Impossible is Nothing. Julia Belova

Impossible is Nothing - Julia Belova

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of dawn, glancing down at the gorgeous valley the little tree realized that life wasn’t all that bad: the most delightful view was right in front of it! No other tree on the slope could catch even a tiny glimpse of the splendid landscape and the beautiful waterfall cascading down the giant rocks.

      The tree simply wouldn’t have survived above the crack without its crooked trunk and the strong branches. The plant was so unique in its grace and its proper place!

      This place charms with its extraordinary, almost surreal beauty. The power of nature is impressive! It is still a mystery how exactly the water makes its way to the source of the river.

      According to an old legend, a fairy nymph is guarding the lake. Every spring she casts seven precious stones out of the rock to rise the water in the lake.

      Every single thing in this world is perfect and unique! Trees, lakes, rivers, countless beautiful corners of the great universe!

      This means each of us is unique, each of us is the one and only! But everyone is unique in one’s own way.

      My sweet girl, it would be wrong to consider everyone else to be brilliant and neglect your own genius. Why would you want to be like someone else and not yourself? Do you feel like others are more talented that you are?

      Wasting your life comparing yourself with others is so silly!

      Let’s go down to the lake to admire the magnificence of nature. The lake is strikingly beautiful, incomparable to any other on earth.

      Take a look at your reflection in its waters.

      Now tell me if you know someone else on this planet with a pretty nose exactly like yours, the same expressive eyes you have got and this sweet smile of yours. All of it is very special, isn’t it? Or do you happen to know someone looking exactly like you? I don’t think so.

      You are unique and you already deserve all the love.

      Say, “I love myself! I love myself so much just because I exist! And I’m very special!”

      Always say that to yourself! Never forget that! And never doubt a word of it.

      Imagine that you’re surrounded with love and care right here, at this very moment. You are loved by me and everyone dear to you. You’re absolutely happy, and you deserve the love you are given!

      It doesn’t matter what circumstances you are born to and live in now. What really matters is what you think of yourself.

      There will always be people who praise you and those who criticize. When you hear different opinions about yourself, you tend to divide your character into “positive” and “negative” traits. It always happens this way. Don’t waste your time struggling against it, proving anything. It doesn’t make any sense anyway.

      All you can do is accept the two different ways of perception of you by others. Because that is exactly how it is with everyone! We all have both “light” and “dark” sides. This way of evaluation is quite conventional, of course. Everything in this world possesses its “dark” and “light” sides, these two are inseparable. The most evident examples are day and night, summer and winter, the sun and the moon, warm and cold, and so on. What would our life be without them? They exist as parts of our wonderful world. We shouldn’t divide these pairs because we won’t be able to appreciate the benefits of daylight without the darkness of the night. It’s clear, isn’t it?

      You can spend your whole life struggling with yourself. But it’s so much easier to accept the way you are instead.

      These “dark” and “light” sides of your character make you so special. It’s so important to discover the talents you were born with!

      How much do you really love yourself? Loving yourself has nothing to do with narcissism or arrogance. Considering yourself superior is egotism, not love. These are totally different notions.

      Loving yourself starts with the notion of your existence, here and now, in this very moment. I love myself just for the fact that I exist, I’m here, not for possessing something others lack. Those who despise others considering them undeserving of love just because they lack something, show themselves weak, dependent and diffident.

      Only accepting yourself with all your “flaws” you learn the most important lesson in life: you’re flawless, you’re unique. Loving oneself means realizing we are all one. We’re all here both to learn and to teach. Those who are capable of loving themselves can’t hurt or humiliate others. Hurting someone harms you more. The universe is indivisible and endless. You’re a part of it.

      Don’t take in the whole world as a threat or a constant struggle, or endless competition. You are the best version of yourself no matter what anyone else thinks! The sooner you learn and accept it, the faster paper airplanes, with your dreams written on them, will fly into space!

      You don’t have to prove you deserve my love. My love for you is endless! You don’t have to make any choices just to make me happy. I’ll always support you. I don’t expect you to become better! I love you unconditionally. And I do wish for you to be the person you are, to feel true love for yourself and follow your own path. Let your heart and your destiny choose this path for you. You are the inception!

      Your beauty meets no rivals in this world

      As all true beauty of this world YOU hold!

      Your soul, reflecting everyone you’ve known,

      Just like a quilt of parts of us is sewn.

      And all this beauty: fields of rye,

      The woods, the rivers and the sky

      Are parts of you and that’s the reason why

      They catch your eye.

      Are weariness and anguish all you see?

      Or do you feast your eyes upon the skies?

      Each drop of rain reflects your pretty face,

      And love is all around and inside us!

Julia Belova(Translated by Anna Zabrodina)

      And there’s love for yourself inside of you. It’s a priority. You came here with this love and you pass away with it, all the same. It’s the part of you that loves you, no matter what.

      Listen to your heart if you doubt my words. Your heart never lies!

      There’s still more of the picturesque Provence with its lavender fields to see. We’re about to visit a gorgeous castle garlanded with orchards.

      Local architecture is inspiring in its beauty and elegance. The twisted paths lead to gigantic Cedars of Lebanon. The castle walls keep memories and numerous stories of local potentates and townsfolk. Centuries-old trees, as if wrapping us up in their embrace and whispering, suggesting we pause and reflect upon ourselves as parts of something meaningful.

      Some folks still remember legends about this place. There’s one I especially adore.

      Once upon a time, a very wealthy Marquis lived here. He had two daughters. The elder daughter was a stunning beauty with golden curls and graceful figure. Her younger sister was nothing like her: she possessed neither looks nor grace. The Marquis was so proud of his elder daughter, but he kept the younger one to the shadows.

      One day, the Marquis was visited by two young heirs of mighty sovereigns. One of them greeted the Marquis, announcing, “Good day! I come looking for a bride.”

      “Well, that’s delightful! What are you waiting for? Come on in!” invited the Marquis.

      “Thank you for your hospitality,” replied the men. They

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