did not know it until late. I was not diagnosed by any doctor, but I had to discover it myself. The trial and error system does not fail, additionally I made an expensive blood test of intolerances to validate up to 200 foods.
Every time I visit a restaurant, I not only have to ask for the gluten-free menu, but I also have to discard foods with a high histamine index (I'm helped by an app on my smartphone). And additionally, discard in addition the foods that suppose a load of carbohydrates important. It is not an easy task, but the risk is great ..., at the price of the cover I have to add a headache if I am not careful in this extreme.
For me, a menu or restaurant menu is the map of an antipersonnel (migrainous) minefield.
Five solutions and three strategies to solve the Big Problem
In this book you will find my five solutions, I do not know if they will be for others, but I offer my testimony about how I conquered well-being (I ascended to levels never before known to me) and vibrant health, in addition to activating radiant youth and freeing myself of the headache.
My five solutions:
1 Change of radical food
2 Smart exercise
3 Minimalism to reduce stress
4 Improvement of sleep / rest
5 Quality supplementation
Points 1 and 2 manage to heal the digestive system, boost the immune system, relieve the toxic load, treat infections and nourish the cells. A slender body, fair weight, a lucid mind and vibrant energy.
Points 3 and 4 manage to relieve stress, raise the metabolism. Agility and strength, a presence full of peace.
Point 5 gets scientific support for nutritional improvement. A radiant and rejuvenated appearance, Skin with better appearance.
When the immune system relaxes (less: toxic, stress, inflammation ...) the chaos ceases, stops attacking the body itself and can finally do the job it was designed for: to eliminate the real external threats. The internal health of the body is reflected in the body and the appearance is radiant.
And how is it possible to rebalance the immune system?
With three strategies summarized in «The 3 R´s»:
1 Remove foods (which damage the intestine)
2 Repair the bowel (with supplementation)
3 Rebalance the microbiota (with probiotics)
I like to remember this quote from the father of medicine, Hippocrates: "All diseases start in the stomach." Exactly, food is medicine or poison. Not everything that can be eaten is good for the human organism. There are foods that nourish and others (and are sold in any supermarket) intoxicate.
The nutrition expert "Food babe" put it very aptly in a metaphor: "The processed products packed in boxes, cans, jars or any kind of container are nothing more than coffins full of dead food". He adds: "All of them embalmed with harmful preservatives." I can understand that you want to vomit, no wonder.
Think a little, a tin that does not expire until three or more years after packing can not be good for the body. It's mummified food. Foods with an expiration date are not foods. When are we going to wake up from the collective hypnosis to which we are subjected?
When people learn to reject what harms them, their health and wellbeing will enter a dimension never known. The perfect health. So it was with me, I went from an untenable situation to radiant well-being in my sixties as I had never experienced before. Today I can say that I live the best moment of my life, without comparison with the previous. I had never felt so good and as full of vital energy as now.
And I want to share with you my secrets, my solutions and strategies.
I will develop everything in this book, stay with me until the end.
In an ideal world, health would be normal
I do not believe that being bad is normal. The disease is a real anomaly, something unnatural. Old age should not be a valley of tears, but a full life stage and wellbeing fruit of a healthy life.
Imagine that you discover that almost everything they taught you about nutrition was not only