Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis. Leonard Bloomfield

Tagalog Texts with Grammatical Analysis - Leonard Bloomfield

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to the last part of his sermon. Winíkà naŋ pári sa kanya ŋ sèrmon: “Magsísi kayò sa inyù ŋ maŋa kasalánan, malulupìt na táo. Masdàn ninyò aŋ maŋa súgat na hiníwa ninyù sa katawàn naŋ áti ŋ Mànanákop.” In his sermon the priest said: “Repent ye of your sins, cruel people! Behold the wounds which you struck in the body of our Savior!” Pagkárinig nitò ni Hwàn ay sya y siniglà ŋ mulí naŋ tákot, 35sapagkàt inakálà nya na siya y nàpàpagbintaŋàn. When Juan heard this, he was again filled with terror, for he thought that he had fallen under suspicion. Kanyàʾ aŋ ginawá nya ay umalìs sya sa ilálim naŋ pùlpito, hinaràp nya aŋ páreʾ, at sinábi nya: “Ámoŋ, hindí po kamì aŋ sumúgat sa táo ŋ iyàn. Naŋ sya y ilúlan sa ámi ŋ baŋkàʾ, ay sugatan nà sya antimáno.” Therefore, what he did was to come out from under the pulpit, face the priest, and say: “Father, we are not the ones who wounded this man! When he was loaded into our canoe he was already wounded.” 40Pagkawíkà nya nitò ay bumalìk sya sa ilálim naŋ pùlpito. Hindí pinansìn naŋ párìʾ aŋ maŋa nárinig nya ŋ salitàʾ, at ipinatúluy nya aŋ kanya ŋ sèrmon. When he had said this, he went back under the pulpit. The priest paid no attention to the speech he had heard, and went on with his sermon. “Dumatiŋ nà aŋ áraw na kayò ŋ maŋa makasalánan ay dápat magsipagsísi. Aŋ maŋa pintúan naŋ láŋit ay nábuksan nà sa pagkamatày naŋ áti ŋ Mànanákop, at káhit na sínu ŋ makasalánan ay makapàpásuk sa láŋit, kuŋ sila y magsipagsísi. Dátapwat, 5kuŋ hindí kayo magsipagsísi, ay màpàparusáhan kayò naŋ hírap na wala ŋ haŋgàn sa maŋa apùy sa infyèrno, dahilàn sa maŋa hírap na ipinasákit ninyò sa áti ŋ Mànanákop. Masdàn ninyò aŋ kanyà ŋ katawàn na pumàpáwis naŋ dugòʾ, aŋ kanya ŋ paà t kamày na nàpàpáko sa krùs, at aŋ kanyà ŋ maŋa súgat mulá sa 10paà haŋgàŋ úlo. Wala ŋ ibà ŋ nagpàpahírap sa kanyà at sumúgat sa kanyà ŋ mahàl na katawàn, kuŋ hindí kayò, maŋa táwo ŋ makasalánan, at, kuŋ hindí kayo magsipagsísi, ay mahùhúlug kayo sa infyèrno!” “The day has come now, when ye sinners must repent. The portals of Heaven are open now through the death of our Savior, and every sinner can enter Heaven, if he repent. But if ye do not repent, ye shall come to be punished with sufferings without end in the flames of Hell for the sufferings which ye caused our Savior to undergo. Behold His body sweating blood, His hands and feet nailed to the cross, and His wounds from head to feet. No one other caused Him to suffer and wounded His dear body, than you, ye sinners, and if ye do not repent, ye shall fall into Hell.” Si Hwàn ay hindí màpalagày, at inakálà nya na aŋ pári ay 15sinìsilakbuhàn naŋ gálit lában sa kanyà. Juan could not remain in his place, for he thought that the priest was overflowing with anger against him. Kanyàʾ hinarap nyà ŋ mulí aŋ páreʾ, at sinábi nya naŋ úbus-lakàs: “Ámoŋ, sinábi ko na pòʾ sa inyò kanína na hindí ako kasále ŋ sumúgat sa táo ŋ iyán, kanyá hwag pò ninyo akò ŋ ipadalà sa impyèrno.” So he again faced the priest and said, as loudly as he could: “Father, only a moment ago I told you that I had no part in wounding this man, so do not send me, sir, to Hell.” 20Aŋ pári ay siniglàn naŋ malakì ŋ gálit, kanyá sinábi nya sa maŋà nakíkinìg: “Anu ba kayò, maŋa uŋàs na táo? Walá baga ní isa sa inyò na makaháwak sa táo ŋ itò úpaŋ bigtihìn?” The priest was filled with great anger and said to the congregation: “What sort of people are you, foolish folk? Is there not one among you who can take hold of this fellow and choke him?” Pagkárinig nitò ni Hwàn ay tumakbo syà naŋ úbus-lakàs at sinagasáa ŋ walà ŋ patumaŋgà aŋ maŋa táo ŋ nàlùluhòd at umíiyàk 25sa pagsisísi naŋ kanilà ŋ kasalánan. Sinundan syà ni Pédro at silà ŋ dalawà ay nagtakbúhan naŋ wala ŋ hintò haŋgàŋ sa dumatìŋ sila sa kanila ŋ báyan. At doòn ay ipinamalítà nila aŋ bútas-karáyum na niligtasàn nilà. When Juan heard this, he ran with all his might, trampling without regard the people who were kneeling and weeping in repentance of their sins. He was followed by Pedro, and the two ran together, without stopping, until they reached their home town. And there they told the story of their narrow escape.
4. Aŋ kúbaʾ at aŋ bulàg.Table of Contents 4. The hunchback and the blindman.Table of Contents
30Isa ŋ kúbaʾ at isa ŋ bulàg ay matálik na magkaybígan. Kuŋ sila y naglálakàd aŋ kúbaʾ aŋ umàákay sa bulàg. Aŋ bulàg namàn ay syà ŋ pumápasàn sa kúbà kuŋ máy-roon silà ŋ mahírap na nilàlakáran, sapagkàt aŋ kúbaʾ ay mahínaʾ aŋ katawàn. A hunchback and a blindman were close friends. When they walked, the hunchback led the blindman; the blindman, on the other hand, carried the hunchback on his shoulders, when they had a hard road to travel, for the hunchback was weak of body.
Mínsan sila y nakáraàn naŋ isà ŋ púno-ŋ-nyòg. Íbig nila ŋ 35pumitàs naŋ búŋa, dátapuwat hindí nila màláman kuŋ síno sa kanilà ŋ dalawà aŋ áakyàt sa púnòʾ. Sinábi naŋ bulàg na hindí sya makaáakyàt, sapagkàt hindí nya màkìkíta kuŋ alìn aŋ pìpitasín, yámaŋ máy-roo ŋ maŋa múra ŋ búŋa. Aŋ kúbaʾ ay hindi rìn íbig umakyàt, dahilàn sa kanyà ŋ kahináan. Dátapuwat malakì aŋ pagkágusto nyà na kumáin naŋ nyòg. Kanyàʾ, sa katapusàn ay sinábi nya na siyà aŋ áakyàt. Once they came upon a cocoanut-tree. They wanted to pick some of the fruits, but they did not know which of the two of them should be the one to climb the tree. The blindman said that he should not be able to climb, because he should not be able to see which fruits to pick, since there were many unripe fruits. The hunchback also did not want to climb, on account of his weakness. However, he was very eager to eat of the cocoanuts, so, finally, he said to the blindman that he would do the climbing.
“Úpaŋ huwag kà ŋ mànakáwan naŋ maŋa ilálaglag kò ŋ búŋa, ay bìbiláŋin mo naŋ malakàs aŋ kalabùg sa lúpa naŋ maŋa 5búŋa na ilálaglag kò, úpaŋ áki ŋ matandaàn aŋ bílaŋ.” “To prevent your being robbed of the fruits which I shall throw down, do you count out loud the thud on the ground of the fruits as I drop them, so that I may keep track of the number.”
Aŋ kúba ay nagumpisà naŋ pagakyàt, dátapwat paŋaŋalahátì nya ay nahúlug syà. The hunchback began to climb, but when he was half-way up, he fell down.
“Isà!” aŋ sábi naŋ bulàg. “One!” said the blindman.
Sinábi sa kanyà naŋ kúbàʾ na siyà aŋ kumalabòg at hindí aŋ 10búŋa naŋ nyòg. The hunchback told him that it was he who had made the thud and not a cocoanut.
Umakyàt sya ulèʾ. Pagkaraàn naŋ ila ŋ sandalìʾ ay nahúlog ulí sya. He climbed again. After a few moments he took another fall.
“Dalawà!” isinigàw naŋ bulàg. “Two!” shouted the blindman.
Aŋ kúba ay nagálit, at sinábi nya sa bulàg na syà ay maúlit. The hunchback got angry and told the blindman that
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