Impossible is Nothing. Julia Belova

Impossible is Nothing - Julia Belova

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time you plant bad, evil seeds of thought. But if you sow thoughts of joy, goodwill and happiness, you reap a glorious harvest!

      Every seed requires time to grow. So, if you enjoy your life now, acting or thinking bad, that doesn’t mean it’s going to last long. It always takes time for any seed to sprout and flourish. It takes more than one day for flowers to bloom or for tomatoes to turn ripe. Everything happens in due time

      You’ll see your plants flourish in a while. And they will totally correspond to the seeds you’ve sowed. If you sow anger, envy, violence, then get ready to reap them.

      It becomes obvious and simple once you get the idea of seeds and plants, doesn’t it?

      The power of intention and thought can be seen easily if we turn to history. Those who had sowed seeds of destruction, were always at war struggling for power and wealth, making innocent people suffer. Chaos and wars were their harvest. There were also outstanding social figures, who gave people hope, faith and love, like Jesus and Buddha. You can find plenty of information on this topic if you search for it.

      When your mind works correctly, when the thoughts deposited in your mind are constructive and peaceful, then they will bring harmony, kindness and wisdom. If one plants melons, one gets melons.

      Your thoughts brought you into your present conditions. Good news is that your today’s thoughts and decisions determine your future!

      You control 100% of your thoughts and all your decision making. So if you want to make a change in your life and make your dreams come true, you must change the way you think today, starting right now.

      It’s fantastic, isn’t it?

      Let’s go down to the ponds, listen to the whispering of the waterfalls and enjoy the birds singing among the trees. You know, while pondering over the power of thoughts, I remembered the most important moments of my life. I used to judge people all the time. See the gardener cutting the bushes? Do you think he is happy? I think he is. Because he’s doing something he loves. He loves plants, likes taking care of them: cutting, watering, fertilizing. The gardener literally feels his plants taking care of them just like his own children.

      Just look at him, look at all the beautiful trees and flowers surrounding him! He also deserves credit for their beauty as he has put his thoughts into them! Those were thoughts of love, care, kindness and happiness. And now these delightful flowers bring so much joy to us. This place is perfect, isn’t it?

      Some people are happy and some are not, some love themselves, their businesses, their lives, and some don’t. I used to call those who didn’t enjoy themselves “loosers”, and there were also “the rich”, “the healthy”, “the sick” and so on. There were few people I approved of. Then I thought of the difference between the lives of all those people and my own life.

      It took me a long time to realize that my whole life depended on my attitude towards it. All my experiences, events, conditions and acts are produced by my mind in reaction to my own thoughts.

      Imagine that you have many friends, and you all enjoy riding bicycles and hanging out together. You all make fun of a boy next door, whose bike looks unhip. You keep picking on him because you think he’s not as cool as you are. But it’s only your point of view! Why would anyone decide he could judge a person just for being different? He is special in so many ways, just like you are! After all, your bikes can also seem unhip to someone else.

      Our thoughts are what make us so special. Thoughts are transformed into decisions followed by actions. That’s the way it works. Each of us is one of a kind!

      You are singularly responsible for your life, your health, your success at school and in future career, your relationship with family and friends, my dear. It all depends on you! I’m just trying to help you to find your way and your destiny, to discover your talents.

      All your experiences and the conditions you are in, good and bad ones, have been produced by your own mind in reaction to your thoughts. You may say that not everything depends on you because you’ve got parents, society, religion, conditions of life you can’t change. But I don’t want you to feel a victim of any circumstances you can’t influence. Because your mind is so much more powerful than you know. I want you to focus on the power you hold.

      If you dislike something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Your behavior is nothing but the cause and the consequence of your thoughts.

      Remember, your thought is like a sunflower seed which becomes a flower bearing hundreds of seeds. One seed produces hundreds!

      Your thoughts determine your life.

      Starting today, ask yourself the following questions every evening. Write them down in your diary or notepad to have them at hand anytime:

      What was my day like? Was there anything I could improve?

      What thoughts of mine could cause this?

      What can I do now to change the result I’m not happy with?

      What is my life going to be like in 2,5,10,30,50 years?

      Did I hurt anyone today? Did I make anyone happy?

      Did I help anyone today?

      What was my self-esteem like today?

      Did I do anything good for myself today?

      What makes me special?

      Would I want to have a friend like myself?

      Do I make decisions independently?

      What thoughts have crossed my mind today?

      Do I approve of myself?

      Take your time to think over and write down the answers. Nothing compares to work on self-improvement. It’s so essential that you take charge of your thoughts!

      Your thoughts and words possess great power. Mind what you think and say.

      We do learn to write and speak correctly at school, it is a part of compulsory curriculum, but that’s not what I mean. Unfortunately, there’s no such class as “The Power of Thoughts and Words”. What could it be about? It could help you to master your mighty mind.

      Everything you say represents your thoughts, even if it’s just a small phrase.

      Take a look at the greenery around us: it’s endless! Let’s walk along the picturesque ivy-wreathed archway. Ivy clings to the walls, fences and trunks of trees using its strong creeping roots. This plant is known to struggle for its own life so hard that it can destroy the weaker plants around it. It won’t give up. There’s no such notion as self-destruction for an ivy. It’s all different when it comes to people! We destroy ourselves in so many ways! Destructive thoughts, words, deeds lead to pain, desperation, envy, hatred and even illnesses! People prefer to think, see and hear only what they prefer.

      My dear child, listen carefully to everything you say. Say only good words talking only about good things. This way your life is sure to be filled only with happy events. Your words express your attitude towards life, the world you live in and people around you. But they can also tell a lot about yourself! Think before you say something. Learn to use the power of words wisely.

      If you’ve got a little time before going to bed, then I recommend you devote it to your thoughts. You can change your whole life in just one night.

      Adopt the new way of thinking about your future achievements.

      Tune your mind in to success.

      Pay no attention to what people say about it. Let them think what they like, set yourself free of any expectations. It would be wonderful to show them how powerful every mind is, by setting your own example. Use positive thinking

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