Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary. Torald Hermann Sollmann

Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary - Torald Hermann Sollmann

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and water. Absolute alcohol content about 55 per cent.

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

      Vinum Aurantii Compositum (Vin. Aurant. Co.), Compound Wine of Orange, N.F. (Elixir Aurantiorum Compositum, Compound Elixir of Orange).—Bitter orange peel, absinthium, menyanthes, cascarilla, Saigon cinnamon and gentian, extracted with potassium carbonate in sherry wine. Absolute alcohol content about 20 per cent.

      Uses: Objectionable alcoholic “bitter.”

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

       Aurantii Dulcis Cortex (Aurant Dulc. Cort.), Sweet Orange Peel, U.S.P.

      Action and Uses: Flavoring agent.

      Syrupus Aurantii (Syr. Aurant.), Syrup of Orange, U.S.P.—Tincture of sweet orange peel in syrup.

      Tinctura Aurantii Dulcis (Tr. Aurant. Dulc.), Tincture of Sweet Orange Peel, U.S.P.—Sweet orange peel from fresh fruit (50%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 83 per cent.

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (U.S.P.).

       Aurantii Flores, Bitter Orange Flowers.

      Action and Uses: Flavoring agent.

      Aqua Aurantii Florum (Aq. Aurant. Flor.), Orange Flower Water, U.S.P.—Stronger orange flower water in water.

      Aqua Aurantii Florum Fortior (Aq. Aurant. Flor. Fort.), Stronger Orange Flower Water, U.S.P.—Prepared by distillation of bitter orange flowers with water. Must be free from mucilaginous growths.

      Syrupus Aurantii Florum (Syr. Aurant. Flor.), Syrup of Orange Flowers, U.S.P.—Sugar in orange flower water.

      Auri et Sodii Chloridum (Aur. et Sod. Chlor.), Gold and Sodium Chloride, U.S.P.—Equal parts of AuCl3 and NaCl.

      An orange-yellow, odorless, deliquescent powder with a saline, metallic taste. Very soluble in water.

      Action and Uses: Preparations of gold have been employed in medicine for the most varied conditions without any real evidence of usefulness.

      Dosage: 0.005 Gm. or 1/12 grain (U.S.P.).

      *Balsamum Peruvianum (Bals. Peruv.), Balsam of Peru, U.S.P. (Peru Balsam).

      Dark brown, viscid liquid, with a vanilla-like odor and a bitter, acrid taste. Soluble in alcohol or chloroform; only partially soluble in ether or petroleum benzin; practically insoluble in water.

      Action and Uses: Externally in the form of ointments or alcoholic solutions as a stimulant to indolent wounds and ulcers and in the treatment of scabies.

      *Balsamum Tolutanum (Bals. Tolu.), Balsam of Tolu, U.S.P. (Tolu Balsam).

      Yellowish-brown or brown, plastic solid, becoming brittle when old, dried or exposed to cold, and having a vanilla-like odor and a mild, aromatic taste. Insoluble in water but soluble in alcohol, chloroform and ether.

      Action and Uses: Has been recommended as an expectorant; used chiefly in the form of the syrup, which is little more than a pleasantly flavored vehicle.

      *Syrupus Tolutanus (Syr. Tolu.), Syrup of Tolu, U.S.P.—Tincture of tolu (5%) in syrup.

      Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

      Tinctura Tolutana (Tr. Tolu.), Tincture of Tolu, U.S.P.—Balsam of tolu (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 85 per cent.

      Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

      Baptisia (Baptis.), Baptisia, N.F. (Wild Indigo Root).

      Action and Uses: Without any definite known action; formerly used in typhoid fever and diseases showing similar symptoms.

      Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (N.F.).

      Fluidextractum Baptisiae (Fldext. Baptis.), Fluidextract of Baptisia, N.F.—Baptisia (100%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

      Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

      *Belladonnae Folia (Bellad. Fol.), Belladonna Leaves, U.S.P. (Deadly Nightshade Leaves, Belladonnae Folium, P.I.).—Yield not less than 0.3 per cent. of mydriatic alkaloids.

      Action and Uses: Those of the hyoscyamine and atropine (which see) contained therein.

      Dosage: 0.06 Gm. or 1 grain (U.S.P.).

      *Emplastrum Belladonnae (Emp. Bellad.), Belladonna Plaster, U.S.P.—Extract of belladonna leaves (30%), yielding about 0.37 per cent. of alkaloids.

      Action and Uses: Applied in the treatment of rheumatic and similar pains.

      *Extractum Belladonnae Foliorum (Ext. Bellad. Fol.), Extract of Belladonna Leaves, U.S.P.—One Gm. extract represents about 4 Gm. belladonna leaves and yields about 1.25 per cent. of alkaloids. Two forms: pilular extract of belladonna leaves and powdered extract of belladonna leaves.

      Dosage: 0.015 Gm. or ¼ grain (U.S.P.).

      *Tinctura Belladonnae Foliorum (Tr. Bellad. Fol.), Tincture of Belladonna Leaves, U.S.P. (Belladonnae Tinctura, P.I.)—Belladonna leaves (10%) yielding about 0.03 per cent. of alkaloids in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 47 per cent.

      Dosage: 0.75 Cc. or 12 minims (U.S.P.).

      *Unguentum Belladonnae (Ung. Bellad.), Belladonna Ointment, U.S.P.—Pilular extract of belladonna leaves (10%) in diluted alcohol, hydrous wool fat and benzoinated lard.

      Belladonnae Radix (Bellad. Rad.), Belladonna Root, U.S.P. (Deadly Nightshade Root).—Yields not less than 0.45 per cent. of mydriatic alkaloids.

      Action and Uses: Those of the hyoscyamine and atropine (which see) contained therein.

      Dosage: 0.045 Gm. or ¾ grain (U.S.P.).

      Fluidextractum Belladonnae Radicis (Fldext. Bellad. Rad.), Fluidextract of Belladonna Root, U.S.P.—Belladonna root (100%) yielding about 0.45 per cent. of alkaloids. Absolute alcohol content about 75 per cent.

      Dosage: 0.05 Cc. or 1 minim (U.S.P.).

      Linimentum Belladonnae (Lin. Bellad.), Belladonna Liniment, U.S.P.—Fluidextract of belladonna root (about 95%) and camphor (5%). Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

      Uses: A mildly analgesic and rubefacient application.

      Benzaldehydum (Benzaldehyd.), Benzaldehyde, U.S.P.—Produced synthetically or obtained from oil of bitter almonds.

      A colorless or yellowish liquid, with a bitter-almond odor and a burning, aromatic taste. Slightly soluble in water; miscible with alcohol, ether, and fixed or volatile oils.

      Action and Uses: Flavoring agent.

      Dosage: 0.03 Cc. or ½ minim (U.S.P.).

      Benzinum Purificatum (Benzin. Purif.), Purified Petroleum Benzin, U.S.P. (Petroleum Ether).

      A clear, colorless liquid, with an ethereal or faint petroleum odor; highly inflammable. Practically insoluble in water, freely soluble in alcohol and miscible with ether, chloroform, volatile oils and fixed oils with the exception of castor oil.

      Action and Uses: Pharmaceutic solvent.

      *Benzoinum (Benzoin.), Benzoin, U.S.P. (Gum Benjamin).—A balsamic resin.

      Action and Uses: Used locally to promote healing, and in inhalations as an expectorant.

      Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.).

      Tinctura Benzoini (Tr. Benz.), Tincture of Benzoin, U.S.P.—Benzoin (20%) in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 83 per cent.

      Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.).

      *Tinctura Benzoini Composita (Tr. Benz. Co.), Compound Tincture of Benzoin, U.S.P.—Benzoin (10%), aloes

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