Naŋ mapútul na nya ŋ lahàt aŋ buhòk naŋ Intsèk ay malakì 5aŋ nagìŋ pagkámaŋhà naŋ nagsìsipanoòd, sapagkàt aŋ buhòk naŋ Intsèk ay pára ŋ ginupìt naŋ guntìŋ naŋ isa ŋ bihasà ŋ barbéro. Aŋ Intsìk namàn, naŋ màkíta nya sa salamìn na wala ŋ súgat aŋ kanya ŋ úlo, ay malaki rìn aŋ nagìŋ pagkámaŋhàʾ, at hindí mapatìd aŋ pagpúri nya sa galìŋ ni Hwàn sa paggámit naŋ daràs.
When the Chinaman’s hair was completely cut, the onlookers were greatly astonished, for the Chinaman’s hair was as if cut by the shears of a skilful barber. The Chinaman too, when he saw in the looking-glass that his head was unhurt, was greatly astonished and did not stop praising Juan’s skill in the use of the daras.
1016. Isa ŋ táo ŋ may birtùd naŋ usà.Table of Contents
16. A man who had the power of a deer.Table of Contents
Mínsan sa isa ŋ báyan sa kapuluà-ŋ-Filipínas ay náhayàg aŋ paŋálan naŋ isa ŋ táo sa kanya ŋ maŋa kababáyan at maŋa kápit-báyan, dahilàn sa hindí karanyúwa ŋ lakàs nya sa pagtakbò at pagluksò.
In a certain town in the Philippine Islands there once became celebrated the name of a certain man, both among his fellow-townsmen and the people of the neighboring towns, on account of his unusual strength in running and jumping.
15Sya y isa ŋ táo ŋ hindí mayábaŋ, dátapuwat may kauntì ŋ talíno sa paghahánap at gayon dìn may kauntì ŋ tápaŋ. Aŋ kanya ŋ hindí karanyúwa ŋ kapaláran ay hindí nya ipinagmayabàŋ ní hindí nya ipinagkayilàʾ kuŋ anò aŋ pinaŋgàgalíŋan naŋ kanyà ŋ dí karanyúwa ŋ lakàs. Sinábi nya sa maŋà mapagusísaʾ 20na aŋ pinaŋgàgalíŋan naŋ kanya ŋ lakàs ay aŋ aŋkìn niya ŋ birtùd naŋ usà. Hindí nya sinábe kuŋ papáno aŋ pagkápasa kanyà naŋ birtùd na iyòn, dátapuwat siya y hindí marámot sa pagbibigày-loòb úpaŋ ikatúluŋ niya sa maŋà kakilála o hindìʾ aŋ kanya ŋ lakàs.
He was not a proud man, but he had some astuteness in money matters and also some courage. He did not let his rare good fortune make him proud, nor did he lie about the source of his unusual strength. He told those who were curious that the source of his strength was the power of the deer which he had made his own.
He did not tell how this power had come into his possession, but he was not stingy about doing favors by helping with his strength both friends and strangers.
25Sya y may pagíbig na yumáman, gáya naŋ karamíhan naŋ táo, at díto nya ginámit aŋ kanya ŋ lakàs. Paráti sya ŋ nakìkipagtakbúhan, at aŋ maŋa takbúha ŋ itò y lágì na ŋ pinagkatalunàn naŋ marámi ŋ salapèʾ. Sya ay lágì na ŋ may malakì ŋ pustà. Walá sya ŋ itináŋì na pinakìkipagtakbuhàn. Kuŋ mìnsan 30nakìkipagtakbúhan sya sa kápwa táo, kuŋ mínsan ay sa kabáyo, sa áso, at sa iba pà ŋ háyop na matúli ŋ tumakbò.
Like most people, he wanted to get rich, and it was toward this end that he used his strength. He often entered into races, and these races were always means of winning much money. He always made large bets. He refused no one that wanted to race with him. Sometimes he ran races with people, sometimes with horses, with dogs, and with other animals that are fast at running.
Pagkaraàn naŋ ila ŋ áraw ay dumámi aŋ naípon nya ŋ salapìʾ na pinanalúnan sa pustáhan. Gayon dìn aŋ kanya ŋ maŋa kaybígan na nagsipustà sa kanyà ay nagkaroòn naŋ marámi ŋ kwàlta. 35Naŋ màpagaláman naŋ maŋa táo na syà y may birtùd naŋ usà ay hindí na sya íbig labánan sa takbúhan. Dáhil díto y úpaŋ hwag máhintoʾ aŋ kanya ŋ pananálo at pagkíta naŋ kwaltà, ay nagbíbigay syà naŋ malalakì ŋ palúgit sa kanya ŋ kinàkalában. Dáhil sa kalakhàn naŋ maŋa palúgit na ibinigay nyà ay marámi 40rì ŋ táo ŋ lumában sa kanyà. Dátapuwat tuwí nà y sya aŋ nagìŋ mànanalò. Gayon dìn sa maŋa pakikipagluksúhan paráti nà ŋ syà aŋ nanànálo.
After a few days the money he had won in bets made up a large sum. His friends also, who had bet on him, got much money. When people came to know that he had the power of a deer, they did not want to run against him. Therefore, so as not to stop winning and making money, he gave large handicaps to his opponents. The handicaps which he gave were so great that many people contended with him. Still he always came out the winner. In jumping-matches also he was always victorious.
Dátapuwat, kuŋ malaki màn aŋ kabutíha ŋ nàkamtan nyà sa birtùd na ytò, ay máy-ron dì ŋ ilà ŋ kahirápan na nàkamtan 5nyà dahilan díto. Dahilan dìn sa kahirápa ŋ itò ay hindí nya natagalà ŋ aŋkinìn hábaŋ búhay nya aŋ birtùd na iyòn. Dahilàn sa birtùd na iyòn sya y nagìŋ lubhà ŋ magugulatìn. Aŋ maŋa kalabòg, íŋay, at tahòl naŋ áso kuŋ gabì ay hindí nagpatúlug sa kanyà. Dahilàn sa maŋa íŋay na yitò, kuŋ natùtúlug sya ay 10palági ŋ nàpàpaluksò. Lálù na, kuŋ isa ŋ tahòl naŋ áso, halimbáwaʾ, aŋ makàgísiŋ sa kanyà, sya y nàpàpaluksò naŋ lubhà ŋ mataàs sa kanyà ŋ hihigàn, at bágo sya pagsa-ulàn naŋ saríle, ay nagtàtatakbò na syà. Sa pagluksu nyà ŋ itò na hindí sinásadyaʾ ay walá sya ŋ nagígiŋ pagiíŋat at karanyúwa y umáabot 15syà sa ituktòk naŋ bubuŋàn, at sa kababáan nitò y lági ŋ nalálamog aŋ kanya ŋ katawàn o kayà y nagkàkabúkul syà sa úlo, dahilàn sa pagkáhampas nyà sa bubuŋàn. Gayon dìn sa kanya ŋ hindí sinásadya ŋ pagtakbò pagkágisiŋ nyà dahilàn sa pagkàgúlat, ay nagkàkaumpòg-umpòg aŋ boò ŋ katawan nyà sa maŋa 20dindìŋ naŋ kanya ŋ báhay.
However, though the advantages which he gained through this power were great, yet there were also some disadvantages which he obtained through it. On account of these disadvantages he did not manage to keep this power as his own through all his life. Through this power he had become very nervous. The sounds of falling bodies, noises, and the barking of dogs at night, did not allow him to sleep. These noises often made him start up with a jump from his sleep. Especially when the barking of a dog, for instance, woke him up, he jumped high up from his bed, and before he recovered his wits he was running at full speed. He could exercise no care about his involuntary jumping up and usually went way up to the ceiling, and, since this was low, his body got full of bruises and his head full of bumps from striking against the ceiling. Likewise in his unintentional running whenever he woke up with a start, his whole body got knocked again and again against the walls of his house.
Itò y isà ŋ mahírap na tìísin, at inakálà nya ŋ hindí sya mabùbúhay nà ŋ malwàt dahilàn sa hindí pagkàkatúlog kuŋ gabì. Kanyá inakálà nya ŋ itápon aŋ birtùd na ytò pagkaraàn naŋ ilà ŋ áraw. Naŋ sumápit aŋ ikapitù ŋ áraw naŋ kanya ŋ pagaáreʾ 25sa birtùd ay sya y lubhà ŋ hirap nà at inakálà nya ŋ sya y mamámatay nà sa hírap. Aŋ úlu nya ay bukulàn. Aŋ mukhá nya ay marámi ŋ pasàʾ at káhit na hindí sya nabalían naŋ butò, aŋ maŋa lamàn namàn nya ay lubhà ŋ lamòg.
This was hard to bear, and he thought that he should not live long, what with not sleeping of nights. Therefore he decided to get rid of this power in a few days. When the seventh day of his possession of the power came, he was very sore and thought he should die of soreness. His head was covered with bumps. His face was full of black and blue marks, and though he had broken no bones, his muscles were badly bruised.
Dáhil díto y walà ŋ kibú sya ŋ naparoòn sa isa ŋ páraŋ at 30itinápon nya doòn aŋ birtùd na nàpúlut nya, yámaŋ marámi na rìn lámaŋ siya ŋ salapì ŋ pinanalúnan.
Therefore, without saying a word, he went to a forest and there abandoned the power which he had got hold of, seeing that he had already won much money.