Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis. Leonard Bloomfield

Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis - Leonard Bloomfield

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to follow his advice, because he thought that Patupat would accept his challenge about showing the people that there was neither a Hell nor a Purgatory and that these things were merely a device of the priests for getting money. Therefore he allowed himself to be overtaken by night in the house of a friend of his. Naŋ dumilim nà at aŋ báya y nagúgulo dahilàn sa paghahanàp 30naŋ maŋa gwàrdya-sibìl ay saká pa lámaŋ nya nàpagkilála aŋ malakì ŋ paŋánib na kanyà ŋ kinàbìbiŋítan. Sapagkàt itò y nàbalitáan nya agàd, kanyá nagkaroòn sya naŋ panahò ŋ makapagtágo sa isa ŋ líhim na súlok sa báhay naŋ kanya ŋ kaybígan. Not until it was dark and the town was upset with the searchings of the gendarmes did he recognize the great danger which he was incurring. Since he had heard of this at once, he had time to hide in a secret corner of his friend’s house. Naŋ makaraàn aŋ maŋa paghahanapàn sya y lumabàs sa 35kanya ŋ taguàn, umwí sya, nagbalòt naŋ ilà ŋ damìt, nagpasiŋkàw naŋ isa ŋ karumáta, at pagkakúha nya naŋ maŋa bála naŋ barìl, binitbìt nya aŋ barìl, sumakày sya sa karumáta, at napahatìd sa labàs naŋ báyan. Pagkaraàn naŋ ila ŋ áraw ay namundok syà, kasáma naŋ ilà ŋ maŋa táo-ŋ-báyan na hindí makatirà sa loòb 40naŋ báyan, sapagkàt nàkagalítan sila naŋ kúra o naŋ iba pà ŋ Kastíla ŋ may katuŋkúlan sa báyan. When the house-searchings were over, he went out from his hiding place, went home, wrapped up some clothes, had a wagon hitched up, and, taking some rifle-bullets, shouldered his gun, got into the wagon, and had himself driven out of town. After a few days he went to the mountains together with several townsmen who could not stay in the town because they had incurred the anger of the priest or of some other Spanish official of the town. Díto sa pamumundok nyà sya y inabútan naŋ paghihìmagsíkan lában sa maŋa Kastílaʾ naŋ taò ŋ isa ŋ líbo walo ŋ daàn walò ŋ pu t ánim. There, in his stay in the mountains, he was overtaken by the revolution against the Spaniards in the year 1886.
14. Si Maryáno at aŋ pári ŋ si Patúpat.Table of Contents 14. Mariano and the priest Patupat.Table of Contents
Si Maryáno ay isà sa íila ŋ botikáriyo sa báya-ŋ-San-Migèl. Sya y nagìŋ isà sa maŋa nasawi-ŋ-pálad dahilàn sa pagswày sa maŋa kautusàn naŋ kúra ŋ si Patúpat. Sya y may famíliya; 5bukòd sa asáwa ay may dalawà sya ŋ anàk, isà ŋ dadalawáhi ŋ taòn at isà ŋ kabàbágu ŋ paŋanàk pa lámaŋ. Mariano was one of the very few apothecaries in the town of San Miguel. He was one of the people who fell into misfortune through disobeying the orders of the priest Patupat. He had a family; beside his wife he had two children, one two years old and one new-born.
Isa ŋ áraw aŋ kanyà ŋ alíla ay nagkasakìt. Sya y may bayàw na médiko, kanyá aŋ alílaʾ ay ipinagamùt nya díto na walà ŋ báyad, at aŋ gamòt namàn ay ibinigày nya na walà ŋ báyad 10sa alílaʾ. Naŋ makaraàn aŋ ilà ŋ áraw ay gumalìŋ aŋ alílaʾ at itò y nagakála ŋ magpahiŋà ŋ sandalìʾ sa búkid. Kanyàʾ binayáran nya aŋ kanya ŋ útaŋ at napaálam sya kay Maryáno úpaŋ magtirà sa búkid. Hindí nalaúnan aŋ pagtitira nyà sa búkid at aŋ alíla ŋ itò y nagkasakìt na mulìʾ, at aŋ nagiŋ dúlo y aŋ kanya ŋ 15pagkamatày. One day his servant fell sick. He had a brother-in-law who was a doctor, so he had him treat the servant without charge, and he gave the servant medicine without charge. After some days the servant got well and decided to rest for a while in the country. Accordingly he paid his debt and took his leave of Mariano for a stay in the country. His stay in the country did not last long, before he fell sick anew, and the end was his death.
Sa Filipínas naŋ maŋa panahò ŋ yaòn ay hindí maàári ŋ huwàg pabendisyunàn aŋ isa ŋ patày bágo mábaòn. Itò y hindí ipinahìhintúlot naŋ maŋa kúra, dátapuwat aŋ pagsasáma na hindí kasàl naŋ isa ŋ babáye at laláki ay hindí nila masyádo ŋ pinápansìn, 20palibhása y gawá rin namàn nilà. In the Philippines in those days it was not allowable to bury a dead person without first having him blessed by a priest. The priests did not allow this, but they did not much mind the living together of a man and woman not married, for the reason that they did this themselves.
Aŋ patày na alílà ni Maryáno ay lubhà ŋ mahírap at aŋ kanyà ŋ maŋa kamagának ay mahihírap dìn at walà ŋ ikakáya ŋ magbáyad sa halagà na sinísiŋìl ni Patúpat. Dáhil díto y walà ŋ magpabaòn sa katawàn naŋ alílaʾ. The deceased servant of Mariano was very poor and his relatives also were poor and had not the means to pay the price demanded by Patupat. Thus there was no one to see to the burial of the servant’s body.
25Naŋ màláman itò ni Patúpat ay ipinatáwag nya si Maryáno at sinábi nya ŋ siyà aŋ dápat magpabaòn sa patày at siyà aŋ magbáyad naŋ gàstos. Sa akálà ni Maryáno ay lumálampàs aŋ kasalbahíhan ni Patúpat. Kanyá sinábi nya na hindi nyà sya bàbayáran sa pagbabaòn naŋ patày, káhit na anò aŋ maŋyáre. When Patupat learned this, he had Mariano called and said that it was his place to have the dead man buried and to pay the costs. In Mariano’s opinion Patupat’s insolence was getting beyond bounds. Therefore he said that he would not pay him for the burying of the dead man, no matter what happened.
30Si Patúpat ay sinubhàn naŋ gálit. Ipinabaòn niya aŋ patày at sa áraw di ŋ iyòn ay naparoòn sya sa hùkúman at ipinagsakdàl nya si Mariyáno úpaŋ pagbayáran siyà naŋ gàstos sa pagbebendisyòn sa patày. Patupat boiled with rage. He had the dead man buried and on the same day went to court and sued Mariano for the cost of blessing the dead man.
Naŋ dumatìŋ aŋ paghuhùkúman si Maryáno y naparoòn at 35naŋ itinanòŋ naŋ hukòm kuŋ anò aŋ íbig nya ŋ sabíhin tuŋkòl sa sakdàl na iyòn, ay sinábi nya itò ŋ sumúsunòd: When the session of the court came, Mariano was present, and when the judge asked what he had to say to this accusation, he spoke as follows:
“Ginoò ŋ Hwès, aŋ namatày na iyòn ay walá na sa áki ŋ kapaŋyaríhan, sapagkàt hindí ku nà sya alíla naŋ sya y namatày. Noo ŋ syà y máy sakit pa lámaŋ ay ipinagamòt ko syà ŋ wala ŋ 40báyad, at binigyàn ko syà ŋ wala ŋ báyad naŋ gamòt. Nagawá ku nà aŋ áki ŋ katuŋkúlan sa áki ŋ kápuwa táo at aŋ katuŋkúla ŋ iniyátas sa ákin ni Bathálaʾ. Isà sa maŋa katuŋkúlan naŋ maŋa párèʾ ay aŋ magpabaòn naŋ maŋa patày. Ŋayò ŋ aŋ táo ŋ iyòn ay patay nà, bákit namàn hindí magawá naŋ pári ŋ itò aŋ kanya ŋ katuŋkúlan na walà ŋ úpa, yámaŋ ito namàn ay hindí maŋyàyári kuŋ may káya aŋ maŋa kamagának naŋ namatày?” “Your Honor, this man who died was no longer in my care, for he was no longer my servant when he died. When he was still sick, I had him treated without charge and gave him medicine without charge. I have done my duty to my fellow-man and the duty placed upon me by the Lord. One of the duties of the priests is to provide burial for the dead. Now this man is dead, why cannot this priest do his duty without receiving pay, since even this would not happen, if the relatives of the deceased had means?”
5Pagkaraàn naŋ maŋa ilan pà ŋ maŋa tanòŋ naŋ hukòm sa kúra at kay Mariyáno ay tinápus nya aŋ paghuhùkúman, at ipinaháyag nya ŋ si Mariyáno ay nása katwíran at aŋ kúra y dápat magpasyènsya sa pagkábendisyon nyà naŋ patày na wala ŋ úpa. After asking some further questions of the priest and of Mariano, the judge closed the hearing and announced that Mariano was in the right and that the priest would have to put
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