Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary. Torald Hermann Sollmann

Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary - Torald Hermann Sollmann

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250 Cc. or 8 fluidounces (N.F.).

      Bromoformum (Bromof.), Bromoform, U.S.P.—CHBr3.

      A heavy, clear, colorless liquid, with an ethereal odor and a sweet taste resembling that of chloroform. Slightly soluble in water and miscible with alcohol, chloroform, ether or fixed or volatile oils.

      Action and Uses: Has been recommended as a sedative in the treatment of whooping-cough. Opinions differ as to its value.

      Dosage: 0.2 Cc. or 3 minims (U.S.P.), preferably dissolved in almond oil or dropped on sugar. Bromoform is too dense to be dispensed safely with aqueous vehicles.

      Bromum (Bromum), Bromine, N.F.—Br.

      Heavy, dark, brownish-red, volatile liquid, with a suffocating odor resembling that of chlorine. Soluble in water (1:90) and freely soluble in alcohol or ether.

      Action and Uses: Violent irritant; seldom used in medicine.

      Liquor Bromi (Liq. Brom.), Solution of Bromine, N.F., (Smith’s Solution of Bromine).—Bromine (8.3%), potassium bromide and water.

      Uses: Antiseptic and irritant.

      Bryonia (Bryon.), Bryonia, N.F. (Bryony).—Root.

      Action and Uses: Drastic resinous cathartic; without advantage over jalap. Used in dropsies, pleurisy, neuralgia, etc.; of doubtful value.

      Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

      Tinctura Bryoniae (Tr. Bryon.), Tincture of Bryonia, N.F.—Bryonia (10%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 90 per cent.

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

      Buchu (Buchu), Buchu, U.S.P. (Buchu Leaves, Short Buchu, Long Buchu).

      Action and Uses: At one time largely used as antiseptic and diuretic, especially in catarrhal cystitis. Value doubtful.

      Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (U.S.P.).

      Elixir Buchu (Elix. Buchu), Elixir of Buchu, N.F.—Fluidextract of buchu (12.5%) in alcohol and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 35 per cent.

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm.

      Elixir Buchu Compositum (Elix. Buchu Co.), Compound Elixir of Buchu, N.F.—Compound fluidextract of buchu (25%) in aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm.

      Elixir Buchu et Potassii Acetatis (Elix. Buchu et Pot. Acet.), Elixir of Buchu and Potassium Acetate, N.F.—Potassium acetate (8.5%) and elixir of buchu. Absolute alcohol content about 30 per cent.

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm.

      Fluidextractum Buchu (Fldext. Buchu), Fluidextract of Buchu, U.S.P.—Buchu (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 80 per cent.

      Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

      Fluidextractum Buchu Compositum (Fldext. Buchu Co.), Compound Fluidextract of Buchu, N.F.—Buchu (62.5%), cubeb, juniper and uva ursi (each 12.5%). Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

      Uses: A needlessly complex diuretic mixture.

      Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

      Cacao Praeparata (Cacao Praep.), Cocoa, N.F. (Prepared Cacao, Soluble Cocoa).

      Action and Uses: Beverage and flavor.

      Cactus Grandiflorus (Cact. Grand.), Cactus Grandiflorus, N.F. (Night Blooming Cereus).—Fresh stems.

      Action and Uses: Used in neurotic heart disturbances; results probably imaginary. Drug apparently inactive.

      Tinctura Cacti Grandiflori (Tr. Cact. Grand.), Tincture of Cactus Grandiflorus, N.F.—Cactus grandiflorus (50%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 65 per cent.

      Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

      *Caffeina (Caffein.), Caffeine, U.S.P. (Theine).—An alkaloid obtained from coffee or tea.

      White, silky, efflorescent needles, odorless and bitter. Soluble in water (1:46) and in alcohol (1:66).

      Action and Uses: Diuretic; cardiac, respiratory and psychic stimulant. Used as a nerve stimulant in poisoning by narcotic drugs and for the relief of headache. Widely used to combat the circulatory depression of the acute infectious diseases but its value in such conditions is uncertain. As a diuretic probably inferior to theobromine.

      Dosage: 0.15 Gm. or 2–½ grains (U.S.P.), in capsules.

      Caffeina Citrata (Caffein Cit.), Citrated Caffeine, U.S.P.—Caffeine and citric acid equal parts.

      White, odorless powder, with a slightly bitter, acid taste.

      Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.), in solution or capsules.

      Caffeina Citrata Effervescens (Caff. Cit. Eff.), Effervescent Citrated Caffeine, U.S.P.—Contains anhydrous caffeine (about 2%), with sodium tartrate and citrate.

      Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (U.S.P.) in water.

      *Caffeinae Sodio-Benzoas (Caff. Sod. Benz.), Caffeine Sodio-Benzoate, U.S.P.—Caffeine and sodium benzoate about equal parts.

      White, odorless powder, with a slightly bitter taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1.1) and soluble in alcohol (1:30); partly soluble in chloroform.

      Action and Uses: The form of caffeine usually employed for hypodermic administration, since it is freely soluble.

      Dosage: By mouth, 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (U.S.P.); hypodermic, 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (U.S.P.).

      Caffeinae Sodio-Salicylas (Caff. Sod. Salicyl.), Caffeine Sodio-Salicylate, N.F.—Represents equal parts of caffeine and sodium salicylate.

      White, odorless powder. Freely soluble in water (1:2).

      Dosage: 0.2 Gm. or 3 grains (N.F.).

      Calamina Praeparata (Calamin. Praep.), Prepared Calamine, N.F. (Lapis Calaminaris).—Native zinc carbonate.

      A pink powder. Insoluble in water.

      Action and Uses: Protective, similar to zinc oxide, over which it has no therapeutic advantage; has the cosmetic advantage of being slightly pink.

      Unguentum Calaminae (Ung. Calamin.), Calamine Ointment, N.F. (Unguentum Zinci Carbonatis Crudi, Unguentum Calaminare, Turner’s Cerate).—Prepared calamine (17%) in ointment.

      Calcii Bromidum (Calc. Brom.), Calcium Bromide, U.S.P.—Hydrated calcium bromide (not less than 84 per cent. of CaBr2).

      A white, odorless, deliquescent powder, with a sharp, saline taste. Very soluble in water (1:0.7) and in alcohol (1:1.3). Incompatible with alkali carbonates and phosphates.

      Action and Uses: Similar to but more irritant than sodium bromide, over which it has ordinarily no advantage, although the calcium perhaps increases the sedative action.

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