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gave him much service. At night the monkey spread out his sleeping-mat for him; in the morning it handed him his water for washing, and whatever order he gave was obeyed by the monkey.
Gabì-gabì aŋ uŋgu ŋ itò y natùtúlog sa ilálim naŋ kátri ŋ tinùtulúgan naŋ kanya ŋ paŋinoòn. Itò y hindí gustò naŋ kanya 40ŋ paŋinoòn, sapagkàt, dahilàn sa kanya ŋ malakì ŋ kabuluhàn, ay íbig ni Andrès na syà y bigyàn naŋ isa ŋ mabúte ŋ lugàr na tulugàn. Dátapuwat, káhit na gánu ŋ pagpílit aŋ gawìn ni Andrès, ay hindí nya mapatúlog sa ibà ŋ lugàr aŋ kanya ŋ alíla ŋ uŋgòʾ.
Every night this monkey slept underneath the bedstead on which its master slept. This was not pleasing to the latter, for owing to its great value, Andrés wanted to give it a good place to sleep in. However, no matter what efforts Andrés made to force it, his pet monkey could not be brought to sleep in any other place.
Siy Andrès ay isa ŋ táwu ŋ may tákot at pagíbig sa Dyòs. 5Kanyá gabi-gabì bágu sya matúlog ay nagkúkurus syà at tumàtáwag sya sa Dyòs. Sa óras naŋ kanya ŋ paghigà gabi-gabì ay dinàratnan nà nyà na nása ilálim naŋ kanya ŋ kátri aŋ uŋgòʾ. Mínsan màn ay hindí sya náuna sa paghigàʾ sa uŋgu ŋ itò.
Andrés was a man who feared and loved God. Therefore, every night, before he went to sleep, he made the Sign of the Cross and called upon God. At his bed-time every night he found that his monkey was already under his bedstead. Not once did he get ahead of the monkey in going to bed.
Isa ŋ áraw aŋ párì sa báyan ay dumálaw kay Andrès sa 10kanya ŋ báhay. Pagkaraàn naŋ ilà ŋ sandalì ŋ pagsasàlitáan ay ibinalítà niy Andrès sa páreʾ na sya y máy-roo ŋ isà ŋ alíla ŋ uŋgò na lubhà ŋ malakì aŋ kabuluhàn, sapagkàt sya y pinagsìsilbihà ŋ mabúte, at káhit na anò aŋ iyútos nya ay sinúsunod, at sinábi pa nyà ŋ masípag pa káy sa maŋa iba nyà ŋ alílaʾ aŋ uŋgo 15ŋ iyòn.
One day the priest of the town visited Andrés in his house. After some time had elapsed in conversation, Andrés told the priest that he had a pet monkey which was very useful, because it served him well and obeyed his every command, and he also said that this monkey was more diligent than his other servants.
Malakì aŋ nagìŋ pagtatakà naŋ páreʾ, at hiniliŋ nyà ŋ ipakíta sa kanyà aŋ uŋgò ŋ iyòn. Kanyá tináwag ny Andrès aŋ uŋgòʾ. Hindí gáya naŋ dáti, na sa isà ŋ táwag lámaŋ niy Andrès ay lumàlápit agad-agàd aŋ uŋgòʾ, ŋayòn makása-m-pu ŋ táwag 20nà ay walá pa syà. Siy Andrès ay nagálit, nagtindìg, at hinánap nya sa maŋa sulok-sulòk naŋ báhay aŋ uŋgòʾ.
The priest was much surprised and asked that the monkey be shown to him. So Andrés called the monkey. Usually the monkey came at once at a single call by Andrés, but on this occasion it did not appear even when he had called ten times. Andrés got angry, arose, and looked for the monkey in the nooks and corners of the house.
Ito y nàkíta nya sa isa ŋ súlok at nakakápit na mabúte sa isa ŋ halíge. Tináwag nya at kanya ŋ pinaáalis sa súlok, dátapuwat aŋ uŋgò y áyaw umalìs doòn, káhit na anò aŋ gawìn sa 25kanyà. Dáhil díto ay tináwag nya aŋ páreʾ, úpaŋ itò y doòn tiŋnàn sa súlok aŋ alílà nya ŋ uŋgòʾ.
He found it in a corner, clinging tightly to a post. He called it and tried to get it out of the corner, but the monkey would not come away, no matter what Andrés did to it. Therefore he called the priest to look at his pet monkey there in the corner.
Pagkálapit naŋ páreʾ aŋ uŋgò y kuminìg sa tákot. Nagkaroòn naŋ hinálà aŋ párèʾ na aŋ uŋgù ŋ iyòn ay isà ŋ dimónyo. Kanyàʾ aŋ ginawá nya y nagkurùs sya at pagkabendisyòn nya naŋ kauntì 30ŋ túbig ay niwisikàn nya aŋ uŋgòʾ.
At the approach of the priest the monkey trembled with fear. The priest conceived the suspicion that this monkey was an evil spirit. So he made the Sign of the Cross, and blessing a little water, sprinkled it over the monkey.
Pagdápoʾ sa katawàn nitò naŋ túbig ay pumutòk na pára ŋ isa ŋ barìl, at sa lugàr naŋ uŋgòʾ ay walá silà ŋ nàkíta kuŋ hindí asu lámaŋ na agàd nawalàʾ.
When the water struck the latter’s body, there was a report like that of a gun, and in the place of the monkey they saw only some smoke, which soon disappeared.
Pagkaraàn nitò siniyásat naŋ páre si Andrès tuŋkùl sa kanya 35ŋ paniniwála sa Diyòs. Sinábi ny Andrès na hindí nabàbágo aŋ matíbay nya ŋ paniniwálaʾ at gabi-gabì nagdádasal syà bágo matúlog. Siniyásat dìn naŋ páreʾ kuŋ saàn tumùtúlog aŋ uŋgòʾ. Sinábe ni Andrès na itò y tumúlog gabi-gabì sa ilàlim naŋ kanyà ŋ kátri ŋ tulugàn.
Thereupon the priest questioned Andrés concerning his faith in God. Andrés said that his firm faith had not changed and that he prayed every night before going to sleep. The priest then asked where the monkey used to sleep. Andrés answered that it slept every night under his bedstead.
40Pagkaraàn nitò y ipinakilála sa kanyà naŋ páreʾ na aŋ uŋgù ŋ iyòn ay isà ŋ dimónyo na umáabàŋ sa kanyà, at kuŋ syà y sumála naŋ pagtáwag sa Diyòs bágu matúlog, sa gabì di ŋ iyòn ay ihùhúlug sya naŋ dimónyo sa infyèrno.
Thereupon the priest informed him that this monkey was an evil spirit which had been lying in wait for him, and that if he had ever failed to call upon God before he went to sleep, on that very night the evil spirit would have thrown him into Hell.
Si Pédro ay isà ŋ matápaŋ na laláke. Paráti sya ŋ nakárinig naŋ maŋa kwènto tuŋkùl sa asuwàŋ, duwèndi, maŋkukúlam, at maŋà matandá sa punsò, dátapuwat aŋ ipinagtátakà ni Pédro 5ay kuŋ bákit hindí sya makátagpo nì káhit isà naŋ maŋà bágay na itò. Íbig niya ŋ makàkíta naŋ isa man lámaŋ sa kanilà, úpaŋ màláman nya kuŋ túnay ŋàʾ na silà y máy-roo ŋ maŋa kapaŋyaríha ŋ hindí karanyúwan sa karamíhan naŋ táo.
Pedro was a brave man. He had often heard stories about vampires, dwarves, sorcerers, and old men of the ant-hill, but what made Pedro wonder was why he had never chanced to meet even a single one of these creatures. He wanted to get a sight of at least one of them, so that he might know whether it was true that they had powers not common to most persons.
Sya y naglálakàd na isa ŋ gabì sa isà ŋ lugàr na madilìm 10at pinagkàkatakutàn, sapagkàt díto y marámi ŋ nakàkíta naŋ matandá sa punsò.
One night he walked about in a dark and haunted place, because he had heard that many people had there seen an old man of the ant-hill.
Aŋ tabáko naŋ matanda ŋ itò y nakatàtákot aŋ lakì, at kuŋ itò y hititin nyà aŋ liwánag na naŋyàyári ay pára ŋ liwánag naŋ isà ŋ sigàʾ.
The cigar of such an old man is of terrifying size, and when he draws at it, the light given forth is like the light of a bonfire.
15Sa gabi ŋ iyòn sa kanyà ŋ paglalakàd maláyù pa syà y nakàkíta na syà naŋ isà ŋ liyàb. Aŋ buhuk nyà y nagsitindìg at inakálà nya ŋ bumalìk, dátapuwat nàpigílan nya aŋ kanyà ŋ tákot at ipinatúloy din nyà aŋ kanya ŋ paglákad.
On this night he had gone some distance on his ramble, when he saw a flare of light. His hair stood on end and he thought of going back, but he overcame his fear and continued on his walk.
Sya y sinalúboŋ naŋ nagtàtabáko. Pagkálapit nya y inanínaw 20nya aŋ katawàn naŋ matandà Скачать книгу