Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis. Leonard Bloomfield

Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis - Leonard Bloomfield

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To these questions the soul of Mariano answered: “When I was still on earth I often had masses said. Half of my wealth I gave to the Church for the saying of masses and the ringing of bells. The candles I offered up could not be drawn by three carabao, and as to getting married,” continued the soul, “I was married twice. I became a widower and married again.” 30“Áki ŋ ikinalúluŋkot aŋ hindí ko pagkaári ŋ papasúkin kità. Aŋ maŋa lóku ŋ gáya mo ay wala ŋ lugàr díto sa kahariyàn naŋ láŋit.” “I am very sorry that I am not able to let you in. There is no place for madmen like you in the Kingdom of Heaven.” At isinara nyà aŋ pintòʾ. And he closed the door.
23. Si Hwà ŋ baŋkéro.Table of Contents 23. Juan the canoer.Table of Contents
35Isa ŋ áraw isa ŋ Kastílaʾ ay napatátawìd kay Hwàn sa kanya ŋ baŋkàʾ sa ibáyo naŋ ílog. Aŋ Kastíla ŋ sakay nyà ay marúnuŋ magsalitá naŋ Tagálog. Kanyàʾ, naŋ silà y nàlàlayú na sa pasígan, ay nagumpisa syà naŋ pakikipagúsap kay Hwàn. One day a Spaniard was having Juan ferry him across the river in his canoe. The Spaniard, Juan’s fare, was able to speak Tagalog. Accordingly, while they were still far from shore, he began a conversation with Juan.
Aŋ Kastíla ŋ itò ay isa ŋ marúnoŋ na táo, sigúro ŋ isa ŋ 40gurù ŋ balítà sa Espánya, at itò y nàpagkìkilála sa pagsasalitá nya kay Hwàn tuŋkùl sa heyugrafíya, aritmétika, at iba t ibà ŋ wíkà sa Ewrúpa. This Spaniard was a learned man, no doubt a famous scholar in Spain, and this showed itself in his discourse to Juan regarding geography, arithmetic, and various languages of Europe.
Naŋ matápus aŋ kanya ŋ pagsasalitàʾ, ay nagtanùŋ syà kay Hwàn naŋ ganitò: “Ikàw ba y nagáral naŋ hewgrafíya?” When his discourse was ended, he asked Juan: “Have you studied geography?”
5“Hindí pòʾ,” aŋ sagòt ni Hwàn—at katunáya y uwalà ŋ mwàŋ si Hwàn, sapagkàt sya y lumakì sa hírap at sa gayò y panày na pagtatrabáho lámaŋ aŋ pinagdàdaanan nyà ŋ búhay. “No, sir,” answered Juan—and in truth, Juan had no education, for he had grown up in poverty, so that his life at all times was nothing but ceaseless work.
Aŋ Kastílà ay nàpagúlat sa sagòt ni Hwàn at sinábe niya ŋ agàd: “Dináramdam ko, kaybígan, aŋ hindí mu pagkáalam 10naŋ hewgrafíya, sapagkàt dáhil díto y pára ŋ nawalàʾ aŋ kalahátì naŋ iyo ŋ búhay.” The Spaniard was astonished at Juan’s answer and said at once: “I am sorry, friend, that you do not know geography, for in consequence half your life, as it were, is lost.”
Si Hwàn ay hindí kumibòʾ at patúluy dìn aŋ pagsagwàn. Juan did not utter a word, and kept on paddling.
Hindí nalaúnan at tumanùŋ namàn aŋ Kastílaʾ: “Nagáral ka bà naŋ aritmétika?” It was not long before the Spaniard again asked: “Have you studied arithmetic?”
15“Hindí pòʾ,” aŋ sagòt ni Hwàn. “No, sir,” answered Juan.
“Kuŋ gayòn, kaybígan, ay pára ŋ nawalá sa iyò aŋ ikápat na baháge naŋ iyo ŋ búhay.” “If that is the case, friend, a fourth of your life is lost to you, as it were.”
Si Hwàn ay natákot naŋ kauntìʾ, sapagkàt hindí nya màpagkúro aŋ íbig sabíhin naŋ Kastílaʾ. Juan became a little frightened, for he could not make out what the Spaniard was trying to say.
20Sinábi nya sa kanya ŋ saríli: “Kàwáwà ka, Hwàn, walá nà ŋ nàtìtirà naŋ iyu ŋ búhay, kuŋ hindí isa ŋ ikápat na partè lámaŋ.” He said to himself: “You poor fellow, Juan, only a fourth of your life is left now.”
Naŋ aŋ baŋká nila ay násàsa malálim na lugàr na naŋ ílog, at hábaŋ aŋ Kastílà namàn ay pinagkùkúro aŋ malakì ŋ kamaŋmaŋàn 25naŋ maŋa táo ŋ trabahadùr sa Filipínas, si Hwàn ay tumanùŋ naŋ ganitò sa kanya ŋ sakày: “Marúnoŋ pú ba kayo ŋ lumaŋòy?” When their canoe had got to a deep part of the river, and while the Spaniard was reflecting upon the great ignorance of the working people in the Philippines, Juan asked his passenger this question: “Do you know how to swim, sir?”
“Hindìʾ!” aŋ sagut agàd naŋ Kastílaʾ. “No,” answered the Spaniard at once.
“Kuŋ gayòn,” aŋ sagot ni Hwàn, “ay hindí lámaŋ pára 30kayù ŋ nawalàn naŋ boò ŋ inyo ŋ búhay, dátapwat nawalá na ŋà ŋ túnay.” “In that case,” answered Juan, “you have lost your whole life, not only as it were, but you have lost it in all truth.”
At sinabayàn nya itù naŋ pagtataòb naŋ baŋkà ŋ sinàsakyan nilà. Si Hwàn ay lumaŋùy sa pasígan at aŋ Kastílà namàn ay tinaŋày naŋ ágos. And while he spoke these words he tipped over the canoe they were riding in. Juan swam to the shore, but the Spaniard was carried away by the stream.
3524. Aŋ kabàítan sa maŋa háyop.Table of Contents 24. Kindness to animals.Table of Contents
Isà ŋ gabì ŋ madilìm ay naglálakad si Hwàn sa maŋa kaparáŋa ŋ malaláyoʾ sa maŋa báyan. Sya y patúŋo sa kanya ŋ báyan. Bágu sya makaratìŋ díto ay kinàkayiláŋa ŋ magdaàn sya sa maŋa ilàŋ na lugàr. 40Isa ŋ gabì na sya y naglálakad sa ganitò ŋ lugàr biglá sya ŋ nàpagúlat sa pagdatìŋ naŋ isa ŋ púsa ŋ itìm na humúni at kinámot aŋ kanya ŋ paà. Aŋ ginawá nya y úbus-lakàs nya ŋ sinípa aŋ púsaʾ, at itò y nàpahitsà naŋ maláyoʾ. Ipinatúluy nya aŋ paglalakàd, dátapuwat hindí nalaúnan at nagbalìk na namàn 5sa kanyà aŋ púsaʾ. Lálu ŋ lumakì aŋ kanya ŋ gálit at sinípà nya ŋ mulìʾ aŋ púsaʾ. Inakálà nya ŋ aŋ púsa ŋ iyòn ay isà ŋ laruwàn naŋ tyának o asuwàŋ. Ipinatúluy nya aŋ paglákad. Hindí naluwatàn at aŋ púsa ŋ itèm ay nagbalìk na mulí sa kanyà. Ŋayòn, sa lugàr naŋ sipáin nya aŋ púsaʾ, itò y hinawákan nyà 10at dinala nyà sa kanya ŋ bisìg, kanya ŋ hinagòd, at pinagtátapìk, at sinábi nya sa púsaʾ: “Mabaìt na púsàʾ, anò aŋ gusto mò? Sàsáma ka ba sa áki ŋ paglalakàd?” at ipinatúluy nyà aŋ kanyà ŋ paglákad. One dark night Juan was walking in some forests far from any towns. He was on his way to his home town. Before he could arrive there, he had to pass through some uncanny places. One night, when he was walking in such a place, he was suddenly startled by the arrival of a black cat which purred and scratched at his leg. What he did was to kick the cat with all his might, and it was tossed a good distance. He kept on walking, but it was not long before the cat came back to him. His anger greatly increased, and he kicked the cat again. He thought that this cat was the plaything of some goblin or vampire. He kept on walking. It was not long before the black cat again came back to him. This time, instead of kicking the cat, he took hold of it, lifted it up on his arm, stroked it and
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