Turning 40 at 60. Raimon Samsó
wrong, but it is precisely what has created you countless health problems ...
Imagine, in addition, that you can reverse a multitude of annoying symptoms that were chronic.
Imagine that you convert food into medicine.
Imagine also that you go from cure to prevent.
Imagine that your mind experiences an unknown clarity.
Imagine that your level of energy and well-being goes up.
Imagine that you can lose weight quickly without going hungry.
Imagine that the most powerful antiaging cosmetic was in your kitchen.
Imagine rejuvenating when you turn years old.
Stop imagining and experience it.
Keep reading until the end because I will reveal to you what I have discovered - and proven by myself - as the source of vibrant health, wellbeing and radiant youth. In this book you will discover a diet and lifestyle with impressive results in vibrant health and lasting youth (and without undesirable side effects).
I can not guarantee results (if you get them, send me an email with your testimony), but I can assure you that my life has changed completely, and now I will tell you how it happened.
The Cereal Threat
According to the Bible, God expelled Adam and Eve from paradise after committing original sin and taking the fruit of the tree of good and evil. And he said to them, "You will win the bread with the sweat of your forehead." Why did you refer to bread and did not mention, say, croquettes or flan?
There is a theme with cereal, and it comes from afar. Do not even doubt it.
My interpretation, free, and very particular, of the original punishment is that the human being was going to go from hunter-gatherer (fruits and vegetables) to farmer-rancher (cereal and dairy).
That is, from heaven to nutritional hell. The beginning of the agricultural era, the worst mistake for the health of humanity in its history.
Moving from apple to cereal meant moving from health to disease.
The expulsion from paradise.
I can not think of a worse punishment.
The "nutritional pyramid" is the tomb of health
One of the biggest and most insidious lies in food history: placing the cereal at the base of the nutritional pyramid elaborated in 1992. Something that should be considered a crime against the health of humanity. It is incredible that a simple scheme has created the largest obesity epidemic in the history of mankind.
Luckily, it was corrected in the new nutritional pyramid of 2005 (Mypyramyd) and in the one of 2011 (Myplate), although too simplified, placing fruits and vegetables in the base and the grain in the vertex.
Anyway, these recommendations are made from agricultural and non-sanitary organisms. Do you see the reason for the deception? Even with the changes, the original of 1992 continues to roam at ease through schools and medical centers.
But until the mentality of the average person does not assimilate it, it will be decades. Many have already become sick and others will get sick because of that bad nutritional advice that is still in the minds of consumers.
Yes, the nutritional pyramid of the nineties is one of the most serious mistakes made by the human species and that has led to the current epidemics of obesity and many other diseases.
Just as the curse of Pharaoh Tutankhamun reached those who violated his tomb, the curse of modern wheat will sooner or later reach all those who consume Frankenstrigo. The number one enemy of your health.
I would like to share with you one fact and that is that cereals pose a problem: gluten. And gluten alters the lining of the small intestine, hindering the absorption of some nutrients (malnutrition); and what is worse, allowing toxic substances to pass from the intestine to the bloodstream, and therefore, to the whole organism.
S.O.S. (Save our Souls)
Gluten: the protein of mass destruction
The word gluten means 'glue'. Saliva? Of course not, a glue does not encourage the desire to ingest it. Why does it act like this ?, because it agglutinates and behaves like a tail, gives consistency, and therefore is included in many foods as a binding agent. In short, cereals, like carbohydrates, are the great catastrophe of modern food. A criterion error that has led us to the current obesity and diabetes epidemic.
I do not think most people are obese because they eat too much, but because they eat the wrong foods.
As far as I know, gluten is an amorphous protein found in the seeds of cereals such as wheat, barley, rye, triticale, spelled, and hybrids and their derivatives. It is 80% of the proteins in wheat, and is composed of gliadin and glutenin. What you do not know is that it causes "leaky gut syndrome" and myriad health problems. It is a highly inflammatory protein, only for that reason should be discarded and not allow the immune system to go mad.
I believe that gluten is the first risk factor in the health of any person. Ignoring this threat (the cereal threat) is irresponsible with what is now known about this issue. I understand that having a cupcake tastes very good, but we should not deceive ourselves, as the ostrich does, looking elsewhere. The facts and proven facts are incontestable.
I do not know if anyone who reads this book follows or will follow a diet, or many, but just get away from gluten will get a quantum leap in their well-being. Abandoning cereal (and its gluten) is the most transcendent change that can be made.
If the reader believes that this does not go with him, he is wrong, it is not necessary to be celiac (celiac disease affects 0.01% of the world population, although depending on the countries, it goes up to 1, 2 and even 3%) Be on guard against this neurotoxic. It is estimated that between 10 and 30% of the population is hypersensitive to gluten, without knowing it. It is what is called SGNC (non-celiac gluten sensitivity). And I enter that "package". What represents a third of the population!
The rest of the population is apparently not affected, it is an asymptomatic group, but you will undoubtedly see your health compromised in the long term due to the regular consumption of toxic protein (gluten).
Gluten acts silently, without you noticing, with devastating effects on long-term health. It is a time bomb that we should deactivate everyone as soon as possible. And be celiac, SGNC, or asymptomatic, it does not matter.
Celiac disease is intolerance to the gluten protein. It is chronic and has no cure. The symptoms of this autoimmune disease are identified by diarrhea, malnutrition, belly swelling, vomiting, nausea ..., also extradigestive manifestations such as pain, cramps, fatigue, dermatitis ... The only solution is (in Europe) to look for the barred spike that guarantees the absence of gluten in the products we consume. And follow a gluten free lifestyle.
Gluten intolerance is not just a problem of the intestinal tract, its relationship with neurological diseases is proven. Perhaps, your digestive system does not show sensitivity to gluten, and do not feel discomfort when consuming it, but that does not rid you of its silent and invisible effects on the nervous system. We are all neurologically sensitive to gluten. No one escapes its effects, whether there are symptoms or not.
In fact, anyone can be compromised the impermeability of their intestine by eating foods with gluten. And, without wanting to discourage anyone, I must clarify that the few gluten-free cereals do not rid you of problems either: keep in mind the cross-contamination. In addition, gluten is added to other processed foods.
Sometimes I give thanks for my headache because it is a symptom of a bigger and more serious problem. The small symptom always warns that something greater is not in order. Thanks to the warning