Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis. Leonard Bloomfield

Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis - Leonard Bloomfield

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ganitò aŋ kalàgáyan nila, sila y maŋa táwo 35ŋ mababaìt, matahímik, at masisípag. The people of San Antonio in those years believed in ghosts, vampires, dwarves, and other objects of terror. Most of them had not been fortunate enough to get an education, but, in spite of this, they were kindly, quiet, and industrious people. Aŋ maŋa báhay sa báya ŋ itò ay maliliìt at nayàyárì naŋ páwid at kawáyan. Máy-roon dì ŋ ila ŋ báhay na tablà. Karamíhan ay nàtàtayò sa malalakì ŋ bakúran, at aŋ dulúhan naŋ bakúran ay nàtàtamnàn naŋ maŋa púno-ŋ-káhoy na masasaràp aŋ 40búŋa, gáya naŋ tsíko, súhaʾ, santòl, mabúlo, maŋgà, at iba pà. The houses in this town were built of nipa-fibre and bamboo. There were also some frame houses. Most of them stood in large enclosures, and the rear part of these yards was planted with trees that have tasty fruits, such as the custard-apple, grape-fruit, santol, mabolo, mango, and the like. Kasalukúya ŋ nagkàkahinòg aŋ maŋa búŋa-ŋ-káhuy na ytò naŋ lumagánap aŋ balíta na may-roòn nà ŋ ila ŋ gabì na nàmatáan naŋ ila ŋ babáe aŋ aswàŋ sa ibà t iba ŋ dulúhan. Aŋ maŋa báta at maŋa babáe ay siniglàn naŋ malakì ŋ tákot, kanyá pagkagàt 5naŋ dilìm ay agad-agàd silà ŋ nagsipanahímik sa loòb naŋ báhay. Karamíhan naŋ maŋa laláki ay naŋatákot dìn, dátapwat máy-roo ŋ ila ŋ nagsipagsábi na sila y hindí natàtákot, sapagkàt hindí pa sila nakátagpo naŋ aswàŋ, at sa ganitò y hindí nila nàlàláman kuŋ dápat katakútan aŋ aswàŋ. These fruits were just getting ripe, when the rumor spread that, for several nights back, some women had caught sight of the vampire in various back yards. The women and children were filled with great terror; accordingly, as soon as darkness came down, they staid still in their houses. Most of the men also were afraid, but there were some who said that they were not afraid, because they had not yet come across a vampire and therefore did not know whether it was really to be feared. 10Aŋ aswàŋ ay isa ŋ táo ŋ malakì aŋ kapaŋyaríhan. Nakapagìiba-t-ibà sya naŋ paŋaŋatawàn. Kuŋ mínsan ay may katawàn siya ŋ pára ŋ táo, dátapwat maitèm, kuŋ mínsan siya y isa ŋ malakì ŋ áso o báboy. Sya y naŋàŋáin naŋ táo, lálù nà naŋ maŋa bátaʾ. Dátapuwat aŋ lálo ŋ mahalagà nya ŋ pagkáin at 15sya rìn namàn nyà ŋ karanyúa ŋ kinàkáin ay aŋ báta ŋ hindí pa naipaŋáŋanàk at násàsa tiyàn pa lámaŋ naŋ kanya ŋ inà. Kanyá aŋ maŋa buntìs na babáye sa báya ŋ yaòn ay lálo ŋ malakì aŋ tákot. Hindí nila pinatúlog aŋ kanila ŋ asáwa sa pagbabantày sa kanila ŋ tabì. Aŋ aswàŋ ay mahírap mápatay naŋ patalìm o 20barìl, sapagkàt máy-roon sya ŋ íisa lámaŋ na lugàr na dápat màtamaàn o masugátan úpaŋ sya y mápatày, at aŋ lugàr na ytò ay lihìm. Aŋ bágay lámaŋ na kanya ŋ inìilágan ay aŋ báwaŋ. Kanyá itò y malakì ŋ kagamitàn sa pagpapaláyas naŋ aswàŋ. A vampire is a being of great power. It changes its body into various forms. At some times it has a body like a human being, but black, at others it is a large dog or pig. It eats people, especially children. But its favorite food, by far, and that which it most commonly eats, is the child yet unborn and still in its mother’s womb. Therefore the pregnant women in the town had great fear. They did not allow their husbands to sleep, for watching at their side. A vampire is hard to kill with knife or gun, because it has but one place which one must hit or wound in order to kill it, and this place is secret. The only thing it flees from is garlic, which therefore is much used in driving off vampires. Dátapwat isà ŋ bágay na nakapagtátakà sa aswàŋ na iyòn ay 25aŋ kanyà ŋ inugáli ŋ pagtitirà sa maŋa dulúhan naŋ bakúran. Katakà-takà rìn aŋ bágay na maŋa dalága aŋ karamíhan naŋ nagsipagsábi ŋ nàmatáan nilà sa dulúhan sa itaàs naŋ súhaʾ o iba pà ŋ púno-ŋ-káhoy aŋ aswàŋ na iyòn. Ila ŋ táo ŋ matalíno ay nagsábi ŋ aŋ bintàŋ nilà y isa ŋ magnanákaw at hindí aswàŋ aŋ 30pinagkàkatakutà ŋ iyòn. A surprising thing, however, about this vampire was its habit of keeping itself in back yards. Strange was also the fact that it was mostly young girls who said that they had caught sight of this vampire in back yards, up in grape-fruit trees and other trees. A few bold men said that they suspected that this spook was a thief and no vampire. Isa ŋ polìs na may hindí karanyúa ŋ tápaŋ ay siya ŋ tumiktìk sa aswàŋ na itò sa dulúha ŋ bágo ŋ kinakitáan sa kanyà. Pagdilìm ay nároon na syà sa kanya ŋ kublíhan. Hindí nalaúnan at dumatìŋ aŋ aswàŋ, umakyàt sa isa púno-ŋ-súhaʾ, at nárinig niya 35ŋ pumitàs naŋ marámi ŋ búŋa. Itò y bumábaʾ at umalìs, dátapwat sya y sinundàn naŋ pulìs haŋgàŋ sa báhay na kanya ŋ pinasúkan. It was a certain policeman of more than usual courage who spied upon this vampire in a back yard in which it had recently been seen. When darkness came, he went to his hiding-place. It was not long before the vampire came and climbed on a grape-fruit tree, and he heard it picking many fruits. It came down and went away, but was followed by the policeman to a house which it entered. Malakì aŋ nagìŋ pagkàgúlat naŋ polìs, naŋ díto nàmálas nya ŋ aŋ kápwa nya polìs nabàbálot naŋ maitìm na kúmot, at aŋ 40súpot na itìm na punò naŋ súhaʾ ay kasalukúyan pa lámaŋ niya ŋ inilálapàg. Great was the surprise of the policeman, when he saw here his fellow policeman wrapped up in a black sheet and just putting down on the floor a black bag full of grape-fruit. Niyáyà nya sa munisípyo aŋ kápwa nya polìs, at doòn kinàbukásan ipinagsumbòŋ nyà sa presidènte. Aŋ polìs na nagaswaŋ-aswáŋan ay nábilaŋgò dahilàn sa sála ŋ pagnanákaw. He summoned his fellow policeman to the town hall and there on the next day accused him before the judge. The policeman who had played vampire was put in jail for the crime of theft.
10. Isà ŋ aswàŋ na nápatày.Table of Contents 10. A vampire that got killed.Table of Contents
Isà ŋ gabì sa isà ŋ báhay na pàŋaserahàn naŋ ilà ŋ maŋa 5nagsìsipagáral sa báya-ŋ-Malólos ay nárinig ko ŋ isinalaysày naŋ isà ŋ matandàʾ na may gúlaŋ na siyàm na pù ŋ taòn sa isà ŋ umpúkan aŋ sumúsunòd. One evening in a students’ boarding-house in the town of Malolos I heard an old man, ninety years of age, tell a company the following story:
Noò ŋ sya y bágo ŋ táwu pa lámaŋ ay sa búkid sya nagtítirà. Íilan lámaŋ silà ŋ magkakápit-báhay. Isa ŋ áraw ay namatayàn 10aŋ isa nyà ŋ kápit-báhay. Sa pagsunòd sa isa ŋ matandà ŋ kaugaliàn ay dumalo syà sa kápit-báhay na may hápis. When he was still a young unmarried man, he lived in the country. There were only a very few neighbors. One day there was a death in the house of a neighbor. Following an ancient custom, he went to the house of mourning.
Naŋ dumatìŋ sya doòn ay hindí nalaúnan at nàbalitáan nyà na may aswàŋ sa kanila ŋ lugàr. Syà ay may malakì at katutúbo ŋ gálit sa maŋa aswàŋ, kaniyá inakálà nya ŋ magbantày naŋ gabì 15ŋ iyòn. When he arrived there it was not long before he was told that there was a vampire in the place. He had a great and inherited hatred of vampires and therefore decided to watch that night.
Naŋ malálim nà aŋ gabì ay nanáog sya sa báhay at sa isa ŋ karitò ŋ dí maláyo sa báhay, doòn sya nahigàʾ. Kabilúgan naŋ bwàn naŋ gabi ŋ iyòn, kanyà malínaw aŋ pagkàkíta nya sa maŋa bágay sa palìgid-lígid. Walá sya ŋ nàmálas na màpaghìhinaláa 20ŋ isa ŋ aswàŋ, kanyá sya y natúlog. Late in the evening he left the house and in a wagon
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