Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary. Torald Hermann Sollmann

Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary - Torald Hermann Sollmann

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       Allium (Allium), Garlic, N.F.

      Action and Uses: Irritant expectorant; without advantage over senega, terpin hydrate or asafetida.

      Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

      Syrupus Allii (Syr. Allii), Syrup of Garlic, N.F.—Garlic (20%) in sugar and diluted acetic acid.

      Uses: Irritant expectorant.

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

      *Aloe (Aloe), Aloes, U.S.P.—The inspissated juice of different species of aloes, yielding Socotrine, Curaçao and Cape aloes, respectively.

      Action and Uses: Moderately active cathartic used in the treatment of chronic constipation. Acts mostly on the large intestine.

      Dosage: 0.25 Gm. or 4 grains (U.S.P.), as pills.

      *Extractum Aloes (Ext. Aloes), Extract of Aloes, N.F. (Powdered Extract of Aloes).—An aqueous extract, 1 Gm. representing 2 Gm. of aloes; diluted with starch. No material advantage over aloes.

      Dosage: 0.125 Gm. or 2 grains (N.F.).

       Pilulae ad Prandium (Pil. ad Prand.), Dinner Pills, N.F.

      1. For dinner pills without additional specifications Pilulae Aloes et Mastiches (which see), also called Lady Webster’s Pills, should be dispensed.

      2. Chapman’s Dinner Pills, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes and mastic (each 0.097 Gm. or 1–½ grains), and ipecac (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain), with oil of fennel.

      3. Cole’s Dinner Pills, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes, mass of mercury and jalap (each 0.078 Gm. or 1–¼ grains), antimony and potassium tartrate (0.0013 Gm. or ⅕0 grain) and syrup.

      4. Hall’s Dinner Pills, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain) with extract of glycyrrhiza and soap.

      Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

      Pilulae Aloes (Pil. Aloes), Pills of Aloes, U.S.P.—Each pill contains aloes (0.13 Gm. or 2 grains) with soap.

      Dosage: 2 pills (U.S.P.).

      Pilulae Aloes et Asafoetidae (Pil. Aloe. et Asafoet.), Pills of Aloes and Asafetida, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes and asafetida (each 0.09 Gm. or 1–½ grains) with soap.

      Dosage: 1 pill (U.S.P.).

      Pilulae Aloes et Ferri (Pil. Aloe. et Ferr.), Pills of Aloes and Iron, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes and exsiccated ferrous sulphate (each 0.07 Gm. or 1–⅙ grains), with aromatic powder and confection of rose.

      Dosage: 2 pills (N.F.).

      Pilulae Aloes et Mastiches (Pil. Aloe. et Mastich.), Pills of Aloes and Mastic, N.F. (Lady Webster’s Dinner Pill).—Each pill contains aloes (0.13 Gm. or 2 grains) and mastic (0.04 Gm. or ⅔ grain) with red rose.

      Dosage: 2 pills (N.F.).

      Pilulae Aloes et Myrrhae (Pil. Aloe. et Myrrh.), Pills of Aloes and Myrrh, N.F.—Each pill contains aloes (0.13 Gm. or 2 grains) and myrrh (0.06 Gm. or 1 grain), with aromatic powder and syrup.

      Dosage: 2 pills (N.F.).

      Pilulae Aloes et Podophylli Compositae (Pil. Aloe. et Podoph. Co.), Compound Pills of Aloes and Podophyllum, N.F. (Janeway’s Pills).—Each pill contains aloes (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain), resin of podophyllum (0.0325 Gm. or ½ grain), pilular extract of belladonna leaves and extract of nux vomica (each 0.016 Gm. or ¼ grain).

      Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

      Pilulae Aloes, Hydrargyri et Podophylli (Pil. Aloe. Hydrarg. et Podoph.), Pills of Aloes, Mercury and Podophyllum, N.F. (Pilulae Triplices, N.F. III, Triplex Pills, Pilula Triplex).—Each pill contains aloes (0.13 Gm. or 2 grains), mass of mercury (0.065 Gm. or 1 grain) and resin of podophyllum (0.016 Gm. or ¼ grain). These pills should not be taken habitually.

      Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

      Pilulae Aloes, Hydrargyri et Scammonii Compositae (Pil. Aloe. Hydrarg. et Scammon Co.), Compound Pills of Aloes, Mercury and Scammony, N.F. (Francis’ Triplex Pills).—Each pill contains aloes, resin of scammony and mass of mercury (each 0.055 Gm. or ⅞ grain), croton oil (0.0032 Cc. or ½0 minim), oil of caraway (0.016 Cc. or ¼ minim) and tincture of aloes and myrrh. Should not be taken habitually.

      Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

      Pulvis Aloes et Canellae (Pulv. Aloe. et Canell.), Powder of Aloes and Canella, N.F. (Hiera Picra).—Aloes (80%) and canella.

      Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (N.F.).

      Tinctura Aloes (Tr. Aloes), Tincture of Aloes, U.S.P.—Aloes (10%) and glycyrrhiza in diluted alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 47 per cent.

      Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.).

      Tinctura Aloes et Myrrhae (Tr. Aloe. et Myrrh.), Tincture of Aloes and Myrrh, N.F.—Represents aloes and myrrh (each 10%) and glycyrrhiza in alcohol and water. Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

      Uses: Disagreeable cathartic.

      Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (N.F.).

      *Aloinum (Aloin.), Aloin, U.S.P.—Obtained from aloes.

      A yellow, odorless, intensely bitter powder. Slightly soluble in water and soluble in alcohol.

      Action and Uses: Similar to those of aloes; is more easily absorbed, and has sometimes produced renal irritation.

      Dosage: 0.015 Gm. or ¼ grain (U.S.P.), as pills. In chronic constipation, frequently given in doses of from 0.006 Gm. to 0.02 Gm., or 1/12 to ⅓ grain in combination with extract of belladonna and strychnine.

      Pilulae Aloini Compositae (Pil. Aloin. Co.), Compound Pills of Aloin, N.F.—Each pill contains aloin (0.0325 Gm. or ½ grain), resin of podophyllum (0.008 Gm. or ⅛ grain), and pilular extract of belladonna leaves (0.016 Gm. or ¼ grain).

      Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

      Pilulae Aloini, Strychninae et Belladonnae (Pil. A.S. et B.), Pills of Aloin, Strychnine and Belladonna, N.F.—Each pill contains aloin (0.013 Gm. or ⅕ grain), strychnine (0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain) and pilular extract of belladonna leaves (0.008 Gm. or ⅛ grain).

      Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

      Pilulae Aloini, Strychninae et Belladonnae Compositae (Pil. A.S. et B. Co.), Compound Pills of Aloin, Strychnine and Belladonna, N.F.—Each pill contains aloin (0.013 Gm. or ⅕ grain), strychnine (0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain), pilular extract of belladonna leaves (0.008 Gm. or ⅛ grain) and extract of cascara sagrada (0.0325 Gm. or ½ grain).

      Uses: Needlessly complex mixture.

      Dosage: 1 pill (N.F.).

      Pilulae Laxativae Compositae (Pil. Lax. Co.), Compound Laxative Pills, N.F.—Each pill contains aloin (0.013 Gm. or ⅕ grain), strychnine (0.5 mg. or 1/120 grain), pilular extract of belladonna leaves (0.008 Gm. or ⅛ grain) and ipecac (0.004 Gm. or 1/15 grain) with glycyrrhiza and syrup.

      Uses: Complex and superfluous preparation of aloin.

      Dosage: 2 pills (N.F.).

      Althaea (Althaea), Althaea, U.S.P. (Marsh Mallow Root).

      Action and Uses: Demulcent and emollient; without advantages over other drugs of the same kind, such as chondrus, tragacanth, slippery elm and flaxseed.

      Species Pectorales (Spec. Pect.), Pectoral Species, N.F. (Species ad Infusum Pectorale, Breast Tea).—Althaea, coltsfoot, glycyrrhiza, anise, mullein flowers and orris root.

      Dosage: 4 Gm. or 1 drachm (N.F.).

      Syrupus Althaeae (Syr. Althae.), Syrup of Althaea, N.F.—Althaea (5%) with alcohol, glycerin and sugar in water. Absolute alcohol content

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