Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary. Torald Hermann Sollmann

Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary - Torald Hermann Sollmann

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      Acidum Hydrobromicum Dilutum (Acid. Hydrobrom. Dil.), Diluted Hydrobromic Acid, U.S.P.—HBr (about 10%).

      A colorless, odorless liquid, with a strong acid taste. Incompatible with alkalies and their carbonates, metallic oxides and the salts of silver and of lead.

      Action and Uses: In general, those of bromides; but the preparation is objectionable because of its acidity.

      Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.), diluted.

      *Acidum Hydrochloricum (Acid. Hydrochl.), Hydrochloric Acid, U.S.P. (Muriatic Acid).—HCl (about 32%).

      A fuming, corrosive liquid. Incompatible with alkalies and their carbonates, metallic oxides and salts of silver and of lead.

      Action and Uses: Used in gastric hypoacidity; also as caustic; antiseptic.

      *Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilutum (Acid. Hydrochl. Dil.), Diluted Hydrochloric Acid, U.S.P.—HCl (about 10%).

      A colorless, odorless, strongly acid solution.

      Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.), after meals, diluted in one-half to one glass water and taken through a glass tube to protect the teeth.

      Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum (Acid. Hydrocyan. Dil.), Diluted Hydrocyanic Acid, U.S.P. (Diluted Prussic Acid, Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum, P.I.).—HCN (about 2%).

      A colorless liquid, with an odor like that of bitter almonds.

      Action and Uses: Said to be sedative. Was formerly used as an addition to cough mixtures and as an antiemetic but, because of its poisonous properties and instability, is no longer used to the same extent.

      Dosage: 0.1 Cc. or 1–½ minims (U.S.P.)—not drops.

      Acidum Hypophosphorosum (Acid. Hypophos.), Hypophosphorous Acid, U.S.P.—H3PO2 (about 31%).

      A colorless, odorless liquid.

      Action and Uses: Ingredient of compound hypophosphite preparations.

      Acidum Hypophosphorosum Dilutum (Acid. Hypophos. Dil.), Diluted Hypophosphorous Acid, U.S.P.—H3PO2 (about 10%).

      A colorless, odorless liquid with a strong acid taste.

      Dosage: 0.5 Cc. or 8 minims (U.S.P.), diluted.

      Acidum Lacticum (Acid. Lact.), Lactic Acid, U.S.P.—Equivalent to about 87 per cent. lactic acid.

      A colorless or nearly colorless, nearly odorless, syrupy liquid, with an acid taste. Miscible with water.

      Action and Uses: Caustic; seldom used internally.

      Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.), diluted.

      *Acidum Nitricum (Acid. Nitric.), Nitric Acid, U.S.P.—HNO3 (about 68%).

      A colorless, fuming, very corrosive liquid with a suffocating odor. Miscible with water.

      Action and Uses: Caustic.

      Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum (Acid. Nitrohydrochl.), Nitrohydrochloric Acid, U.S.P. (Aqua Regia, Nitromuriatic Acid).—A mixture of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, nitrosyl chloride and chlorine.

      A golden-yellow, fuming, very corrosive liquid. Miscible with water.

      Action and Uses: Caustic. Formerly thought to be a “hepatic stimulant,” but acts much like other mineral acids.

      Acidum Nitrohydrochloricum Dilutum (Acid. Nitrohydrochl. Dil.), Diluted Nitrohydrochloric Acid, U.S.P. (Diluted Nitromuriatic Acid).—An aqueous solution of about one-fifth the strength of nitrohydrochloric acid; should be freshly prepared.

      Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (U.S.P.), well diluted.

      Acidum Oleicum (Acid. Oleic.), Oleic Acid, U.S.P.—Obtained from fats.

      A yellowish or brownish-yellow, oily liquid, having a lard-like odor and taste. Practically insoluble in water, partially soluble in 60 per cent. alcohol.

      Action and Uses: Solvent for making oleates.

      *Acidum Phenylcinchoninicum (Acid. Phenylcinch.), Phenylcinchoninic Acid, U.S.P. (Phenyl-Quinoline-Carboxylic Acid, Atophan).

      A white or nearly white, odorless or nearly odorless powder with a bitter taste. Insoluble in cold water, slightly soluble in cold alcohol.

      Action and Uses: Increases the excretion of uric acid and diminishes its concentration in the blood. Analgesic. Has been used in acute and chronic gout.

      Dosage: 0.5 Gm. or 8 grains (U.S.P.), in tablets or powder.

      Acidum Phosphoricum (Acid. Phos.), Phosphoric Acid, U.S.P.—H3PO4 (about 86.5%).

      A colorless, odorless, syrupy liquid having a strongly acid taste. Miscible with water. Incompatible with alkalies, alkali carbonates, ferric chloride, lead acetate and solutions of lime.

      Action and Uses: Similar to those of hydrochloric acid. Has none of the therapeutic properties of free phosphorus.

      Acidum Phosphoricum Dilutum (Acid. Phos. Dil.), Diluted Phosphoric Acid, U.S.P.—H3PO4 (about 10%).

      Dosage: 2 Cc. or 30 minims (U.S.P.), diluted.

      Liquor Phosphatum Acidus (Liq. Phos. Acid.), Acid Solution of Phosphates, N.F. (Solution of Acid Phosphates).—Made by dissolving precipitated calcium carbonate (5%) in phosphoric acid and water.

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

      Liquor Phosphatum Compositus (Liq. Phos. Co.), Compound Solution of Phosphates, N.F.—Phosphates of calcium, iron, ammonium, potassium and sodium in citric acid, glycerin, orange flower water and water.

      Syrupus Phosphatum Compositum (Syr. Phos. Co.), Compound Syrup of the Phosphates, N.F. (Chemical Food).—Compound solution of phosphates (50%), colored with tincture of cudbear, in glycerin and syrup.

      Uses: Antiquated and irrational “tonic.”

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

      Syrupus Phosphatum cum Quinina et Strychnina.—See under Quininae Hydrochloridum.

      Acidum Picricum, Picric Acid.—See Trinitrophenol.

      *Acidum Salicylicum (Acid. Salicyl.), Salicylic Acid, U.S.P.—C6H4(OH)COOH.

      A white, odorless powder, tasting first sweetish, subsequently acrid. Slightly soluble in water (1:460), freely soluble in alcohol (1:2.7) and in ether. Incompatible with solutions of iron and with spirit of nitrous ether.

      Action and Uses: Antirheumatic, antiseptic, germicide and keratolytic.

      Dosage: Internally 0.75 Gm. or 12 grains (U.S.P.) best given in the form of soluble salicylates (see Sodii Salicylas). Externally in 10 per cent. ointment as a keratolytic.

      Collodium Salicylici Compositum (Collod. Salicyl. Co.), Compound Salicylic Collodion, N.F.—Salicylic acid (1.1%) and flexible collodion colored with fluidextract of cannabis.

      Uses: A popular application for softening corns. The cannabis can play no rôle beyond that of coloring agent.

      Glycerogelatinum Acidi Salicylici (Glycerogel. Acid. Salicyl.), Salicylic Acid Glycerogelatin, N.F.—Salicylic acid (10%), in water, glycerin and glycerinated gelatin.

      Mulla Acidi Salicylici (Mull. Ac. Salicyl.), Salicylic Acid Mull, N.F. (Unguentum Salicylatum Extensum, N.F. III).—Salicylic acid (10%), in benzoinated suet and benzoinated lard.

      Mulla Creosoti Salicylata (Mull. Creosot. Salicyl.), Salicylated Creosote

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