Impossible is Nothing. Julia Belova

Impossible is Nothing - Julia Belova

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body is perfect.

      My body is my best friend.

      Every cell of my body is healthy.

      I love the person I am and encourage myself in every way I can.

      Your body is your best friend for life, no doubt. Accept the way you are and the way you look. Every cell of your body belongs to you, it is all yours! You had chosen this body before you were born, respect this choice. Your self-confidence is your way to success!

      One day you’ll see that you’re the best, and you don’t have to impress anyone else. You don’t have to be liked by everyone, but you do have to be loved by yourself here and now, this very moment, with all your weaknesses and merits, all your ups and downs. You’ve got all you need because you’ve got yourself! And yes, you ARE the best.

      Never complain about lack of time -you’ve got plenty of it! It’s a matter of setting your priorities. Always make time to praise, learn and accept yourself.

      Love starts with you. Don’t associate yourself with just a body, you’re more than just flesh and bones. You are the creator. You create your own life and your reality every single day. Only you have the power to do it.

      Only you know how special you are, mind that. You possess enormous potential you might have never felt before. Loving yourself is a sort of a miracle. Let this miracle happen to you first. Accept yourself as part of this love, and let it fill your soul. You’re in front of a door to your genius and talents. And love is the key!

      Make this first step. I’d like to help you, if you let me. Don’t stop loving yourself, no matter what. Always praise yourself. Don’t criticize, humiliate, curse, judge and mistreat yourself. Every new day brings opportunities to love and accept yourself more. Think of the world you live in only as of a world of happiness and joy. That’s a way to your destiny!

      Don’t let anyone influence your self-esteem. Encourage yourself despite what people say. You’re never alone because you’ve got YOURSELF and a great world inside you. You possess virtue and vice just like everyone else! So it’s no use considering what people say about you since no one is flawless.

      Your sense of humor is a powerful weapon against all critics. Jokes and laughter help getting rid of any insult. It’s good for your health, too. Learn to keep your spirits high, to smile even when someone makes jokes about you. Because you are so much more than just a body.

      Love yourself despite all your flaws! We all make mistakes. It’s the way we learn. Learning requires a lot of time and attention. Don’t judge yourself if you fail as it’s part of your life experience. Life is impossible without failures and mistakes.

      This wonderful day is over. The next amazing location and new exciting discoveries await us tomorrow. Exploring the world we discover ourselves.

      The first step towards your dreams is LOVE FOR YOURSELF!

      Love is the energy that cures!

      Love is the most precious thing in life!

      YOU are love in itself!

      It’s OK if you stumble and fall making your first step. Get up, shake the dust off your knees, think what you could have done differently and try again. Keep trying until you succeed.

      A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step!

      Chapter 2

      The Power of Your Mind

      “Don’t be afraid of your God – be afraid of yourself.

      You are the creator of your own troubles and joy.

      Heaven and hell are in your own soul.”

Sylvain Marechal

      One of the top secrets of your life is that YOU can rule your own life and your body with THE POWER OF YOUR MIND.

      What is a thought? Many people still search for answers to this intricate question. Some consider a thought to be an act of mind. Others suppose it’s a sensory image produced by one’s mind. Also, a thought is something expressed by a sound, a phrase or a pronounced message.

      Let’s consider a thought as something in your mind at this very moment.

      “Thinking means nothing but talking and listening to oneself.”

E. Kant

      You might have wondered what exactly rules this world pulling the invisible strings of millions of human lives.

      Our minds do that. I know it probably sounds weird to you. Thought is incipient action. Our mind makes us act the way we think, say what’s on our minds. Our minds are enormously powerful.

      If you desire to become a success, then you need to start with the basis. And that is your own mind.

      Our journey continues in a very cozy place named Foros. It is buried in abundant verdure of exotic plants. Picturesque ponds are interconnected by numerous little waterfalls. The local air, water and nature are salubrious. It’s the best place for any start, and it’s perfect for studying the process of generating thoughts.

      Let’s try to feel as one with this breathtaking scenery. Look, there is Fedor Shalyapin’s favorite arbor! Let’s take a seat inside and relax a bit, admiring the amazing view. Now, listen and try to understand all the new information I’ve got for you.

      How many thoughts are there in your head? There’s a whole lot, isn’t there? The millions of images your life consists of have been created in your mind. Each small thought matters, to say nothing of the whole rows of thoughts! 65 thoughts are born in your mind every second: they are little fragments of thoughts and the deep, profound ones.

      Every thought possesses great power, despite its size. It imprints on your subconscious mind. With the help of all these imprints your mind creates your own reality.

      Let us call our thoughts seeds, soon you’ll see why. Take a look around. What do you see? Almost two hundred kinds of exotic plants grow here: palms, fir-trees, magnolias among them. There’s also a forest further up, which had appeared long before this park did. Most of these plants sprung from small seeds. Seeds absorb water and begin to swell as they get into soil. This uptake nourishes the bud and it sprouts. The amount of water required for this process differs from one plant to another. For example, magnolia seeds need more water than gerbera seeds do. Just imagine millions of plants sprout from just one little seed! Flowers, vegetables, fruit and gigantic trees grow the same way.

      Thoughts are just like seeds planted in a bed of rich soil of your mind.

      Once in your mind, the seeds start to feed on your energy, which is like water for plants. It enables even a tiny thought to sprout and flourish, and one day turn it into a big tree.

      Plants grow everywhere: in forests, in fields, in hot deserts, on top of mountains, even in the Arctic! And despite their quantity, every one of them remains unique.

      We’re surrounded by gorgeous azaleas and magnolias, marvelous roses, fragrant fir-trees and pine-trees.

      They are all different: beautiful and unattractive, poisonous and harmless, strong and weak. There are also plants that grow where nothing seems to be able to survive.

      And every plant has its own time to bloom. Tulips choose early spring and mums prefer autumn which keeps the garden beautifully blooming and delightfully fragrant almost all year round.

      Lovely flowers and sharp thorns, dangerous predator plants and the exquisite Japanese cherry trees grow from tiny little seeds. Your thoughts are just like these seeds. And someday they will all become your harvest eventually.


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