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place to sleep, so he entered the house to sleep there.
Sya y náhimbìŋ, dátapuwat naŋ naghàháti-ŋ-gabi nà ay 20nágisiŋ sya sa kàluskúsan naŋ maŋa dagàʾ. Aŋ ginawá nya y pinagsisipá nya at pinagdadagukàn aŋ maŋa dagàʾ úpaŋ kanya ŋ patayìn o kayà y palayásin. Dátapuwat aŋ maŋa dagàʾ ay dumámi naŋ dumámi haŋgàŋ sa napunòʾ aŋ kuwàrto at sya y kanilà ŋ pinagkakagàt.
He fell sound asleep, but at midnight he was awakened by the pattering of rats. He set about kicking and striking at the rats to kill them or drive them away. But the rats became more and more numerous until the room became full and they bit him and gnawed at him.
25Aŋ ginawá ni Hwàn ay kinúha nya aŋ kanya ŋ púsa ŋ itìm at sinábi nya ríto ŋ patain nyà aŋ maŋa dagàʾ. Aŋ púsàʾ ay ŋumiyàw at inumpisahàn aŋ paghábol sa maŋa dagàʾ. Malakì aŋ nagìŋ tákot naŋ maŋa dagàʾ, at aŋ maŋa hindí nápatay naŋ púsa ay nagsipagtakbò sa kaní-kanilà ŋ luŋgàʾ. Naŋ màkíta ni Hwàn 30na walá na ŋ nàtìtirà sa maŋa dagà kuŋ hindí dádalawa lámaŋ, ay pinapaghintú nya aŋ púsaʾ. Kanya ŋ hinúli aŋ dalawa ŋ dagàʾ at kanya ŋ inámoʾ at inakálà nya ŋ isáma rìn silà na gáya naŋ púsà sa kanya ŋ paglalakàd.
It was then that Juan took his black cat and told it to kill the rats. The cat miewed and began to chase the rats. Great fear seized the rats, and those that were not killed by the cat ran to their holes. When Juan saw that there were no rats left except only a single pair, he stopped the cat. He caught the two rats and petted them and decided to take them along on his journey, just like the cat.
Kinàbukásan ay ipinatúluy nya aŋ kanya ŋ paglalakàd. Inabútan 35sya naŋ gabè sa isa ŋ lugàr na wala ŋ báhay, kanyá aŋ ginawá nya y ipinatúluy nya aŋ paglalakàd papuntà sa isa ŋ báhay na árì naŋ isa ŋ matandàʾ. Nagkátaon namàn na aŋ matanda ŋ itò y isà ŋ eŋkantadòr. Pinatúluy nya si Hwàn at pinatúlog nya sa isa ŋ silìd. Si Hwàn ay natúlog naŋ walà ŋ paghihinálà 40naŋ anu màn.
On the next day he continued his journey. He was overtaken by night in a place where there were no houses, so he walked on toward a house owned by a certain old man. Now it happened that this old man was an enchanter. He took Juan in and gave him an alcove to sleep in. Juan went to sleep without suspecting anything.
Dátapuwat, naŋ mágisiŋ syà kinàbukásan, ay nàpagúlat sya at natákot naŋ màkíta nya ŋ sya y nàkùkulòŋ sa isa ŋ kahòn na walà ŋ bùkásan. Pinagsipá nya aŋ maŋa diŋdìŋ naŋ kahòn, dátapuwat walá sya ŋ magawàʾ, itò y hindí nya mabuksàn. Malakì aŋ kanya ŋ pagdadalamháteʾ at walá sya ŋ màláma ŋ gawìn, naŋ màalaála nya ŋ sya y may kasáma ŋ isà ŋ púsa at dalawà ŋ dagá sa kanya ŋ kùlúŋan. Kinúha nya aŋ dalawa ŋ dagàʾ, inamù-amú 5nya, at sinábi nya ŋ bumútas silà sa kahò ŋ kanila ŋ kinàkùkuluŋàn. Aŋ maŋa dagà ay nagumpisà naŋ pagkagàt sa tablà at untì-untí sila ŋ nakagawá naŋ húkay sa makapàl na tablà, haŋgàŋ sa itò y nabútas. Naŋ makabútas na silà ay bumalìk silà ŋ mulí kay Hwàn at si Hwàn namàn ay pinabútas silà ŋ mulìʾ sa 10dindìŋ naŋ kùlúŋan. Sa paguúlit-úlit naŋ kanila ŋ paggawá naŋ maŋa bútas, sa kalaúnan ay nakagawá silà naŋ isà ŋ malaki ŋ bútas, at si Hwàn ay nakawalàʾ.
However, when he woke up on the next day, he was surprised and frightened when he saw that he was locked up in a box without any opening. He kicked at the walls of the box, but was not able to do anything: he could not open it. Great was his despair, and he did not know what to do, when he remembered that he had a cat and two rats with him in his prison. He took the two rats, petted them, and told them to make a hole in the box in which they were confined. The rats began to gnaw at the boards, and gradually they succeeded in making a hole in the thick board, until it was pierced through. When they had pierced it, they returned to Juan, and Juan had them again pierce the wall of the prison. When they had made holes again and again, they finally succeeded in making a large opening, and Juan was able to escape.
Aŋ matandà ay hinánap ni Hwàn, dátapuwat itò y hindí nya màkíta káhit saàn. Kanyà ipinatúluy nyà aŋ pagwèʾ, at doòn naŋ 15dumatìŋ sya ay ipinamalítà nya aŋ malakì ŋ serbísyo na ginawá sa kanyà naŋ kanya ŋ tatlò ŋ kaybíga ŋ isà ŋ púsaʾ at dalawa ŋ dagàʾ.
Juan looked for the old man, but did not find him anywhere. So he continued on his way home, and when he arrived there, he told of the great service which had been done him by his three friends, a cat and two rats.
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