Impossible is Nothing. Julia Belova

Impossible is Nothing - Julia Belova

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younger daughter instead? I have heard a lot of flattering words about the beauty of your elder daughter. And nothing of the younger! I’d like to meet her.”

      The Marquis gave the youngsters an astonished look, exclaiming, “What a surprise!”

      “I offer you a bounty of one million diamonds for her,” proclaimed the noble heir.

      “What in the world? You offer me one million diamonds for my YOUNGER daughter. But I’d be happy to give you my elder daughter for this generous offer! Would you like to reconsider?” the Marquis’s confusion was evident, but he couldn’t help it.

      “I ask for the hand of your younger daughter. Please, introduce me to her!” insisted the young man.

      A very modest and unattractive girl entered the hall, looking frightened.

      “Will you marry me?” proposed the youngster.

      “Yes, I will,” whispered the girl, bewildered.

      The Marquis received the diamonds. The groom and the bride left immediately. The groom’s friend disapproved of such a choice. Taking an unattractive and taciturn girl for a wife didn’t make sense to him. But the groom didn’t utter a word in defense, he was guided by his heart.

      Five years passed, and the friend called upon the couple, uninvited. Approaching their house, he noticed a beautiful girl, her endless chestnut brown hair fell graciously on her shoulders. Her lovely smile seemed the most delightful of all things in the world. He stopped.

      “Who are you, beautiful stranger?” he asked, amazed.

      “Don’t you recognize me?” she gave him one of her loveliest smiles.

      “I’m sorry, I really don’t…”

      “I’m your best friend’s wife, we’ve met before.”

      “How’s that possible?” he stared in disbelief. “You seemed plain to me when I first met you,” he said, embarrassed.

      “I don’t blame you. The day when you and my husband arrived at my father’s castle, I finally realized that I was worth a million diamonds. I’m really one of a kind. And there’s no one prettier than me. I’m unique.”

      Doesn’t it seem strange to you that so many people in the world are unsatisfied with their looks? They always criticize themselves. Some are obsessed with food, others are poisoning themselves with cigarettes, drugs, alcohol. There are those who undergo painful and dangerous plastic surgeries. All this only testifies lack of love for oneself. People don’t accept themselves. Don’t you ever let your fears and doubts take over you, my love!

      There’s always genius within each of us.

      Treat yourself to something extra special every now and then. Make yourself happy. Enjoy life. Be grateful for every single day, you every little success.

      It’s as easy as that.

      Always say, “I did so well today,” (and mention all that you’ve done during the day), or praise yourself, saying things like, “I’m a wonderful person,” or, “I love myself more and more every day,” or, “The world around me is safe and beautiful,” or, “My life is full of love and happiness.”

      Choose one day of the week when you do everything that makes you feel the most wonderful and successful person. Spend it just as you wish! Feel the love! Feel absolutely happy! Take a walk in a park, for instance, or watch your favorite movie. It doesn’t matter exactly what you do, but it has to be a day totally devoted to yourself. Make a point of telling yourself how awesome and special you are. Wake up with a feeling that you are loved. Open your eyes and say to yourself, “I love you! You are the best.” Memorize this feeling of love.

      Now, say these simple phrases to yourself and repeat daily:

      I’m special.

      I love myself.

      I’m beautiful.

      I’m wonderful.

      I’m perfect.

      I have got all it takes to achieve my goals.

      I possess the power of love and kindness.

      I’m talented.

      I appreciate myself.

      I’m gifted.

      I’m a genius.

      I live right here and now.

      I’m the best version of myself, no matter what anyone says.

      I let myself be the person I am.

      Our bodies are like temples of inner strength. It’s extremely important to keep them healthy. And LOVING YOUR BODY is key!

      I ask you to treat your body with love:

      1. Follow a comfortable waking and sleeping schedule.

      2. Love your own body.

      3. Take good care of it. It is your source of pleasure and happiness.

      4. Develop the following good habits:

      – spend time outdoors just breathing fresh air, enjoying the beauty of nature;

      – love yourself and others sincerely, don’t criticize or judge anyone;

      – don’t evaluate everything that happens around you, just watch;

      – do physical exercise, it’s good for you, especially swimming;

      – drink enough pure water;

      – eat healthy food;

      – set goals for the upcoming week, month, year, and, most importantly, your whole life;

      – take care of the environment around you;

      – keep a diary;

      – smile and laugh as often as you can;

      – always say “yes” to yourself!

      5. Remember that your body is a gift that is going to serve you all your long and happy life.

      It was a long journey, and it’s getting dark now. Lavender fields deserve to be announced the Eighth Wonder of The World, seeing them at least once in your life is a must! The colors are changing from purple to dark pink in the rays of setting sun. I suppose, you’re hungry! We’ll stop by a cozy nice place for dinner in the nearby village. Banon cheese, fresh bread and the delicious ratatouille will make a splendid dinner.

      As we wait for our food, let me say a few words about it. Please, always try to choose healthy food, avoid excessive sugar, preservatives, artificial flavors. They harm your body. Curiously enough, we’re trapped by our own poor food habits as we love to eat junk food.

      I am an accountant by profession. It means I know a lot about commerce. Business doesn’t necessarily care about the benefit of mankind, trust me, honey. A huge profit comes from selling us junk food. Should I still buy you a soda or the snacks you ask for, even if I know they’re bad for you? Should I thus harm the person I love? Does it make sense to you?

      So don’t be trapped by your poor food habits and impulses. Don’t help those who earn money selling junk food. Please, make sure to eat more fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Take care of yourself, because nobody can do it better than you! Read all the nutrition facts carefully while grocery shopping, your meals are your own responsibility! You’re old enough to manage this and take care of your health!

      Tell yourself now and repeat every day:

      I’m absolutely healthy.

      My body makes me happy.

      I eat healthy food.

      I take

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