Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary. Torald Hermann Sollmann

Epitome of the Pharmacopeia of the United States and the National Formulary - Torald Hermann Sollmann

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4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm (N.F.).

      Althaeae Folia (Althae. Fol.), Althaea Leaves, N.F. (Marsh Mallow Leaves).

      Action and Uses: Domestic demulcent and emollient; inferior for internal use to gums and for poultices to flaxseed.

      Dosage: 2 Gm. or 30 grains (N.F.).

      Species Emollientes (Spec. Emoll.), Emollient Species, N.F. (Emollient Cataplasm).—Althaea leaves, mallow leaves, melilot, matricaria and flaxseed. Emollient poultice is made by adding a suitable quantity of hot water to this powder.

      *Alumen (Alum.), Alum, U.S.P.—AlNH4(SO4)2 + 12H2O or AlK(SO4)2 + 12H2O. (The physician may indicate whether ammonium alum or potassium alum is desired.)

      Colorless crystals or white powder, odorless and possessing a strongly astringent taste. Ammonium alum is somewhat less soluble in water than is potassium alum, which is freely soluble in water (1:7.2); both are insoluble in alcohol.

      Action and Uses: Astringent, styptic and hemostatic. Seldom administered internally.

      Dosage: As a gargle, in from 1 to 5 per cent. solution (somewhat injurious to the teeth); as an injection in gonorrhea, in from 0.5 to 1 per cent. solution; as a lotion in skin diseases, in 1 per cent. solution.

      *Alumen Exsiccatum (Alum. Exsic.), Exsiccated Alum, U.S.P. (Alumen Ustum, Dried Alum, Burnt Alum).—Anhydrous AlNH4(SO4)2 or anhydrous AlK(SO4)2. (The composition of the desired salt may be indicated.)

      White, odorless powder, with an astringent taste. Very slowly soluble in water (1:14); insoluble in alcohol.

      Action and Uses: Used externally like alum, being more escharotic.

      *Alumini Acetas, Aluminum Acetate.—Normal aluminum acetate, Al(C2H3O2)3.

      Liquor Alumini Acetatis (Liq. Alumin. Acet.), Solution of Aluminum Acetate, N.F. (Liquor Burowii, Burow’s Solution).—Contains normal aluminum acetate, Al(C2H3O2)3 (about 5%).

      Uses: Popular astringent wash.

      Dosage: Usually diluted with 15 parts of water.

       Alumini Acetico-Tartras, Aluminum Acetico-Tartrate.

      Liquor Alumini Acetico-Tartratis (Liq. Alumin. Acet.-Tart.), Solution of Aluminum Acetico-Tartrate, N.F.—A solution of aluminum acetate and tartrate obtained by dissolving aluminum hydroxide in a mixture of acetic and tartaric acids.

      Alumini Chloridum (Alum. Chlor.), Aluminum Chloride, N.F.—AlCl3 + 6H2O.

      A nearly white deliquescent powder, with a sweetish, astringent taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1) and in alcohol (1:3).

      Action and Uses: Antiseptic and astringent, without advantage over alum.

      Dosage: 0.3 Gm. or 5 grains (N.F.).

      Alumini Hydroxidum (Alum. Hydrox.), Aluminum Hydroxide, U.S.P.—Al(OH)3.

      A white, bulky, odorless and tasteless powder. Insoluble in water and in alcohol.

      Action and Uses: Mild astringent and desiccant, sometimes used as a dusting powder.

      Alumini Subacetas, Aluminum Subacetate.—Basic aluminum acetate, Al(C2H3O2)2OH.

      *Liquor Alumini Subacetatis (Liq. Alumin. Subacet.), Solution of Aluminum Subacetate, N.F. (Liquor Alumini Acetatis, N.F. III).—Contains basic aluminum acetate, Al(C2H3O2)2OH (about 8%).

      Uses: Astringent wash.

      Dosage: Usually diluted with ten parts of water.

      Alumini Sulphas (Alum. Sulph.), Aluminum Sulphate, N.F.—Al2(SO4)3 + 16H2O.

      A white, odorless powder, with an astringent taste. Freely soluble in water (1:1), but insoluble in alcohol.

      Action and Uses: Similar to and without advantage over alum.

      *Ammonia (NH3).

      *Aqua Ammoniae (Aq. Ammon.), Ammonia Water, U.S.P.—NH3 (about 10%) in water.

      A liquid with a strong odor and a caustic, soapy taste. Loses NH3 readily. Miscible with water or alcohol.

      Uses: Local irritant and antacid, preferably as a liniment. Fugacious indirect circulatory and respiratory stimulant.

      Aqua Ammoniae Fortior (Aq. Ammon. Fort.), Stronger Ammonia Water, U.S.P.—NH3 (about 28%) in water.

      Loses NH3 very readily. Miscible with water or alcohol.

      *Linimentum Ammoniae (Lin. Ammon.), Ammonia Liniment, U.S.P. (Volatile Liniment, Hartshorn Liniment).—Ammonia water (25%) in sesame oil.

      Uses: Popularly used as counterirritant.

      Lotio Ammoniacalis Camphorata (Lot. Ammon. Camph.), Ammoniated Camphor Wash, N.F. (Aqua Sedativa, N.F. III, Sedative Water, Eau Sédative de Raspail).—Ammonia water (6%) and spirit of camphor (1%), in sodium chloride and water.

      Uses: Counterirritant.

      Spiritus Ammoniae Anisatus (Sp. Ammon. Anis.), Anisated Spirit of Ammonia, N.F. (Liquor Ammoniae Anisatus, Anisated Solution of Ammonia).—Ammonia water (20%) with anethol, in alcohol. Absolute alcohol content about 70 per cent.

      Uses: Aromatic carminative preparation.

      Dosage: 1 Cc. or 15 minims (N.F.).

      Ammonii Acetas, Ammonium Acetate.—NH4C2H3O2.

      Liquor Ammonii Acetatis (Liq. Ammon. Acet.), Solution of Ammonium Acetate, U.S.P. (Spirit of Mindererus).—Contains NH4C2H3O2 (not less than 7%).

      Uses: Diaphoretic and diuretic in fevers; of doubtful value.

      Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

      Liquor Ferri et Ammonii Acetatis (Liq. Ferr. et Ammon. Acet.), Solution of Iron and Ammonium Acetate, U.S.P. (Basham’s Mixture).

      Uses: An antiquated preparation, without the special advantages generally ascribed to it. Iron and acetates are better prescribed separately.

      Dosage: 15 Cc. or 4 fluidrachms (U.S.P.).

       Ammonii Benzoas (Ammon. Benz.), Ammonium Benzoate, U.S.P.

      A white, odorless or nearly odorless powder, with a bitterish taste. Very soluble in water (1:10) and soluble in alcohol (1:35). Incompatible with acids, fixed alkalies and ferric salts.

      Action and Uses: Resembles sodium benzoate in its action but is more irritant and has no advantage over it.

      Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.), in solution.

      Ammonii Bromidum (Ammon. Brom.), Ammonium Bromide, U.S.P.—NH4Br.

      A white, odorless powder with a pungent saline taste. Incompatible with nitrous ether.

      Action and Uses: Those of the bromides; more irritant than potassium bromide, over which it has no advantage.

      Dosage: 1 Gm. or 15 grains (U.S.P.) in solution.

      Elixir Ammonii Bromidi (Elix. Ammon. Brom.), Elixir of Ammonium Bromide, N.F.—Ammonium bromide (8.5%), syrup, distilled water and aromatic elixir. Absolute alcohol content about 5 per cent.

      Dosage: 4 Cc. or 1 fluidrachm.

      Elixir Trium Bromidorum (Elix. Tri. Brom.), Elixir of Three Bromides, N.F.—Ammonium

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