Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture. Группа авторов
mechanisms. (a) Formation of an interstiti...Figure 4 Band scheme for amorphous silicon. (a) Origin of valence and conduc...Figure 5 Electronic conductivity of three V2O5–TeO2–Bi2O3 glasses as a funct...Figure 6 Sketch of electron hopping by a phonon‐assisted tunneling process. ...Figure 7 Electronic delocalization during electron transfer between two vana...
38 Chapter 4.3Figure 1 Contrasts between the effects of size and electrical charge on atom...Figure 2 Na and Si diffusivities in natural silicate melts with different de...Figure 3 Differing effects of network‐former coordination changes on He and ...Figure 4 Influence of the glass matrix on Na diffusivity in various types of...Figure 5 The mixed alkali effect as indicated by the variation of Na and Rb ...Figure 6 Convergence of diffusivities in a rhyolitic melt in the high‐temper...Figure 7 Effects of the glass transition (Tg) on the diffusivities of O and ...Figure 8 Pressure effect on diffusivity in alkali borate glasses (a) and nat...
39 Chapter 4.4Figure 1 Differences in CaO and SiO2 concentration profiles between self‐ (a...Figure 2 Uphill diffusion of CaO in the concentration profiles collected dur...Figure 3 Diffusion profiles of Figure 2 represented in the activity space, n...Figure 4 Diffusion paths viewed in 3‐D around a single melt composition in t...
40 Chapter 4.5Figure 1 Schematic of radiative transfer. Thick black arrows show the entry ...Figure 2 Time–temperature curves and schematic of LFA experiments. Gray curv...Figure 3 Laser‐flash analysis data on D of melts. Compositions in Table 1. S...Figure 4 Comparison of k for type I SiO2 glass (slightly oxygen‐deficient fu...Figure 5 Comparison of k at high temperature from LFA to contact techniques....Figure 6 Temperature dependence of thermal diffusivity and conductivity for ...Figure 7 Thermal diffusivity as a function of temperature for moldavite and ...Figure 8 Thermal conductivity of obsidians with different crystal contents. ...Figure 9 Thermal conductivity of molten slags (calcium aluminum silicates wi...Figure 10 Correlation between thermal diffusivity and melt fragility. Symbol...Figure 11 Dependence of thermal diffusivity of liquids on density at room te...
41 Chapter 4.6Figure 1 Time regions of mean‐squared displacements as derived from MD simul...Figure 2 Self‐part of the van Hove function of Li+ ions in lithium metasilic...Figure 3 Intermediate scattering functions of Li+ ions for the eight wave nu...Figure 4 Atomic positions visited in a 6‐Å slice of Li2SiO3 glass during a 2...Figure 5 Absolute values of displacements at 500 K of five arbitrary chosen ...Figure 6 Spread of diffusive motion with increasing temperature in lithium m...Figure 7 Singularity (multifractal) spectrum, f(α) for Li ions obtained from...Figure 8 Mixed alkali effect for alkali diffusion in (Li1−x,Kx)2SiO3. ...Figure 9 Mixed alkali effect for alkali diffusion in (Li1−x,Kx)2SiO3. ...
42 Section VFigure 1 Thermodynamics occasionally prevailing over kinetics in glassmaking...
43 Chapter 5.1Figure 1 Flow chart for glass chemical analysesFigure 2 Dendrites of a nepheline of composition (Na0.7K0.2Ca0.07Fe0.05)Al0....Figure 3 Glass defect: streak in a float glass as seen and analyzed (Table 4...
44 Chapter 5.2Figure 1 Binodal and spinodal in a binary system A–B. (a) Gibbs free energy ...Figure 2 Binary system A–B with end members miscible only in the melt. (a–f)...Figure 3 Transformation of a two‐eutectic system (a) into a peritectic syste...Figure 4 Binary system with complete miscibility in both the solid and molte...Figure 5 From (a) to (d), the transformation of a spindle‐type into a eutect...Figure 6 Effect of the extent of liquid unmixing on the topology of a binary...Figure 7 Eutectic phase diagram of a ternary system A–B–C. (a) Three‐dimensi...Figure 8 Phase diagram of a hypothetical ternary system with congruently and...Figure 9 Phase equilibria in binary silica–metal oxide systems. Data for Li2Figure 10 Maxima in the critical temperatures of liquid miscibility in metal...Figure 11 Phase diagram of the ternary system Na2O–CaO–SiO2 [21–24]; numbers...Figure 12 Phase diagram of the ternary system Na2O–B2O3–SiO2 [25]. Melting t...
45 Chapter 5.3Figure 1 Gibbs free energy of formation from the elements at the standard st...Figure 2 Room‐pressure liquidus of the CaO–SiO2 system derived from the hybr...Figure 3 Ghiorso–Carmichael model [7]. Partial derivative of Gibbs free ener...Figure 4 Component activities in CaO–SiO2 melts at 1823 K and 1 bar: predict...Figure 5 Integral mixing properties for different values of the interaction ...Figure 6 Solid–liquid equilibria calculated for the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 system wi...Figure 7 Solid–liquid equilibria calculated for the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 system wi...Figure 8 The σ‐bonding orbitals of the [Si4(OH2)4] ring resolved at the...
46 Chapter 5.4Figure 1 The classical model of nucleation and possible generalizations. (a)...Figure 2 Experimental nucleation rate data for several silicate glasses. (a)...Figure 3 Crystal growth rates for Li2O∙2SiO2 glasses obtained by different a...Figure 4 Crystal morphologies formed by nucleation and growth in glass‐formi...Figure 5 Simulated TTT curves for a BaO∙2TiO2∙2SiO2 glass with crystallized ...
47 Chapter 5.5Figure 1 With water as an example, schematic representations of phase relati...Figure 2 Isothermal solubility of pure water in various silicate melts as a ...Figure 3 Speciation of water as molecular H2O and OH groups in melts of comp...Figure 4 Solubility of carbon dioxide in CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 melts determined...Figure 5 Calculated proportion of molecular CO2 and carbonate groups, CO3, i...Figure 6 Solubility of CO2 and CO in melts in equilibrium with either pure C...Figure 7 Solubility of oxidized and reduced carbon as a function of Na/Si ra...Figure 8 Solubility of nitrogen in quenched Na2Si4O9 melt as a function of p...Figure 9 Sulfur solubility in Na2O–SiO2 melts as a function of redox conditi...Figure 10 Solubility of nonreactive gases in tholeiite basalt melts at ambie...
48 Chapter 5.6Figure 1 Ellingham diagram as modified by Richardson and Jeffes [4]: Δr G° (...Figure 2 Ellingham diagram (after [6]) for several oxides in the float‐glass...Figure 3 Kinetic modes for the oxidation of a Fe2+‐rich aluminosilicate glas...Figure 4 Schematic illustration of small polaron dynamics in silicate glassm...Figure 5 Open‐system redox dynamics in the NCS‐on‐Sn float‐glass process [6]...Figure 6 Thermodynamic analysis associated with open‐system reduction and cl...
49 Chapter 5.7Figure 1 Optical absorption spectrum (in the UV region) of Pb2+ probe ion di...Figure 2 Plot of oxide(‐II) polarizability, αoxide(‐II), versus o...Figure 3 Plot of oxide(‐II) electronegativity, xO, in binary oxides MaOb, ag...Figure 4 Schematic bonding chart for binary oxides (abbreviated for clarity)...
50 Chapter 5.8Figure 1 Three kinds of glass electrode design for pH and pM measurements. (...Figure 2 Extent of linearity of the E–pH relationship of a 22 mol % Na2O sil...Figure 3 Structural role of elements as determined from electrode properties...Figure 4 Typical profiles of ion concentrations in the surface layers of gla...
51 Chapter 5.9Figure 1 Experimental set up for measurements of oxygen activities in a glas...Figure 2 Experimental set up for voltammetric measurements in glass melts.Figure 3 Effects of temperature on peak potentials in voltammograms recorded...Figure 4 Effects of (MgO, SiO2) substitution on peak potentials in voltammog...Figure 5 Voltammetric peak potentials as a function of the MgO concentration...Figure 6 Voltammetric peak potentials of the Cu+/Cu2+ peak as a function of ...Figure 7 Effect of temperature on the electrochemical series for a glass wit...Figure 8 Arrhenius plot of the diffusion coefficients of various polyvalent ...Figure 9 Arrhenius plot for the mean diffusion coefficients of Cu+/Cu2+ for ...Figure 10 Voltammogram recorded for a green glass melt (curve 1) and a melt ...Figure 11 Impedance spectra in a melt with the basic composition 16 Na2O·15 ...Figure 12 Equivalent circuit used to simulate the obtained impedance spectra...Figure 13 Dependence of the Warburg parameter on the superimposed d.c. poten...
52 Chapter